trample on

[ˈtræmpəl ɑn][ˈtræmpl ɔn]


  • Trample on any of these rights and an American will raise an impressive stink usually by filing a lawsuit .

    一旦 践踏了上述任何权利,美国人就会大肆张扬,通常是通过诉讼。

  • Seeking to live on meant living and moral dilemma demonstrating utter neglect of and trample on humanity .

    求生即意味着生存困境与道德困境,表现 人性极大的忽视与 践踏

  • Don 't trample mud from your shoes on to the floor ; I 've just this minute swept it .

    不要 你鞋 的泥 在地板上,我刚才扫过地。

  • The legislation of euthanasia will incur the trample on human life since the murder of any type could be named as euthanasia conveniently by reckless ones .

    合法化了的安乐死会招致 人类生命的 践踏,因为任何形式的谋杀都会被肆无忌惮的人给方便地冠以“安乐死”的名义。

  • Investigation and Analysis on Man-caused Trample on the Greenbelt of the XiangShan Park

    人为 践踏 香山公园绿地的影响分析

  • Second some tourists trample grass to take photos and sculpture on trees to leave words .

    第二,一些游客 践踏草地采取树照片,雕塑离开的话。

  • The legislature should have supervised the government on behalf of the people but in fact it thought nothing about the interests of people and stood opposite to the people instead even trample on their rights and interests .

    立法院本应代表人民监督政府,而实际上它不仅不为人民利益着想,反而站在人民的对立面,甚至 践踏人民的权利和利益。

  • In Nagasaki Manjiro had to trample on an imageof the Virgin and child .

    不过,在长崎, 万次郎被迫用脚 踩踏一幅圣母和耶稣的画像。

  • Their feet will trample on the dead bodies of their perfidious aggressors .

    他们将从背信弃义的侵略者的尸体 踏过

  • The society propagated in ideological work regulates and analyses and includes : Trample important thought of Three Represents ' of the conduct in an all-round way insist on propagating fundamental interests representing the overwhelming majority of the people all the time of ideological work ;

    宣传思想工作中的社会调节分析包括:全面 践行三个代表重要思想, 坚持宣传思想工作的始终代表最广大人民的根本利益;

  • Tell those kids not to trample on my flowers !

    告诉那些孩子别 我的花!

  • For her own purpose she can trample on other people 's life !

    为了达到目的,不惜 践踏他人的生活!

  • Don 't trample on the flowers when you play in the garden .

    在花园里玩耍时,不要 花。

  • It will trample your heart and you 'll be bleeding on the floor .

    它可能会 蹂躏你的心,让你滴血。

  • Deny that completely ignored the legitimate rights and interests of women have marital disregard and trample on the rights of women .

    否定说完全忽视妇女在婚内拥有的合法权益,是 妇女权利的漠视和 践踏

  • Someone will try to pay you out if you trample too much on the feelings of other .

    你再去 践踏别人的感情,有人会报复你。

  • Please don 't trample on the azaleas

    请勿 踩踏杜鹃花。

  • Let it serve to trample on .


  • Half the population trample on the rights of the other half .

    有一半人 侵犯另一半人的权利。

  • It has become worthless so it is thrown out and people trample on it .

    它已变得毫无价值,只得弃 户外, 随意 践踏

  • New methods for research of trample intensity on turf was studied since the currently used methods can not reflect the real situation .

    运动场草坪 践踏强度研究已经有 许多方法, 一种方法都不能全面地反映 践踏强度与实际操作之间的关系。

  • The sco should continue to stand as a staunch force of safeguarding the outcomes of the victory of wwii and allow no one to distort history and trample on peace .

    我们要继续做捍卫第二次世界大战胜利成果的坚定力量,绝不允许任何人歪曲历史、 践踏和平。

  • If he was drawn felt it necessary even to trample on received morality it 's equally certain that methods of oppression ( the police ) aroused his disgust too .

    假如他感觉到有必要被吸引到 践踏 所接受的道德,同样可以确定的是, 诸如警察 的压迫方法,也会引起他的厌恶。

  • When in use two feet are separated and the palms of the two feet trample on the ground panel ; the heels trample on the foot lug bosses ;

    使用时,两脚分开, 掌部 踩踏 地面板上,脚后跟部踩踏在脚蹲凸台上;

  • He could trample on them with ease .

    他便能 随心所欲 粗暴对待他们的。