track area

[træk ˈɛriə][træk ˈɛəriə]

[计] 磁道域

  • The Research into the Problem of Probable Track Area

    关于或然 航迹 问题的探讨

  • In our scheme we firstly track on the sensitive area using mean-shift tracking algorithm then encrypt it by an improved m-sequence transform and we get famous result .

    该算法首先用均值漂移跟踪算法对运动目标进行 跟踪,然后用改进的m序列变换对它加密,实验取得了很好的效果。

  • Security Risk Assessment of Track Area in Metro Construction

    地铁施工过程中 安全风险评估

  • This series is a high request of track and opening area to the sliding door .

    此系列是对 轨道或开启 面积有更高要求的推拉门。

  • Climatic Features of Sudden Changes of Tropical Cyclone Track over the Northern Area of South China Sea

    南海 北部热带 气旋 向突变的气候特征

  • Conclusion The pathological characteristics of seawater immersion following gunshot wounds of rabbit femoral arteries are obviously cellular and intercellular edema of arterial wall in primary wound track and contused area of completely transected artery .

    结论兔股动脉完全断裂伤合并海水浸泡时,其原发伤 和挫伤 的细胞、细胞间隙显著肿胀。

  • By using the saturated track model ( the damaging process only occur in the cylindrical track of area σ) the mean damage radii of tracks of the amorphization were calculated for Fe Xe and U ion irradiation .

    应用径迹饱和模型假设(损伤过程只发生在 面积为σ的柱形 径迹内),分别给出了Fe,Xe和U离子在不同电子能损下辐照聚碳酸酯时的平均非晶化径迹半径。

  • Experiments show that the system can create a digital map rapidly and display the combine track and the reaped area synchronously .

    本系统能快速生成待收割区域的数字地图,能实时显示联合收割机 行走 轨迹、产量波形曲线、产量分布图,实时显示收割 面积

  • Analysis of typhoon track in the area north of 35 ° n and west of 125 ° e

    进入35°N以北125°E 以西的台风 路径分析

  • Distribution Features of Track Irregularity in the Switch Area on the Qinhuangdao-Shenyang Dedicated Passenger Line

    秦沈客运专线道岔 轨道不平顺的分布特征

  • By means of simulation calculation the dispersion law and range have been obtained concerning the safety zone of launch area track area and target area .

    通过仿真,给出了导弹发射场、 航迹 和靶场的安全区散布规律和量值大小。

  • Basic concepts on visual angle position angle inside track area outside track area have been put forward .

    提出了视角、位置角、 轨迹 内、轨迹区外的基本概念;

  • Along with the rapid construction of the subways the subway construction has been spread to the surburbs ; the crossing projects of the new subway tunnel crossing railway track or railway turnout area are confronted more and more .

    随着我国地铁的迅速兴建,地铁修建蔓延至城郊,新建地铁穿越大铁路 股道、大铁路道岔 的穿越工程越来越多。

  • Three full sized multi-purpose gym courts surrounded by a four lane track complete cardiovascular area overlooking a4800 square foot weight room also a climbing wall and an aerobics room .

    学校修建了三个大型多功能室内运动场地,并且在周围有专业的环形 跑道。俯瞰下去, 面积足足达到了4800平方米!同时学校还修建了攀岩墙和有氧健身房。

  • The fabrication process of CRTS ⅰ slab ballastless track board in heavy cold area

    严寒 地区CRTSⅠ板式无砟 轨道板制造工艺

  • In this paper a dynamic model for a single particle movement in impinging stream was developed . The formulas of particle residence time and movement track length in different flow type area was deduced and a count example was given .

    建立了单一颗粒在对撞流中运动的动力学模型,推导了物料颗粒在不同流动状态中滞留时间及运动 轨迹长度的计算公式,并给出计算实例,最终得出颗粒在对撞 中的运动情况。

  • Primary analysis on Tectonic Implication of apatite fission track ages from eastern Dabie area China

    东大别 地区磷灰石裂变 径迹年龄的构造意义初析

  • Quick Treatment of Casualty Happening in Track Area in Metro Station

    地铁车站 伤亡事故的快速处置

  • The numerical experiment is performed and results show that the convective scheme is capable of better simulating the typhoon track and precipitation and it is better than that of Kuo scheme in typhoon track and precipitation area and convective heating profile .

    结果表明:Betts方案能较好的预报出台风移动的路径和降水过程,并在台风 路径、降水落 预报以及对流增温的垂直分布等方面都略优于Kuo方案的预报结果。

  • Use the Tasks list to keep track of work related to this area .

    使用任务列表可 跟踪与此 区域相关的工作。

  • Fission track method for large area exploration of uranium

    裂变 径迹法在大 面积铀矿普查中的应用研究

  • Construction technique for single track railway tunnel in saturated loess area

    饱和性 黄土 单线铁路隧道施工技术

  • This article adds up all the breakdowns that have appeared in using Wu San & 2000 A type rubber track combine harvesters in the native area analyses the general causes of them and has drawn some relative conclusions and suggestions .

    对五山-2000A型橡胶 履带式谷物联合收割机,在本 区域的使用中所出现的故障进行了统计和汇总,对故障的原因进行了初步分析,并得出了相关的结论和建议。

  • Optimization of Washing Track Arrangement of Throat Area in Metro Depot

    地铁车辆段咽喉 八字式洗车 线布置的优化

  • Based on the negative flower shaped structure and its relative structural movement track in Fangzheng area this paper suggests that Fangzheng Rift is a rifted basin formed by strike slip pull apart .

    本文通过对方正 地区所发现的负花状构造及其有关构造运动 形迹分析的基础上,进一步提出方正断陷是走滑&拉分形成的断陷盆地。

  • Oil Mixture Concentration Detection affects positioning accuracy of Leakage Detection and the result of Oil Mixture Area Track and Oil Mixture Area Cutting .

    其中,混油浓度监测关系到泄漏检测的定位精度,以及混油段 跟踪 油品切割的效果,也是影响我国成品油管道技术发展的关键。

  • The deadweight of pedrail crane is 150 tons . When it is hoisting it will track at a large area on the reinforcement floor slab . The largest hoisting weight is 39 tons .

    自重达150t的履带吊车在钢筋混凝土楼板面上进行大 面积 行走吊装作业,最大吊装重量达 39t

  • The Chinese have a track record in this area and the J-11 is apparently the best locally manufactured combat aircraft they have yet produced .

    中国在这一个 区域已经有了一个 记录,而且J-11显然是最好的本国制造的战斗机,它们已经在生产中。