trade bloc

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  • But Johnson Administration in expanding the trade with the Soviet Bloc country also had made some substantive adjustments and obtained some achievements .

    但约翰逊政府在扩大与苏联 集团贸易的问题上,也做了一些实质性的调整,并取得了一些成就。

  • With the formation of cold war between the United States and the Soviet Union trade policy of export control became an important tool which western countries and America as their head economically contained Soviet Bloc .

    伴随美苏冷战格局的形成, 贸易出口管制成为美国为首的西方在经济上遏制 苏联 集团的重要工具。

  • A Trans-Pacific Partnership with vital Asian countries could help head off an Asian trade bloc .

    与亚洲重要国家达成“跨太平洋合作关系”,可能有助于阻止形成一个亚洲 贸易 集团

  • But trade is one area where the Union has enormous powers and acts as a single bloc .

    然而在 贸易领域,欧盟拥有巨大的影响力, 成员 也会统一行动。

  • The five countries formed a regional trade bloc .

    5国成立了一个地区性 贸易 集团

  • The EU has been China 's largest trade partner for 10 years and China has been the second-largest trade partner of the 28-member bloc for 11 years .

    十年来欧盟一直是中国最大的贸易伙伴。而十一年来中国一直是 欧盟(现有28个成员国)的第二大 贸易伙伴。

  • Barack Obama has urged the leaders of Japan and 10 other Pacific Rim economies to help him overcome the few remaining logjams in the way of creating a vast regional trade bloc .

    美国总统巴拉克•奥巴马(BarackObama)敦促日本以及其他10个太平洋沿岸经济体的领导人帮助他克服剩余的几个阻碍创建庞大区域性 贸易 集团的僵局。

  • The 10-member Association of South East Asian Nations is the most coherent trade bloc in a region that has signed no fewer than 100 bilateral trade deals in a decade .

    拥有10个成员国的东盟(ASEAN)是该地区最有凝聚力的 贸易 集团;10年来,亚太地区已签订不少于100项贸易协定。