trade clause

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[经] 贸易条款

  • Comment on the Trade System Unity Clause

    贸易制度统一性 条款刍议

  • As the exception clause indicating the principles for trade mark registration and prior application this clause is aimed to protect the unregistered trademarks which have become influential .

    这是 商标注册原则和申请在先原则的例外 条款,其目的是对有一定影响的未注册商标进行保护。

  • Second it conflicts with the ultimate purpose of ATC targeting at liberalizing the global textile and apparel trade since January 1 2005 . There are some big differences between the clause and the transitional safeguard mechanism stipulated in Art .

    其次,该 条款与AfC的最终目的相冲突,使得2005年l月1日实现全球纺织品服装 贸易自由化这一目标成为一纸空文。

  • But from our country current legislative situation there is not a special trade secret protection of the law relevant trade secret protection clause referring to various laws and regulations .

    但从我国目前的立法情况来看,并没有一部专门的商业秘密保护的部门法,相关的 商业秘密保护 条款散见于各种法律、法规之中。

  • Detailed comparison of the three parts of carbon tariffs and the basic principles of multilateral trade WTO general exception clause Technical Barriers to Trade Agreement between .

    分为三个部分详细比较了碳关税与多边 贸易基本原则、WTO一般例外 条款、《技术贸易壁垒协议》之间的关系。

  • Our ultimate goal is to adjust domestic law adjust the way of trade union ' reform and rescind the reservation clause .

    我国的最终目标是调整国内法,调整 工会改革思路,尽快取消对该 条款的保留。

  • Treat the Legal Issues of Green Trade Barrier with the WTO Exception Clause

    从WTO的例外 条款看绿色 贸易壁垒的法律问题

  • In fact the product-specific protection clause is an unfair trade clause and it doesn 't possess the legality of law .

    特保条款是不公平的 贸易 条款,不具有“真正的法律”品格,特保 条款的执行应该让位于法理,受限于WTO法的 目的 宗旨

  • International trade law experts were mostly devoted to studying the composition of the letter of credit fraud exception classification exceptions to exceptions the nature of soft clause the legal remedies and other issues .

    国际 贸易法专家则多着力研究信用证欺诈例外的构成、分类、例外之例外、软 条款的性质以及法律救济等问题。

  • Trade War-Political Economics behind Clause 201 in the United States

    钢铁 贸易战&美国201 条款背后的政治经济学

  • Firstly I have identified the legal provisions which provide the public morality trade measures provisions in China and later I have proposed some countermeasures to China in case it invokes the public moral exception clause in the future .

    本部分首先查明我国法律中规定的公共道德 贸易措施的条文,紧接着对我国未来针对公共道德例外 条款的适用提出具体的几点对策。

  • In order to continuously develop and improve the credit system to meet the needs of the development of modern international trade we should have a correct and uniform understanding of the soft clause .

    为了不断发展和完善信用证制度,以适应现代国际 贸易发展的需要,信用证软 条款问题应有一个正确和统一的认识。