tracing function

[ˈtresɪŋ ˈfʌŋkʃən][ˈtreɪsɪŋ ˈfʌŋkʃən]

[计] 跟踪函数

  • When tracing is enabled Xdebug logs each function call including each function 's arguments and return value .

    跟踪被启用后,Xdebug将记录所有 函数调用,包括每个函数的参数和返回值。

  • Therefore urgent needs is separated in the time and the space each kind of examination information organic connection carries on the entire journey tracing and the synthesis judgment can the more effective display 5T system safeguard vehicles movement security function .

    因此迫切需要把时间和空间上离散的各类检测信息有机的关联起来,进行全程 追踪和综合评判,才能更加有效的发挥5T系统保障车辆运行安全的 作用

  • Through tracing test of college students ' heart and lung function this paper analyses their functioning conditions at present and puts forward some suggestions and measures for improvement .

    本文通过对大学生心肺 机能 追踪试验,分析了目前大学生的机能状况,并提出了建议及改进措施。

  • On nonlinear capture function and nonlinear tracing function of PLL based on MATLAB

    基于MATLAB的PLL非线性捕获和 跟踪 性能研究

  • Using ray tracing code and optical path function optimization calculation is carried out on a grazing incidence soft x ray flat field spectrometer with toroidal mirror as prepositive optic system .

    采用光线 追踪和光路 函数的方法,优化设计了具有超环面镜的前置光学系统的掠入射软x射线平场谱仪,得到了谱仪的谱分辨和空间分辨本领。

  • This text starts with the developing history of tracing back to the port and port system study the port system status and function in international trade and explain the theory of international trade related to system of the port .

    本文从 追溯口岸及口岸制度的发展历史入手,研究口岸制度在国际贸易中的地位和 作用,并对与口岸制度有关的国际贸易理论进行阐述。

  • In the development of MIS and ERP software system data tracing is one of the function that the enterprise customers want especially in tracing from the integrate data to original data .

    在MIS或者ERP软件的开发过程中,对于数据的 追踪,尤其是对从综合的统计数据到原始的记录数据的 追踪往往是企业所盼望能够实现的 功能

  • Mode field specifies the scope of tracing that is global for all users on the system or User for users who have tracing enabled by the Administration API task () function

    模式(mode)指定跟踪的范围,即是针对系统上的所有用户,还是只针对通过AdministrationAPItask() 函数启用了 跟踪的用户

  • On Windows you control ODBC trace using the tracing tab of the ODBC function which is available in the Control Panel .

    在Windows中,您可以通过使用ODBC 功能 跟踪选项卡(在控制面板中)来控制ODBC跟踪。

  • By adding remote on-line tracing function into General Graphics visualization system we realize remote visualization of Grid Electron temperature ion temperature and photon temperature .

    设计客户端 2D-DVS(通用图形可视化系统),添加远程监控 功能,实现网格、电子温度、离子温度和光子温度的 跟踪

  • Structural arrangement way should follow the implementation principle of dynamic design and informational construction the localization method of arranging adits and shafts by tracing slippery belt the excavation procedure of layered parallel construction and the function classification of different adits and shafts .

    总结认为:结构布置方式应遵循动态设计、信息化施工的实施原则; 追踪滑带确定洞井的定位方法;分级平行施工,由平洞至竖井的开挖程序和不同洞井的 功能分类。

  • Tracing failure and undersampling are frequently emerged when the two dimensional tracing and measurement function of commercial Coordinate Measuring Machine software is applied .

    商品坐标测量机软件的二维 曲线 自动 跟踪测量 功能在应用中经常出现跟踪失败和采样信息不充分等问题。

  • Sharma 1 w_2529 the vector-expression of ray tracing in gradient-index media have been derived and an error function is denned in this paper .

    Sharma等人提出的方法,给出了变折射率介质中光线 的矢量表达式;并提供了一个判断计算结果可靠与否的误差 函数

  • Based on MATLAB the phase-plane method can be used to research on nonlinear capture function and nonlinear tracing function of PLL .

    基于MATLAB,用相平面法研究了,PLL的非线性捕获和非线性 跟踪 性能

  • Next it introduces such examples as file tracing function in file management module major task tracing function in 4D module document library function in document management module that show detail design of the platform .

    接着以文书管理模块中全流程 跟踪 功能、4D工作模块中重点工作跟踪应用、文档管理模块中文档库功能以及认证授权模块为例,介绍了平台的详细设计。

  • This is because the tracing process did not start until after the function call that opened the file had already been called .

    这是因为 跟踪过程是在已经调用了打开文件的 函数之后启动的。

  • Whole-system dynamic error modeling method and theory accuracy loss decomposition and tracing theory weight and weight function of accuracy loss research the method of increasing accuracy of measuring system from the root of accuracy loss .

    全系统动态误差建模理论、精度损失分解与 溯源理论以及精度损失权与权 函数的研究,从精度损失的根源上来分析研究提高测量系统精度的方法。

  • Carotid pulse tracing ( CPT ) was measured to study the compliance and function of large blood vessel in patients with essential hypertension ( EH ) .

    应用颈动脉 搏动 (CPT)反应高血压(EH)病人大血管的顺应性及 功能变化。

  • When tracing bilateral contract power flows a fair objective function is introduced to avoid the multi-solution problem .

    在双边交易潮流的 追踪中,通过引入公平参照 函数以避免多解问题。

  • According to the characteristics of the mine production this paper puts forward the frame structure of mine worker and equipment tracing management system based on RFID and analyses the function of this system .

    本文结合矿井生产的特点提出了基于RFID的矿井人员及设备 跟踪管理系统的框架并分析了系统 功能,在介绍射频识别技术的基础上,对读卡器进行了硬件设计。

  • Preliminary approach on the failure tracing diagnostics function for FMS

    FMS故障 追踪诊断 功能初探

  • The application of radioisotope tracing technique to analyse threshing and separation function n an axial-flow threshing mechanism and the mathematical simulating test of crop flow motion

    原子 示踪技术在轴流滚筒研究 工作中的应用及作物流运动状态的数学模拟试验

  • The use of dialectical thinking look at the issue of philosophical thinking analysis of the effect of traditional architecture development and finally Tracing to its source Ethical Function of construction in order to maintain a sense of architecture .

    运用辩证思维的哲学思想看问题,分析传统建筑的变相性发展,最后 追根溯源,是建筑伦理 功能在维持着建筑的秩序感。

  • The parameters of systolic time interval ( STI ) obtained by radialis pulse tracing ( RPT ) were compared with those by conventional carotid pulse tracing CPT ) in 70 cases with a CTH - ⅱ Heart Function Computer Monitor and STI software .

    应用CTH-Ⅱ型心 功能微机检测仪和STI软件研究了70例受试者桡动脉搏动图(RPT).用以测量STI参数,并与经典的CPT 进行了比较。

  • Which command is used to initiate the Call Path Tracing function ?

    哪些命令用于启动调用路径 跟踪 功能

  • In this article the system TSF-91 failure tracing diagnostics function for FMS is introduced It is used to diagnose the malfunctions in FMS and monitor the machining operations .

    本文介绍了TSF-91FMS故障 追踪 功能系统。它可对FMS生产线实现故障诊断和加工工况的监视。

  • Tracing of the exit / return value of a function is possible by applying a trace hook at an exit point and specifying the function prototype .

    通过在出口点应用跟踪钩子并指定函数原型,可以 跟踪 函数的退出/返回值。

  • An automatic call tracing system is presented . The system structure and basic function are discussed .

    提出了一个自动呼叫 跟踪系统的设计方案,根据需求对其结构设计、数据库设计和系统 功能等方面作了详细论述。

  • Tracing of arguments passed to the function is feasible when the probe type is entry and requires that the function prototype be defined at the beginning of the Vue script or through a header file .

    如果探查类型是入口,就可以 探查传递给 函数的参数,这要求在 Vue脚本的开头或通过头文件定义函数的原型。

  • During the nationwide quality tracing tests last year all the 23 function indexes of the products were recognized Being up to the standard

    本产品在去年的全国质量 追踪23项 性能测试中,项项合格