trace facility

[tres fəˈsɪlɪti][treis fəˈsiliti]


  • Filemon uses a trace facility to report on the I / O activity of physical and logical storage including your actual files .

    filemon使用一种 跟踪 设施来报告物理和逻辑存储(包括实际文件)的I/O活动。

  • The last option that we will specify is the-t option which will direct the trace facility to capture relative timestamps associated with each trace record .

    我们将指定的最后一个选项是-t选项,该选项将指示 跟踪 功能捕捉与每条跟踪记录相关的相对时间戳。

  • A DB2 trace is essentially a log of control flow information ( functions and associated parameter values ) that is captured while the trace facility is on .

    DB2跟踪实质上是运行 跟踪 程序时捕捉到的控制流信息(函数和相关参数值)的日志。

  • The Linux Trace Toolkit next generation ( LTTng ) provides a user-space visualization facility for tracing kernel and user-space activities .

    Linux 跟踪工具包下一代(LTTng)为跟踪内核和用户空间活动提供用户空间虚拟化 设施

  • For performance reasons the trace facility does not allow you to change the trace buffer size dynamically .

    由于性能的原因, 跟踪 功能不允许动态更改跟踪缓冲区的大小。

  • This article introduces you to the DB2 trace facility and the db2trc command and shows you ( by way of actual examples ) how to capture trace information should you ever need to do so .

    本文将向您介绍DB2 跟踪 功能和db2trc命令,同时将展示(通过实际的示例)如何捕捉跟踪信息,这曾是您需要做的。

  • It can also process a trace file that has been recorded by the trace facility .

    它还可以处理 跟踪 设施已经记录的跟踪文件。

  • The trace facility aimed to provide a low-overhead high-performance configurable tracing mechanism for the virtual machine itself .

    这种 跟踪 设施的目的是为虚拟机本身提供一个低开销、高性能、可配置的跟踪机制。

  • You can try some of these examples yourself in a test ( not production !) environment to acquire a better understanding and appreciation of the DB2 trace facility .

    您可以在一个测试环境(不是生产环境)中尝试其中一些示例,以便对DB2 跟踪 功能有更好的理解,同时也更欣赏这项 功能

  • The DB2 trace facility is controlled by means of the db2trc command which is used to start and stop a trace and to format captured trace information .

    DB2 跟踪 功能是通过db2trc命令的方式来控制的,可以用该命令来启动和停止跟踪,以及格式化捕捉到的跟踪信息。

  • First we will turn the trace facility on specifying an8-MB trace buffer .

    首先,我们将打开 跟踪功能,同时指定一个 8-MB的跟踪缓冲区。

  • Dtrace dynamic trace facility on Solaris

    Solaris上的Dtrace动态 跟踪 工具