train arm

[tren ɑrm][trein ɑ:m]


  • Walk forward using your right hand to loop the train over your left arm as you go .

    往前走,走的时候用右手把拖 缠到左 胳膊上。

  • Study on Train 's Impulse Analyzer Based on ARM

    基于 ARM 列车操纵检测仪的研究

  • Train Triceps avoid loose flabby upper arm . Improve muscle tone .

    练习肱三头肌,防止 上臂肌肉松弛。

  • Design of Railway Train Vibratory Measuring System Based on ARM

    基于 ARM 列车振动测试系统的设计

  • Britain said the military team would not train or arm Libyan rebel forces in fighting troops loyal to Libyan leader Muammar Gadhafi .

    英国称,军事小组将不会 培训武装利比亚的反对势力,与忠于利比亚的领导人卡扎菲的军队作战。

  • Research on Train 's Vibration Analyzer Based on ARM

    基于 ARM 列车仪的研究

  • Aimed at the deficiency of the existing portable instrument for railway train vibratory measurement and fault diagnosis a new type of railway train vibratory measuring system is developed with ARM embedded technology .

    针对目前的便携式列车振动测试仪器的不足,采用 ARM嵌入式技术开发了一种新型的基于 ARM 列车振动采集系统;

  • This method traces the movement of valve train and obtains valve lift curve and rocker arm ratio .

    跟踪 传动 的运动轨迹,得到了准确的 气门升程及 摇臂比。

  • The paper introduces the design of train 's impulse analyzer based on ARM and presents some applicable solutions .

    介绍了一种基于 ARM 处理器 列车操纵检测仪的设计,提出了实用的解决方案。

  • This text is it evolve algorithm transfer BP network train result carry on structure design parameter optimized to utilize and has developed the concrete pump train arm shelf optimization design software .

    本文利用进化算法调用BP网络训练结果进行结构设计参数优化,并开发了混凝土泵 架优化设计软件。

  • In overhead cam valve train the rocker arm is an important part that has great influence on the overall performance of the engine .

    机构中, 摇臂是一个对发动机整体性能影响较大的重要零件。

  • He got off the train with a bundle on either arm .

    他带 两大包下 火车

  • Two types of communication nodes are designed one is bus-Ethernet network interface card which has clock synchronization and protocol conversion functions and the other is train gateway node which provides simple routing and queue scheduling functions .

    最后本文 使用 ARM 系列 微处理器 嵌入式 操作系统设计了两类 列车以太网通信节点:一类是具有时钟同步及协议转换功能的总线- 以太网网卡,另一 是具有路由和队列调度功能的 车辆网关。

  • One we can train them to perform these elaborate eye and arm movement tasks as you are seeing here I will describe .

    第一,我们可以 训练他们去完成眼睛和 手臂运动等精细的动作,正如我要介绍的那样。

  • S. Hernandez was ran over by a train in Mexico in2004 and lost his arm and right leg as well as three fingers on his left hand .

    阿途中到美国移民工人,埃尔南德斯是跑过去一 列车于2004年在墨西哥和他失去了他的左手 手臂和右腿,以及三根手指。