trade unionism

[treid ˈjunjəˌnɪzəm][treid ˈju:njənizəm]


  • We see it in the growing altruism of Trade Unionism .

    工会 主义日益增长的利他 精神 可见一斑

  • In this sense the right of association is the prerequisite and basis for trade unionism and trade unionism is the application of the right of association in real society .

    从这个意义上讲,结社权是 工会 制度的前提和基础,而工会制度则是结社权在社会生活中的具体体现和应用。

  • The industrial revolution created the industrial working class the proletariat and it later led to trade unionism .

    工业革命产生了工人阶级,即无产阶级。后来形成了 工会 制度

  • The right to withdraw labour is a basic principle of trade unionism .

    罢工的权利是 工会 主义的基本原则。

  • In many industrial countries trade unionism has declined .

    在许多工业化国家 工会 制度衰落了。

  • He is referred to as the father of British Socialism . Also he is the pioneer of the modern cooperative movement and one who believes in trade unionism and the leader of the working class .

    他被称为英国社会主义之父,是现代合作运动的先锋、 贸易 联合 主义 以及工人阶级的领导者。