traffic congestion


  • Attempts to restrict parking in the city centre have further aggravated the problem of traffic congestion .

    在城市中心限制停车的尝试使 交通 阻塞的问题更加严重。

  • Tightening the screws on business drivers would have an immediate effect on traffic congestion .

    对商业司机施加压力会对 交通 拥挤产生立即效应。

  • The increase in the number of cars brings about a lot of problems such as air pollution noise traffic congestion and gas shortage .

    汽车数量的增加产生了一系列问题,如空气污染、噪音、 交通 堵塞和汽油短缺。

  • New measures have been introduced to try and ease traffic congestion in the city .

    新的措施已经被采取,为了尝试缓解这个城市的 交通 拥挤

  • The route was designed to relieve traffic congestion .

    这条路是为缓解 交通 拥挤而开辟的。

  • With creativity and technical skill they overcome challenges by solving the problems of pollution traffic congestion energy needs urban redevelopment and community planning .

    他们用创造力和技术技能,在解决环境污染、 交通 堵塞、能源需求、市区改造和社区规划方面克服了重重挑战。

  • Mass transit reduces traffic congestion and the pollution it generates .

    公共交通减少了 交通 拥挤和由此产生的污染。

  • Cities have brought better life for people but they have also bred population explosion traffic congestion environmental pollution resource depletion and friction between cultures .

    城市为人们带来了美好生活,也带来了人口膨胀、 交通 拥挤、环境污染、资源紧缺和文化摩擦等问题。

  • The transport infrastructure of the city a great deal of reform and construction traffic congestion eased .

    固然对城市交通基础设施进行了大量的改造和建设, 交通 拥堵有所缓解。

  • Most American cities have traffic congestion and gasoline is expensive .

    美国大多数城市的 交通都很 拥挤,汽油价格也贵。

  • This paper proposes a new dynamic traffic congestion prediction model .

    提出了一种新的动态 交通 拥挤预测模型。

  • The department concerned is determined to solve the problem of traffic congestion in this section of the road .

    有关部门下决心解决这段路面 交通 梗塞的问题。

  • Fast and immune to traffic congestion bicycle patrols make far more arrests than foot patrols in Seattle .

    由于快速并不受 交通 拥挤的影响,自行车巡逻队比步行的巡警执行了更多的拘捕任务。

  • Study on the Developing for Bus Rapid Transit in Xi'an Based on Urban Traffic Congestion

    基于城市 交通 拥堵视角下的西安市快速公交系统发展研究

  • How to increase traffic congestion degrees ?

    如何增加 交通 拥挤度?

  • If people could travel free on public transport there wouldn 't be so much traffic congestion .

    如果人们可免费乘坐公交车,就不会有这么多的 交通 堵塞了。

  • Area coordinated control is one of important effective measure to ease urban traffic congestion .

    区域 交通 信号协调控制是缓解城市 交通 拥堵 问题的重要举措之一。

  • Model of urban road traffic congestion degree analysis faced to traffic planning

    面向交通规划的城市道路 交通 拥堵度分析模型

  • As a result buses still suffer considerable delays due to traffic congestion in major traffic corridors .

    由于主要交通走廊 堵塞,巴士车程仍受到一定的阻延。

  • Research on the Key Techniques of Urban Road Traffic Congestion Identification

    城市道路 交通 拥挤 状态识别关键技术研究

  • Analysis of Traffic Congestion and Traffic Demand Management Strategies Based on Game Theory

    基于博弈论的 交通 拥挤与交通需求管理策略分析

  • However the traffic congestion will take place in the nodes of optical fiber telecommunication networks .

    信息 业务 阻塞日益 现在光纤通信网络的节点上。

  • The problems of traffic congestion will not disappear in a hurry

    交通 拥堵问题不会一下子就消失。

  • The results were reduced traffic congestion and road-based transport emissions .

    因此减少了 交通 堵塞和道路交通排放。

  • The Relationship of Urban Traffic Congestion and Urban Spatial Expansion

    城市 交通 拥堵与城市空间扩展的关系研究

  • Parking near the school causes severe traffic congestion .

    在学校附近泊车会引起严重的 交通 堵塞

  • As the capital of China it is economic and political center but and most major cities Beijing 's traffic congestion is unbearable .

    作为中国的首都,它是经济和政治的中心,但是和大多大城市一样,北京的 交通也是 拥堵不堪。

  • More cars would not only bring traffic congestion but also noise and parking problems .

    车辆增加不仅会造成 塞车,也会制造噪音和停车问题。

  • The discrimination for the air traffic congestion is a problem in the traffic and safety fields which should be studied in depth .

    空中 交通 拥挤的判别是交通和安全领域需要深入研究的一个问题。