trade usage

[treid ˈjusɪdʒ][treid ˈju:zidʒ]


  • Therefore thinking these following questions through is necessary : trade usage should refer to custom and customary law .

    由此,对以下诸多问题的深入思考就是必须的: 交易 习惯应兼指习惯和习惯法。

  • In terms of etymologic features Korean trade names have a more usage frequency of loan words than Chinese trade names . While in china pure loan words are merely used unless the foreign trade names are to be translated .

    词源特征方面,韩国 商品名中外来语的 使用频率比中国商品名高,中国在翻译进口商品名称时使用外来语以外很少使用外来语命名。

  • The Comparison of the Application of CISG and International Trade Usage & Review on Their Application in China On the Rule of Fundamental Breach in CISG

    国际货物销售公约与 贸易 惯例适用方式比较&兼评二者在中国的司法实践

  • Trade usage that conforms to important conditions of it should be entrusted with legal effect .

    符合构成要件的 交易 习惯应赋予其法律效力予以适用。

  • The second one is the important conditions of trade usage . It can affect to recognize trade usage .

    第二, 交易 习惯的构成要件,此会影响到交易习惯的认定。

  • Especially the establishment of WTO and the development of service trade have built a broad stage for the usage of international standard contracts .

    尤其是世界贸易组织的建立,服务 贸易的迅猛发展,更是为国际格式合同的 使用搭建了广阔平台。

  • The moisture content of coal is an important indicator of coal . It plays an important role in production trade processing and usage of coal basic theoretical research and so on .

    煤中的水分含量是一项重要煤质指标,它在煤的生产、 贸易、加工 利用以及基础理论研究中具有重要作用。

  • Trade usage is trade rule which is practiced repeatedly and observed generally by the parties of the contract in the activities of market transaction .

    交易 习惯是交易双方在市场交易活动中,因反复实践而得到普遍遵守的具有约束力的交易规则。

  • Use of the renminbi in trade payments grew 15.6 per cent from July to August according to swift the global payments network evenas usage of other currencies decreased 0.9 per cent .

    来自全球支付系统swift的数据显示,7月至8月间使用人民币作为支付手段的 贸易规模增长了15.6%,而 使用其他货币的 贸易规模则下降了0.9%。

  • The broad applicability of trade usages in the economic life means that trade usage must be legal which trade usage is written to the contract law is the inevitable requirement of the basic spirit of the Contract Law what is to encouraging trading and respecting for parties .

    交易习惯在经济生活中的广泛适用性意味着 交易 习惯必须要法律化,而将交易习惯写入合同法也是鼓励交易、尊重当事人意思自治等合同法基本精神的必然要求。

  • The Arbitrators in accordance with the last paragraph of Art . 13 of the ICC rules will also take into account the relevant trade usage .

    根据国际商会仲裁规则第13条最后一段之规定,仲裁员们也将考虑相关的 贸易 惯例

  • European Union first became aware of the role of technical barriers to trade and it became the region that has maximized the usage of technical barriers to trade .

    欧盟最先意识到技术性 贸易壁垒的作用,也是将技术性贸易壁垒的 作用发挥最大的地区。

  • Nonetheless compared with currencies of other developed countries its international usage and acceptance is rather low says Dickson Ho an economist at the Hong Kong Trade Development Council .

    然而,香港 贸易发展局(HongKong tradedevelopmentcouncil)的经济学家何达权(DicksonHo)认为,与其他发达国家的货币相比,日元在国际上的 使用 和接受度都相当低。