track width

[træk wɪdθ][træk widθ]


  • Study on 3D reconstruction models of several typical track width vehicles when Oblique straight line driving .

    研究了汽车斜直线行驶时的 轮毂中心的三维重建模型。

  • Impact of track width on vehicle steering resistance

    履带 宽度对车辆转向阻力矩的影响

  • A railroad track ( or its width ) broader than the standard 56.5 inches .

    一种 铁路(或它的 宽度)比平均的.英尺要宽。

  • The Simulation and Analysis of the Track Frequency Shift Detection Based on the Measuring Width

    基于测 法的 轨道移频信号检测的仿真分析

  • A new method of width measurements of heavily nuclear track in nuclear emulsion introduced in this paper . The width is measured through the analysing grey level of blackness of heavily nuclear track by using the TV camera and VIDEO & TELEX card .

    本文介绍了测量在原子核乳胶中重核 径迹宽度的新方法,它是借助电视摄象卡及VIDEO&TELEX图象处理卡对重核径迹的黑度进行灰度等级分析,从而测量核径迹 宽度

  • The computer procedural measurement of the heavily nuclear track width

    重核 径迹 宽度的程控测量

  • This paper based on the mathematical model of multi tracked machinery stationary turning analyzes the impact of structure parameters such as the ratio of track width to length the distance between track centres on turning performance .

    在建立多履带机械稳态转向数学模型的基础上,分析了 履带 长比、各条履带中心间的距离等结构参数对转向性能的影响;

  • On the basis of the theory of track vehicle skid and skid steering the impact of track width on the resistant moment of vehicle steering is studied .

    本文基于履带车辆的滑移和滑转转向的理论,分析了 履带 宽度对车辆转向阻力矩的影响,证实 履带接地面 比大于0.2时,履带 宽度的影响不容忽视。

  • Wear track width and corrosion current density are decreased by 4 times and 26 times respectively . Corrosion potential is increased by 5 times .

    腐蚀 电位 最大提高了5倍,腐蚀电流密度减少了26倍。

  • Probe into the optimum track width of large tracked machinery

    大型履带机械最佳 履带 宽度的探讨

  • The maximum microhardness is increased by 77.7 % the friction coefficient is decreased from 0.8 to 0.15 and the wear track width is reduced by 23 times .

    处理后试样的显微硬度都有较大提高,最大增幅达 77.7%;表面摩擦系数由0.8下降到0.16;

  • By which the design of ballastless track can be accomplished and the section stresses and fissure width can be check up . Thus a feasible design project meeting with demands of codes and standards can be obtained .

    根据此过程便可完成对无砟 轨道结构的设计,并能够对结构的截面应力和裂缝 宽度进行检验,从而获得满足规范要求的合理的结构设计方案。

  • The Development of the Head of Narrow Track Width for a Floppy Disk

    窄道 软盘磁头的研制

  • A railroad track having the standard width of 56.5 inches .

    一种有标准的.英尺 铁轨的铁路。