


v.跟踪( track的现在分词 )跟踪摄影留下(脏)足迹追随(潮流等)

  • It also integrates your project tracking and reporting .

    它同样还集成了您的项目 追踪和报告功能。

  • I 've been tracking them for some time now .


  • We can improve it by tracking more accurately when the computer is on .

    我们通过对开机状态的计算机进行更精确的 跟踪可以对此加以改进。

  • Radar tracking of the shuttle like the final accurate ground-based navigation had not yet begun .

    对航天飞机的雷达 追踪,如最后精确的陆基导航,还没有开始。

  • The research direction on adaptive selection of object representation model in target tracking is presented .

    指出了目标 跟踪中目标表征模型自适应选择的研究方向。

  • This is called a call tracking system .

    这叫做一个访问 追踪系统。

  • Mouse support has two main uses : coordinate tracking and zooming .

    鼠标支持有两个主要用途:坐标 跟踪和缩放。

  • I followed him tracking him in the snow until finally he got tired .

    我跟着他,在雪地里 追踪他,直到他最终体力不支。

  • Cost and earned value : Budget tracking for requirements and analysis .

    成本和利润值:.对需求和分析的预算 跟踪

  • The infrastructure in question was a test results tracking system .

    问题中的基础结构是一个测试结果 跟踪系统。

  • A new type of anti-aircraft artillery tracking system was designed with virtual instrument and database technology .

    利用虚拟仪器技术和数据库技术设计了一种新型高炮 跟踪系统综合 性能 检测

  • Bug-and issue-tracking systems are also helpful for recording and tracking defects detected .

    bug和问题跟踪系统也为记录和 跟踪发现的缺陷提供帮助。

  • A linearized time-delay controller is proposed for a flexible manipulator system following the optimal tracking control theory .

    采用最优 跟踪控制方法对柔性机械臂线性化主动控制中的时滞问题进行研究。

  • Effective defect tracking is crucial to both testing and development teams .

    有效的缺陷 跟踪对测试和开发团队来说都是十分重要的。

  • Methods Eye tracking technique and moving window experimental method were used .

    方法本研究采取眼动 跟踪技术和移动窗口实验方法。

  • A user can select an order ID of a month to view its order and tracking details .

    用户可以选择一个月的顺序ID,以查看它的顺序和 追踪细节信息。

  • Our radar began tracking the jets

    我们的雷达开始 追踪喷气式飞机的动向。

  • Casey and I were tracking down some terrorists .

    我和凯西在 追捕恐怖分子。

  • Radar is used for tracking planes and ships .

    雷达用来 追踪飞机和船只。

  • An improved mean shift tracking algorithm for IR target was proposed .

    提出了一种改进的均值移位红外目标 跟踪算法。

  • Stanish is an authority on Andean archaeology . he 's been tracking antiquities on eBay for nine years .

    斯坦尼什是安第斯文明考古领域的权威人士,他花了九年时间在ebay上 追踪文物买卖,他也寻求美国缉私机关的帮助,探访那些伪造文物的作坊。

  • Location services provide address information and make terminal positioning and real-time detection and tracking .

    位置检测器位置传感器位置服务能提供地址信息,进行终端定位、实时监测和 跟踪

  • Data collection and analysis along with tracking and notifications of variances

    数据收集和分析,以及变化的 跟踪和通知

  • Observability analysis is the basis and prime task in a passive location and tracking system .

    可观测性分析是无源定位与 跟踪系统的前提和基础。

  • Accurate dynamics model of industrial robot plays a very important role in advanced trajectory tracking control applications .

    准确的动力学模型在先进的机器人轨迹 跟踪控制中扮演了一个非常重要的角色。

  • Forecasters are also tracking hurricane Josephine .

    气象预报员也在 追踪飓风“约瑟芬”的动向。

  • He got after his sister for tracking mud into the house .

    他责备妹妹 脚下 着泥走进屋里。

  • These concentrators are mounted on a structure with a two-axis tracking system to follow the sun .

    这些浓缩器被装在和一个二轴的 追踪系统的结构上跟随太阳。

  • The watch includes a heart rate sensor and a sensor for tracking movement to complement fitness applications .

    这款手表内置了一个心率感应器和一个 追踪运动的感应器,以支持健身应用。