


  • This paper first deals with the formation principle of the Multi-Raschel fabric and according to the three aspects like the fabric formation principles the tracery transitional form and fabric structure it systematically classify the Multi-Raschel fabric .

    本文首先论述了多梳拉舍尔服装面料的形成原理,并按照花边面料的形成原理、 花纹 之间的过渡方式以及花边面料的结构三方面,对多梳拉舍尔服装面料进行系统分类。

  • A checked flowery Paisley pattern decorated with wormlike tracery or markings .

    格子的、花卉的、佩斯利涡旋纹的图案用虫 花纹窗格子来装饰。

  • A narrow window having a lancet arch and without tracery .

    没有 窗饰只有一个尖拱顶的窄窗户。

  • Decorated with wormlike tracery or markings .

    用虫 花纹窗格子来装饰。

  • With many such examples in tracery the details we can find many design that everything will be stimulated to our creative power .

    有很多这样的例子,在 纹样的细节中,我们也能发现到很多设计 ,这一切都会刺激我们创作灵感的 兴奋

  • Fragile tracery that must be preserved unmutilated and distinct-b.n.cardozo .

    必须特别保护、不受损伤的脆弱 窗花格bn卡多佐。

  • Examples of traditional tracery planning to establish their own topic and choose to conform to the subject of the elements casting allows changing or in design and innovation and so on be reasonable in his own design .

    借鉴传统 纹样进行设计,要确立自己的主题,选择能符合自己主题的元素,通过造型改变,或在设计,材料的创新等等 手法,将其合理的 融入自己的设计中。

  • After c.1220 windows began to be subdivided by mullions or upright bars that continued at the head of the window to branch and form the patterns of bar tracery .

    约在1220年以后,开始用直棂或直棒把窗户分为细格,它们在窗户顶端出现分支,形成棂条 花格的图案。

  • The very walls are wrought into universal ornament encrusted with tracery and scooped into niches crowded with the statues of saints and martyrs .

    连墙壁上全都 布满了装饰,镶嵌着 线纹 格子,凿成一座一座壁龛,里面挤满了圣徒和殉道者的雕像。

  • Circular and filled with tracery .

    圆形的 窗饰 窗户

  • Tracery or an ornament with four foils or lobes .

    四叶饰有四片 叶子或裂片的 窗花 或装饰品。