track about

[træk əˈbaʊt][træk əˈbaut]


  • Track additional information about AD clicks .


  • The current account surplus is on track to reach about $ 400bn this year more than 10 per cent of gross domestic product .

    中国今年的经常账户盈余有 可能达到4000亿美元 左右,占国内生产总值10%以上。

  • Track and Trace about the Quality and Safety of Agricultural Products based on IPTV

    基于IPTV的农产品质量安全 追溯系统

  • Volume location server ( vlserver ) & Maintains volume location database ( VLDB ) to track all information about volumes and their location on a file server .

    卷位置服务器(vlserver)&负责维护卷位置数据库(VLDB)来 跟踪 有关卷及其在文件服务器上的位置的所有信息。

  • Kinematic analysis for certain and uncertain eccentricity plane lapping processes with the ring polishing machine were studied and compared pace vector and track equation about one point relative to examination piece on polishing pad were presented .

    对修正环形抛光机定偏心和不定偏心平面研磨进行了运动分析,给出了研磨盘上一点相对于工件的速度矢量与 轨迹方程, 讨论了研磨盘上不同位置的点的相对 轨迹

  • In this paper a NC-system with SIEMEMS's7-200PLC has been proposed The equation of track about blade and the NC sofeware have also been introduced .

    主要讨论使用西门子 S7-200PLC改装的龙门刨数控加工系统,并介绍了刀具 轨迹方程和系统设计。

  • As soon as he 'd cut the express car off he made the engineer run her up the track about half a mile to a road crossing .

    他把那快递车解下了,马上就叫司机 前开了半英里路 光景,开到了一个道口。

  • It is a collaborative and customizable solution for teams to create and maintain test plans and test designs execute manual or automated tests manage goals and schedules and track and report metrics about the health of the test phase overall .

    它是一个协作式并且可自定义的解决方案,可供团队用于创建和维护测试计划和测试设计,执行手动或自动测试,管理目标和计划,以及 跟踪和报告 有关测试阶段的健康状况。

  • This track is about the technical essentials you need to know to make Agile software development reliable and sustainable .

    主题主要 关注在如何使敏捷软件开发可信赖和可持续时,你需要了解的技术要素。

  • Leon did not finish his geometry homework because his mind kept jumping the track to think about the new girl in class .

    利昂没完成几何作业,因为他思想总在开 小差想着班上新来的女生。

  • How do you get things back on track ? Sometimes its all about bringing a positive attitude .

    怎么能让事情重回 轨道呢?其实有的时候只要有积极的态度,困难就会迎刃而解

  • Based on the newly developed laser locating system for airplane 's track tests about the tracks of seven kinds of airplanes at seven different airfields were conducted .

    在采用新研制的飞机起落 航迹激光定位系统的基础上, 7个机场7种机型的飞机起飞着陆航迹进行了测试。

  • Carried through kinematic analysis for napping the CMP process of ring polishing machine and presented pace vector and track equation about one point relative to examination piece on polishing pad .

    对修正环形抛光机CMP过程进行运动分析,给出研磨盘上一点相对于工件的速度矢量与 轨迹方程。

  • This paper analyzes the characteristic of the calling technical innovation track and discusses about the necessary of catching technical innovation track in high-new technical enterprises .

    本文主要就是通过对行业技术 轨道的特点分析,论证了高新技术企业沿技术轨道创新的必要性,并进一步提出了预测和识别新技术轨道的策略和高新技术企业如何进入新技术轨道的策略。

  • So far this year sugar is on track to account for about 42 per cent of the market to 40 per cent for HFCS and 18 per cent for artificial sweeteners .

    今年迄今为止,糖 有望 到42%的市场份额,HFCS占40%,人工甜味剂占18%。

  • Based on the period when the rail obligue crack initiates and annual volume of the Guang-Shen Line it is proposed that the preventive grinding interval of the curved track is about 6 months .

    根据线路钢轨表面裂纹出现的时间及通过的年运量情况,建议广深线曲线 钢轨预防性打磨周期为6个月。

  • All systems generate a varying quantity of log files that track and record different information about your machine .

    所有系统都会生成不同数量的日志文件,这些文件用于 跟踪和记录 关于计算机的不同信息。

  • In order for us to provide users with customizable and personalized services we use cookies to store and sometimes track information about users .

    为向用户提供度身订造及切合个人需要之服务,我们利用曲奇档案去贮存及 追踪 有关用户之资料。

  • Depression and Loneliness track me down after about ten days in Italy .

    在意大利待了十天 左右,抑郁和寂寞 追捕到我。

  • But the fiscal deficit this year remains on track to be about 6.6 per cent of gross domestic product – and the national debt is heading up to 90 per cent often regarded as the danger level .

    但今年财政赤字与国内生产总值(GDP)的比率依然会保持在6.6% 左右,国家债务与GDP的比例将接近 90%&这往往被视为危险水平。

  • Application you can use to track and save important data about home possessions including serial numbers and purchase information .

    用于 跟踪和保存家庭重要数据,包括系列号码和购买信息的应用程序。

  • We do not track information about your personal Web browsing habits .

    本站也不会 追踪您个人的网页浏览习惯。

  • These XML documents track similar information about business partners including the company names area of specialty and business partner representatives .

    这些XML文档 跟踪 关于业务伙伴的相同信息,包括公司名称、行业领域和业务伙伴代表。

  • Our discussion only became really interesting when we got off the beaten track and started talking about new development in science .

    只有在我们扯到题外,开始 谈到科学发展的新 情况时,我们的讨论才变得趣味 盎然

  • Follow the railroad track about 100 meters .

    顺着铁路 大约100公尺。

  • They can track just about anybody on the whole planet through Facebook .

    你可以通过Facebook 追踪地球上的任何人。

  • I can just drink lose track of time and forget about all of my troubles .

    只是喝喝酒, 了时间也 了我所有的烦恼。