


  • We have to go to the government patent office to register the new trademark .

    我们必须去政府专利局去登记新 商标

  • Effective protection was thus given to the lawful rights and interests of the registered trademark owners .

    有效地保护了 商标注册人的合法权益。

  • The abstraction of civil compensation responsibility system of trademark infringement in Trademark Law causes the difficulties in practice .

    我国商标法对 商标侵权民事赔偿责任机制的构建并非完善且较为原则化,增加了实践中操作的难度。

  • Do you handle cases of patent and trademark infringement ?

    你们受理专利和 商标侵权的案件吗?

  • A trademark is one form of copyright .


  • Every Brand name and trademark has a separate patent .

    所有商标和 商标名称均享有专利。

  • Change our company 's trademark ;

    更改我公司 商标

  • The Australian proposal may infringe international trademark and intellectual property laws the tobacco company said .

    这家烟草公司说,澳大利亚的提议可能侵犯了国际 商标和知识产权法。

  • Infringe any third party 's copyright trademark or other proprietary rights or right of publicity or privacy ;

    侵犯第三方的版权、 商标或其他所有权或公共或私有权;

  • This is a trademark statement .

    这是一条 商标语句。

  • This theory provides a new idea for trademark translation .

    对等原则为 商标的研究提供了新的思路。

  • 1888-George Eastman registers the trademark Kodak and receives a patent for his camera which uses roll film .

    1888年的今天,乔治·伊士曼注册了“柯达”的 商标,并且获得了他发明的使用胶卷的照相机的专利权。

  • Public perception plays a significant role in trademark law .

    公众的认知在 商标法中扮演着一个重要的角色。

  • A trademark protects titles or symbols associated with product .


  • Not protected by trademark or patent or copyright .

    没有受到 商标、专利或者版权的保护。

  • What 's the difference between a trademark and copyright ?


  • Under TRIPS 'counterfeit'is a trademark term covering a brand name or the shape or colour of a medicine .

    根据TRIPS,“假”是一个 商标术语,覆盖了药物的商标名或形状或颜色。

  • Please identify the registered trademark .

    请认明注册 商标

  • That 's to say a trademark registered in China will not is legally protected in another country .

    这就是说,在中国注册的 商标在另一个国家不受法律的保护。

  • Right * What is your trademark if you have one ?

    如果你有个 商标,那会是什么?

  • It also accused ZTE of using a trademark registered by Huawei on some products .

    华为还指控中兴在一些产品上使用了华为的一个注册 商标

  • The Janus name and trademark is currently registered with the China Trademark Bureau .

    贾纳斯名称和 商标目前已在中国商标局注册。

  • People have now come to know the importance of trademark .

    人们现在逐步认识到了 商标的重要性。

  • Ford allowed the name and trademark to lapse during the Eighties .

    福特在20世纪80年代废止了该名称和 商标

  • However when our trademark brand in fact trademarks and brands have substaintial distinction .

    然而,我们的 商标当品牌,实际上,商标与品牌有本质的区别。

  • the designer bars which have become the new trademark of the city .

    已成为这个城市新 标志的时尚酒吧

  • The trademark and the labels to be used on the products we process will be designated by you .

    我们加工产品所使用的 商标和标签由你方指定。

  • The trademark is registered on the book of the Patent Office .
