track shoe


  • Experimental results show that the pull of a singe track shoe is approximately between the two theoretical values including and excluding grouser effect .

    实验结果表明 履带板的推力介于考虑和不考虑履剌效应的两个理论值之间。

  • The square mounting hole should be modified to be round which can abate the stress concentration of this place and improve the service life of the track shoe .

    建议将方形安装孔修改为圆形,这样可以减弱此处的应力集中,提高 履带 的使用寿命。

  • The study provides a reliable basis for the estimation of sinking and the parameter optimization of big track shoe .

    为大 履带的下陷估计和参数优化提供依据。

  • The test of the track shoe which is under static load shows that 8 % of the track shoes appear crack at this place which causes the premature failure of the track shoe . This also is consistent with static simulation results .

    履带 受载实验结果显示有8%的 履带板在此处出现了裂纹,导致履带板过早失效,这也与静力模拟结果相一致。

  • The Research of Welding Processes on Track Shoe

    履带 焊接工艺研究

  • In association with the semi-rigid connection of track rollers of conventional bulldozers the analysis concluded that the use of single shoe with high grouser is not worth the candle .

    结合常规推土机支 轮半刚性连接的特点,经分析,得出的结论是:使用此种形式的 履带板得不偿失。

  • The author studies the push property and mechanism of the big track shoe and analyses in detail the structural parameter of big track shoe that functions and affects the push working capacity . The research provides a scientific basis for selecting the parameters of track shoe .

    本文研究大 履带的推力特性和机制,详细分析履带的结构参数对推力的影响和作用,为履带参数的选择提供依据。

  • Microscopy showed that the worn surface of track shoe is a combined result of multiple types of wear mechanism .

    微观分析指出: 履带 表面的磨损是多种类型磨损机理的综合结果。

  • Its structural stability meets the requirements . Simulation results indicate that there is stress concentration at the fillet of the track shoe mounting holes . The track shoe may be premature failure because of this .

    模拟结果显示在 履带 工艺方孔圆角处存在应力集中,履带板可能会由于这个原因而失效。

  • Push property and structural parameter for big track shoe


  • The parameters of the track shoe forming process are determined by the numerical simulation of its forming process and finally the track shoe is hot-pressed successfully .

    通过对其成形过程的数值模拟,确定了其成形工艺参数,最终成功热冲压出合格的 履带板。

  • The structure strength of the track shoe is also simulated and analyzed in this paper . The analysis results show that the track shoe structure strength fully meets the requirement .

    本文还对 履带板进行了结构强度的模拟分析,分析结果表明履带 的结构强度完全满足使用要求,并与受载实验结果进行了对比,对存在的问题提出了改进建议。