track etching

[træk ˈɛtʃɪŋ][træk ˈetʃɪŋ]


  • ^ The latent track etching of PET films irradiated by 40 Ar ions

    高能Ar离子辐照聚酯薄膜潜 径迹 蚀刻

  • The characteristics of polyethyleneterephthalate ( PETP ) solid state nuclear track detector on registering fission fragment tracks are studied . The variations of average diameter of fission fragment tracks with etching temperature etching time and etchant concentration were measured .

    报道了聚乙烯对苯二酸酯(简称PETP)固体核 径迹探测器时裂变碎片记录性能的实验研究.在改变温度、 蚀刻时间和蚀刻液浓度等条件下测量了裂变碎片径迹平均直径的变化。

  • The chemical etching techniques of polypropylene ( PP ) nuclear track membrane were studied . The effects of potassium dichromate concentration sulfuric acid concentration etching temperature and etching time on the bulk etching rate of PP nuclear track membrane were discussed .

    探讨了蚀刻剂中重铬酸钾浓度、硫酸浓度及 蚀刻温度、蚀刻时间等因素对聚丙烯膜基体 蚀刻速率的影响;

  • This work includes the separation of particles disposing of the particle sample on the surface of nuclear track detector irradiation of the sample by thermal neutrons and chemical etching selection of uranium particles and so on .

    研究内容包括擦拭样品与载体分离、样品在裂变 径迹片上沉积、样品辐照以及化学 刻蚀、铀微粒筛选等。

  • Effects of UV light illumination on track etching in polycarbonate

    电导法研究紫外光预辐照对核孔膜 径迹 蚀刻的影响

  • Track Etch Dynamics Model of Isotropic Solid State Nuclear Detector at a Varied Etching Rate

    各向同性固体核 径迹探测器 蚀刻速率比为变量时 径迹蚀刻动力学模型

  • Numerical analysis of track etching process in polymers

    聚合物离子 径迹 化学 蚀刻过程的数值分析

  • Fission track etching condition of tourmaline

    电气石裂变 径迹 蚀刻条件研究

  • Under certain etching conditions the expected PP nuclear track membranes were made by etching the irradiated PP membrane affirming the mathematical relation .

    并选择一定的蚀刻条件对辐照过的聚丙烯膜进行 蚀刻,得到了预期孔径的聚丙烯核 膜。

  • A method of determination of the relative sensitivities of cellulose nitrate track detector for the registration of protons is presented . By this method the optimum etching condition of the fuji film has been found .

    本文提出一种测定硝酸纤维素 径迹探测器纪录质子相对灵敏度的方法,并用该方法确定了富士膜的最佳 蚀刻条件。

  • Determination of etching properties of CR-39 plastic track detector in different etching conditions

    CR-39塑料 径迹探测器在不同 蚀刻条件下的蚀刻性能测试

  • Determination of Content of Boron in Solid Solution by Track Etching Method

    硼钢中固溶硼含量的 径迹 照相法测定

  • Standardization Study on Confined Fission - Track Length Measurement & Study on Etching Standard of Zircon

    裂变 径迹长度测量标准化研究&锆石 蚀刻标准探讨

  • The computer simulation showed that the nuclear track membranes could prepared with cylinder pore by this method but it was difficult to control the etching process .

    模拟计算表明,采用该方法可得到柱状孔核 膜,但 蚀刻过程很难控制。