trade circular

[treid ˈsɚkjəlɚ][treid ˈsə:kjulə]


  • Implementation of the reverse logistics can not only reduce the pollution of the environment but also save resources and the sustainable development of enterprises and national trade and promote the development of circular economy .

    实施废旧电子产品逆向物流不仅可以减少对自然环境的污染又可以节约资源,而且对企业的可持续发展和国家 贸易、促进 循环经济发展都有着积极的意义。

  • By strengthening the legal controls on the electro-waste we can better protect environment utilize resources rationally cope with trade barrier and set up the circular economy industry .

    加强电子废弃物的法律规制,有利于保护环境,合理利用资源,应对 贸易壁垒以及建立 循环经济产业。

  • The basic idea of Plan is to take financial subsidies to encourage the automotive appliance and other trade to establish an effective incentive mechanism to further expand domestic demand especially consumer demand promote energy conservation development of circular economy .

    《实施方案》基本思路是,采取财政补贴方式,鼓励汽车、家电等以旧 新,建立有效的激励机制,进一步扩大内需特别是消费需求,促进节能减排,发展 循环经济。

  • On October 10 1991 the Ministry of Economic Relations and Foreign Trade and the Ministry of Justice jointly issued a circular entitled Reissue of Regulations Prohibiting the Export of Products Made in a Reform-through-labour Programme .

    1991年10月10日,中国 经贸部、司法部又联合发出《关于重申禁止 劳改产品出口的规定》。

  • For overcoming the problems of short in resource and small in market scale and for meeting international trade demand for environment quality Korea 's government has made a serious of policies to develop circular economy .

    韩国因本国资源短缺和市场规模小,经济发展受到 约束,且面临国际 贸易对产品环境质量要求的制约。

  • The development of trade activated the rural-town economy and pushed merchandise economy so a lot of silver from the favorable balance made it possible to use silver as circular money .

    贸易的发展活跃了城乡经济,促进了商品经济的发展; 贸易顺差大量的白银内流使中国 银本位制的确立成为可能;

  • The Harmony of International Carbon Trade and Circular Economy

    国际碳排放 贸易 循环经济的协调