track access

[træk ˈæksɛs][træk ˈækses]

[计] 磁道存取

  • This public database could facilitate a holistic approach to the financial problems of the poor and can be used to track global policy and the progress to improve access to financial services .

    这个公共数据库有利于以整体的方法研究贫困人口的金融问题,并可以用来 追踪旨在扩大金融服务 覆盖 面的全球政策和进展。

  • By combining Electric Fence with gdb you can track down exactly what line tried to access the protected memory .

    通过结合ElectricFence和gdb,您可以精确地 跟踪到哪一行试图 访问受保护内存。

  • To track statistics on your pages ( assuming you don 't have access to server statistics ) try these free and low-cost options

    如果您无法 访问服务器的统计数据,可以用下面这些免费或低价的产品获得关于页面的 统计数据

  • There are no special requirements to track files ; all you need is a normal AIX system with root access .

    跟踪文件没有什么特殊的要求;您所需要的是具有root 访问 权限的一个普通的AIX系统。

  • Each referred to as a track . Each track may have subdivisions called sectors which each hold a fixed amount of data . Disc storage offers the advantage of random access .

    每区可贮存一定数量的数据, 磁碟贮存有随意 提取的优点。

  • This year QCon also has an iPhone app allowing you to browse the schedule by track by time favourite a track and access the # qcon twitter channel .

    今年的QCon同样提供了iPhone应用以方便大家按照主题、时间等浏览议程,还可以收藏某个 主题并可以 访问qcontwitter频道。

  • We are setting up a system to track the use of bed nets access to anti-malarial treatment and indoor spraying .

    我们正在建立系统,用于 追踪调查蚊帐的使用情况、抗疟疾治疗 服务 提供情况、室内喷洒灭蚊药的情况。

  • Management can track contractors and employees that go into sensitive locations because the electronic locks and keys record openings and exceptions such as unauthorized attempts to gain access .

    管理员可以 跟踪进入敏感地点的签约人员和雇员,因为电子锁和钥匙会记录那些未经授权试图 进入的开启或异常。

  • And yet NSA experts and even ex-nsa-employees other than Snowden have described how the agency could still track and log users ' personal data without such direct access to the companies ' servers .

    现在,NSA的专家,乃至除了斯诺登以外的其他前NSA人员,都向我们描述了NSA如何在不“直接 接入”这些IT企业服务的情况下,依然能够 追踪和记录用户的个人数据。

  • This approach analyzes the program logic structure in order to find all potential buffers track their access and insert necessary bound checking code .

    该方法通过分析程序的逻辑结构试图发现所有可能的缓冲区,对这些缓冲区的 访问进行 跟踪,并插入必要的边界检查代码。

  • We would like to welcome you to your Member area where you can edit your details track your customers access support and view and download documentation relating to your business .

    欢迎来到成员特区。本页你可以编辑自己个人信息, 顾客, 访问支持,浏览而下载淤泥的业务关系的文件。

  • An administrator can track access to sensitive areas because both the electronic lock and the key record lock and key activity .

    管理员可以 跟踪敏感地区的 进入情况,因为电子锁和钥匙都在记录开和锁的过程。

  • Metrics reports and queries can be used to assess the state of the models as well as to track access violations .

    可以使用工具、报告和查询来评价模型的状态,并 追踪 访问入侵情况。

  • Squatter houses along the track used the railroad as an access to their houses . Expert Group Meeting on the Interaction between Clients and Grassroots Family-Planning Workers

    居住在 铁轨沿路的违章建户,常利用铁轨作为回家的 交通工具。客户和基层计划生育工作人员相互影响问题专家组会议

  • To promote railway transportation values by information techniques the key fields of railway informatization should be transportation organization passenger-cargo marketing and operation management . Study on Pricing of Track Access Charges in Chinese Railway

    为提升铁路运输活动价值充分运用信息技术,明确铁路信息化重点领域依次为运输组织、客货营销和经营管理。铁路客货 线路 使用费定价的研究

  • Study on Pricing of Track Access Charges in Chinese Railway

    铁路客货 线路 使用费定价的研究

  • Let them bring fluorescent material to track the virus access to those in the hysterectomy in the vaginal access to the organization .

    他们让携带荧光 跟踪物质的病毒 接触那些在子宫切除手术中获取的阴道组织。

  • Combining the theoryof sports training and the requirement during the training course of Track and Field I developed the sports training management information subsystem in sprint by using Visual Basic and Access and sports training data analyzing subsystem by using Java technique .

    在运动训练学理论的指导下,结合 田径训练过程的实际要求,用VISUALBASIC和 Access开发实现了短跑训练管理子系统,用Java开发实现了数据分析显示子系统。

  • With the ability to track customer cell phones retailers have unprecedented access to shoppers ' habits from how frequently a customer visits a store to how long he stands at a window display before deciding whether or not to enter the shop .

    零售商现已掌握了 追踪顾客手机的能力,从而能够以前所未有的 方式 获取顾客的购物习惯:从一位顾客造访一家店铺的频率,到他在一个橱窗展示站多久后才决定是否要进入店铺。

  • Almost every Latin American and Caribbean country is on track to meet the Millennium Development Goals for improving access to safe drinking water .

    几乎每一个拉美及加勒比海国家都 有望实现千年发展目标改进 人们 获取安全饮用水的 渠道

  • The construction of Tianchi Railway Tunnel features the rapid construction with self - developed complete sets of equipment for single - track tunnel and the excavation of soft surrounding rock section by adding an access tunnel .

    天池隧道施工有两个特点,一是施工中运用了自行开发的铁路 单线隧道配套设备进行施工;

  • The world is on track to achieve the MDG target on access to safe drinking-water but more needs to be done to achieve the sanitation target .

    全世界正在 逐步实现关于 获得安全饮用水的千年发展目标,但需要做更多工作才能实现有关卫生设施的目标。

  • The law innovated by creating an agency known by its initials HADOPI which would track abusers and cut off net access automatically to those who continued to download illicitly after two warnings .

    该法创建了一个缩写为 HADOPI机构,该机构将 跟踪网络滥用者,并且可以对两次警告后仍然非法下载者进行自动断网。