traditional record

[trəˈdɪʃənəl rɪˈkɚd][trəˈdɪʃənəl riˈkɔ:d]

[计] 传统记录

  • This paper first analyses traditional record storage structures and gives the design of a data structure that is appropriate for storing length variable and format variable data records .

    本文首先对 传统 记录存储结构进行分析,进而设计出适宜于存储不确定、不完全信息的存储数据结构。

  • This method can obtain a different number of relevant records with the diversification of threshold value and eliminates the influence about type restrictions of property in the query interface of traditional correlation discrimination method of record .

    该方法能随阈值地变化而获取不同数量的相关性记录,并且消除了 传统 记录相关性判别方法受查询接口属性类型限制的影响。

  • Traditional academic journals for your record transfer accumulation innovation and the exchange of scientific and technological achievements of mankind has been accompanied by carriers and tools for academic growth .

    传统学术论文作为 记录、传递、累积、创新、交流人类科技成果的载体和工具一直伴随着学术界的成长。

  • With the growing information volume of medical record in hospital the traditional paper-based medical record brought many problems to the medical record administration .

    随着医院病案信息量越来越大, 传统的纸张 病案给病案管理工作带来诸多问题。

  • Soil moisture research can be divided into two stages : Traditional observation record and analytical stage and application of simulating theory stage .

    认为沙地水分研究可划分为: 传统的观测、 记录、评价分析和模拟理论研究两阶段;

  • I hope that through investigation and research on the traditional paper-cut and village to record ther life and faith of Shui people in order to provide specific and reliable text to the cultural inheritance of Shui people .

    笔者希望以村寨为基本单位通过对水族剪纸艺术 传统的调查研究, 记录 其在水族活态的生活和信仰中掌握和使用情况,为 记录和传承活态的水族传统剪纸提供详实可靠的文本。

  • Arch as the carrier of the traditional culture bearing record of the ancestors different outlook on life values ethics and other aspects of awareness and treatment in different forms .

    牌坊作为 传统文化的载体,以不同的形式承载 记录了先人对于人生观、价值观、伦理观等方面的不同认识以及处理方法。

  • If the traditional record technique is adopted obviously the direct expression can not be realized .

    采用 传统 镜头 纪实,显然无法达到直观的表现。

  • To capture these data the traditional methods were to record the data by staff followed the consumer or layout a large number of monitors in the supermarket .

    为了获取这些数据, 传统的方法是让工作人员跟随顾客并 记录数据或者在超市中布置大量的监控摄像头跟踪 记录

  • Traditional European Style Club - Investigation Record of Western Merchant Horse-race Field in Hankow

    年欧式俱乐部&汉口西商跑马场调查 纪实

  • The research on the traditional garden stressed on the literature record and the description or concentrated on the elaboration of design ideas for a long time but lacked the deep and concrete research on intrinsic structure relations in Chinese traditional gardens .

    对于 传统园林构成的研究,长期以来偏重于文学性的 记述与描述,或集中于对设计理念的阐述,而缺少对传统园林内在的结构关系的深入和具体的研究。

  • Domestic and international research status on medical record management information system ( RMIS ) was analyzed . The aim of develop RMIS was introducing modern information technology into the administrating of medical record and then changing the traditional management mode of medical record .

    明确了开发病案管理信息系统项目的目的是为了把现代化的信息技术用于医院的病案管理中,改变 病案 传统的管理方式,加速医院信息化发展的进程;

  • Then this paper studies the traditional IDS points out that the traditional IDS can not record the frequency and the state of attack .

    然后,本文研究了传统的入侵检测系统,指出 传统IDS存在的无法 记录攻击频度,状态等固有缺陷。

  • In this exhibition Japanese woman artist Ando Yoko learns from traditional Chinese painting techniques to record momentary states people who live in her country .

    展览中,来自日本的女艺术家安藤阳子借鉴 传统的中国画技法, 记录 了她的生活空间里本国人真实存在的瞬间状态。

  • WAVE RUNUP Wave propagation Traditional electroencephalograph recorder finished record wave by a tracer .

    传统的脑电图机采用描笔进行 记录脑电波形。

  • The enterprises who have engaged in manufacturing or logistics industry have their own warehouse in general . The use of information technology for warehouse management is necessary : the traditional manual record has been unable to meet the needs of daily work .

    对于从事制造业或物流业的企业来说,一般都有自己的仓库,使用信息化手段来进行仓库管理势在必行, 传统的手工 记录已经无法满足日常工作的需要。

  • While the traditional functions such as to record advertise and educate are becoming less important .

    传统 记录、宣传、教育等功能已不再那么重要。

  • Our country file 's traditional understanding is takes the historic record the file the essential attribute .

    我国档案界的 传统认识是将原始 记录性作为档案的本质属性。

  • Informationization is an urgent and imperative reform for Chinese Enterprise in this day and age . Traditional handwriting record and scrutiny is far from to meet the competition of the market .

    信息化是当今中国企业急需进行的一项重要变革, 传统的手工 记录与审核已远不能满足市场的竞争的要求。

  • Most traditional cough monitor record audio signal which has large amount of data and the algorithm is too complex .

    传统咳嗽监测多采用语音 记录及语音识别算法,数据量大,处理算法复杂。

  • The breadth of experience is vital to his current business especially when the traditional role of record companies is fragmenting .

    这种丰富的经历对于他目前的事业至关重要,尤其是当 唱片公司的 传统角色正分崩离析之际。

  • The traditional orientation of accounting was to record transactions at their historical cost .

    会计的统计 方法是按原始成本 记录交易数量来进行的。

  • Objective : To establish a radio-telemetry system for long-term continuous blood pressure ( BP ) recording in conscious animal bridging for traditional BP record method .

    目的:建立一个连续长期遥控监测清醒动物血压的方法并能连接 传统 血压测定系统。

  • The first and the second chapter analyze the current status of traditional record and digital record ; the third chapter summarizes the expressive forms of digital record and communication based on practical experience ; the fourth chapter provides the future perspective on the development of digital record .

    第一章和第二章分别分析 传统 记录与数字记录的现状,第三章从实际经验出发,总结数字化记录与传播的表现形式,第四章对未来数字化工作方式进行展望。

  • In recent years the China support and promote the development of Traditional Chinese Medicine in strength is increased further The finance in special fund to support the development of Traditional Chinese Medicine is at record levels .

    近年来,中央扶持和促进中医药事业发展的力度进一步加大,中央财政用于支持全国 中医药事业发展的专项资金 历史 新高

  • Build a format-based handler program that intercepts RPG traditional record at a time database IO operations .

    构建一个基于格式的Handler程序来拦截 传统的“一次一条 记录”数据库IO操作。

  • There are numerous methods and tools available for supporting these activities and traditional engineering projects have a proven track record in completing their work more or less as planned .

    有无数的方法和工具可以用来支持这些活动,并且 传统的工程项目拥有一个行之有效的、或多或少按计划完成的 记录

  • Different from defectiveness of traditional car carried CD and tape record in shockproof and wearability car carried MP3 is undoubtfully an ultimate revolution .

    传统的车载CD机、 卡带机,相比其在震动、磨损以及盘片成本等方面的固有缺陷,车载MP3的出现,无疑是一场根本性的变革。

  • Reuse is essential since traditional record and playback approaches require you to go back and update repeated flows everywhere that same task is performed .

    复用是必要的,因为 传统 记录和回放方法要求您回到每一处执行相同工作的地方并更新可重复流。

  • The present financial innovation makes a great impact on the traditional accounting confirmation calculation record and report ?

    当代金融创新对 传统的会计确认、计量、 记录和报告形成了巨大影响。