tractus solitarius

[医] 孤束,呼吸束

  • BACKGROUND : The nucleus tractus solitarius ( NTS ) is one of the key relay stations of various visceral primary afferent information .

    背景: 脑干 是内脏痛信息 高位 中枢 传递的一个关键的中继站。

  • Effects of vasopressin and oxytocin in the nucleus tractus solitarius of rats on the VAGUS-PRESSOR response

    大鼠 核中的加压素与催产素对迷走加压反应的影响

  • The expression of c-fos in the nucleus of tractus solitarius ( NTS ) and back movement vagus ( DMV ) of the central bulb were determined by immunohistochemical method .

    用SP免疫组化法观察c-fos在 中枢 延髓 核(NTS)及迷走神经运动背 (DMV)中的表达。

  • Expression of c-fos Protein in the Nucleus of Tractus Solitarius and Dorsal Motor Nucleus of Vagus after Gastric Electric Stimulation in Rats

    胃电刺激诱导大鼠 延髓 和迷走神经运动背核c-fos蛋白表达

  • The role of neurotensin in hypothalamus on nucleus of tractus solitarius baroreceptor reflex in rats

    大鼠下丘脑注射神经降压素在 压力感受性反射中的作用

  • Purpose : To investigate the expression of c - Fos and Nos-1 in the spinal cord and Nucleus of tractus solitarius of the Wistar rats after neurolytic celiac plexus block with anhydrous alcohol .

    目的:通过免疫组化的方法研究无水酒精阻滞大鼠腹腔神经丛后脊髓和延髓 内CFos和NOS1的表达。

  • The direct projections from the nucleus tractus solitarius ( NTS ) and area postrema ( AP ) to the periaqueductal gray ( PAG ) were investigated in the rat by using tract-tracing techniques .

    应用神经 路追踪技术对大鼠 核(NTS)和最后区(AP)向中脑导水管周围灰质(PAG)的直接投射进行了观察。

  • Aim : To explore the role of histaminergic receptors in the nucleus tractus solitarius ( NTS ) in the responses of carotid baroreflex ( CBR ) performance to the intracerebroventricular ( ICV ) injection of histamine ( HA ) .

    目的:探讨 核(NTS)组胺(HA)受体在脑室注射(ICV)HA对颈动脉窦压力感受性反射(CBR)影响中的作用。

  • Distribution of substance P and calcitonin gene related peptide positive neurons in subnucleus of nucleus tractus solitarius in rat

    大鼠 核亚核内P物质和降钙素基因相关肽阳性神经元的分布

  • Effects of different antagonists on inhibitions and excitations of histamine on the spontaneous discharges of the nucleus tractus solitarius

    不同受体阻断剂对组胺抑制和 促进 核自发放电的影响

  • The ultrastructural changes of synapses in rat medial subnucleus of the nucleus of the tractus solitarius at different postnatal days : a quantitative analysis

    不同日龄大鼠 内侧亚核内突触超微结构变化的定量研究

  • Effects of the nucleus tractus solitarius injection of drugs on vagus pressor response

    核内注入 乙酰胆碱 胆碱 受体 阻断剂对迷走-加压反应的影响

  • The labeled cells were found mainly in the dorsal column nuclei nucleus raphe magnus reticular nuclei vestibular nuclei and nucleus of tractus solitarius .

    标记细胞主要见于后 、大中缝核、网状核、前庭核及 王喜莲 参加了本研究的 技术 工作

  • The Study of Fos and Nos-1 Like Protein Expression in Rat Spinal Cord and Nucleus of Tractus Solitarius after Neurolytic Celiac Plexus Block by Anhydrous Alcohol

    大鼠腹腔神经丛无水酒精阻滞后脊髓、 核C-FOS和 NOS-1表达情况的研究

  • The Respiratory Response to Histamine Applied by Microinjection into the Nucleus Tractus Solitarius Of Medulla Oblongata Beam Crystallizations

    延髓 核区微量注射组胺的呼吸效应

  • Excitatory effect of microinjection of coriaria lactone into the rabbit 's nucleus tractus solitarius region on respiration

    家兔 延髓 区徽 注射马桑内酯的呼吸兴奋作用

  • The direct projections from the nucleus tractus solitarius and area postrema to the periaqueductal gray in the rat

    大鼠 核和最后区向中脑导水管周围灰质的直接投射

  • The changes of p2x_4 receptor expression in nucleus of tractus solitarius and the dorsal horn of thoracic cord after visceral pain induced by acetic acid

    乙酸致内脏痛 及胸髓中P2X4受体表达的变化

  • The effects of microinjection sodium glutamate and glycine into ventrolateral nucleus of tractus solitarius ( VLNTS ) on hypothalamic arcuatus nucleus evoked potentials were observed .

    通过微量注射神经元胞体兴奋剂谷氨酸钠和神经元胞体抑制剂甘氨酸,改变 腹外侧区神经元 兴奋 活动,探讨对下丘脑弓状核诱发电位的影响及其可能的机制和意义。

  • The Structures and Functions of the Nucleus Tractus Solitarius


  • The nucleus tractus solitarius is the Y shape columnar nucleus that lies in dorsal medulla and encloses solitary tract .

    核是一个位于延髓背侧、包 于孤束 周围的Y字形柱状核团。

  • Objective To explore the effect of histamine H_3 receptors in nucleus tractus solitarius ( NTS ) on c-Fos expression in the brain of rats with asthma onset .

    目的:探讨大鼠 核(NTS)内组胺H3受体对哮喘发作时大脑Fos蛋白表达的影响及其意义。