trade account

[treid əˈkaʊnt][treid əˈkaunt]


  • Under Chinese rules GF Futures cannot trade on its own account on overseas exchanges but can offer futures trading to individuals large institutions and funds set up in China .

    根据中国的相关规定,广发期货不能以自己的 账户在海外交易所从事 交易,但可以代理个人、大型机构和在中国境内设立的基金进行期货交易。

  • Combined visible and invisible trade account

    有形及无形 贸易合并 帐目

  • At the same time the system complied with some principles in the course of implementation such as trade integrality network security account security trade security account consistency real-time maintainability and expandability .

    同时,系统在实施过程中遵循了交易完整性、网络通讯安全性、 交易安全性、数据保存安全性、帐务安全性、 一致性、实时性、易维护性、可扩充性等原则。

  • That has also led to the expectation that the big exporters will regain their mojo adverse trade and current account numbers will reverse and the economy will finally rebound .

    这也使得人们纷纷预期,大型出口商将时来运转,不利的 贸易和经常 账户数字也将好转,经济终于将实现反弹。

  • Meanwhile Japan last week reported the largest monthly trade and current account deficits since at least 1985 .

    同时,日本上周公布的数据显示,该国最新月度 贸易和经常 账户逆差至少是1985年以来最高水平。

  • In Section Two we show USA 's contribution in developing ownership-based trade account .

    第二节论证美国对于属权 贸易 核算的贡献。

  • Surplus versus deficit countries : Countries that are running large trade and current account deficits want the G20 to discuss global economic imbalances .

    盈余国家与赤字国家:存在高额 贸易及经常 项目逆差的国家,希望G20讨论全球经济失衡问题。

  • The establishment of the trade account is the prerequisite and one of the foundations for the commercial banks ' risk management .

    交易 账户的设立是商业银行市场风险管理的前提和基础之一。

  • Degree of import substitution and external trade on account of determination of circulation by production the rise and development of import-substitution of China changed the commodity construction of the import and export of China and this Change demonstrated the degree of import substitution of China industry .

    进口替代程度与对外 贸易由于生产决定流通,中国进口替代工业的兴起与发展,改变了中国的进出口商品结构,而进出口商品结构的改变,又反映了当时中国王业的进口替代程度。

  • I have a flexible job that allows me to trade my account when I need to .

    我的工作弹性较大,所以我可以在有需要时使用 账户进行 交易

  • The problem for Japan in justifying intervention is that it has run large trade and current account surpluses for more than a generation so it has a thin case for a weaker currency and increased competitiveness of its exports .

    日本为外汇干预寻找理由时,面临一个问题,就是日本的巨额 贸易顺差和经常 账户盈余已经持续了不止一代人的时间,因此支持日元走软、提升日本出口竞争力的理由并不充分。

  • Europe needs to recognise that its use of trade defence should take account of wider interests than those of a single import-competing industry or part of it .

    欧洲需要意识到,在运用 贸易防御时,它应当 考虑整体利益,而不是只 考虑某一个与进口产品有竞争的行业(或该行业的一部分)的利益。

  • So minor fluctuations in the trade account which the government is obliged to micromanage are all-determining .

    所以,即使 贸易 账户(政府不得不对其实施微观管理)发生细微的波动,也能产生决定性的影响。

  • According to the traditional view hot money can flow in the name of capital account through trade account individual account enterprises ' non-trade income and secret private banks .

    传统观点认为,热钱可以通过以资本项目的名义流入、通过 贸易 项目流入、通过个人项目流入、通过企业的非贸易收入流入、通过地下钱庄进入。

  • If the buyer and seller know each other well they may decide to trade on open account .

    买卖双方彼此很了解,则可采取 记帐方式。

  • The second chapter studies the impact of exchange rate volatility on the balance of trade account .

    第二章主要从价格的角度研究汇率波动对 贸易 收支的影响。

  • China and Germany released large positive monthly balances in the past two days while the Japanese trade account which had slipped towards equilibrium during the last recession is once again running at the pre-crisis rate of a positive 4 per cent of gross domestic product .

    中国和德国近两日公布了庞大的月度顺差数据;日本 贸易 账户在衰退期间曾向 收支平衡靠拢,如今却再度恢复到危机前的状况:顺差额占到国内生产总值(GDP)的4%。

  • Nevertheless as imports of both goods and services came down in tandem with the setback in exports of goods and services the combined visible and invisible trade account still yielded a further sizeable surplus in2001 .

    然而,由于货物及服务进口均随着货物及服务出口放缓而回落,综合有形和无形 贸易 在二零零一年仍录得可观盈余。

  • As the degree of RMB internationalization is very high a sustainable structure of balance of payments is as follows : combining deficits in the trade account and surplus in the current account with deficits in the capital and financial account .

    当人民币国际化发展到一定程度,需要大力推进人民币国际化时,一个可维持的国际收支结构应该是: 贸易 账户赤字、经常账户赢余和资本金融账户赤字相结合。

  • The resulting capital flow financed the US trade and current account deficits .

    由此带来的资金流动为美国 贸易逆差和经常 账户赤字提供了融资。

  • Japan became the biggest creditor both in trade and current account in the world in 1985 while the USA was the largest debtor .

    1985年日本成为世界第一 贸易和经常 收支黑字大国以及最大的债权国,而美国成为世界最大的债务国。

  • The Changes of Sino-U.S. Trade Account and Its Influence in Recent Years

    近年来中美 贸易 收支的变动及其影响

  • The change of exchange rates can affect on the trade account of a country the value of a firm the profit of a firm and other financial items by comparative price .

    汇率变化会通过相对价格的变化而对一个国家的 贸易 收支状况和公司的价值,利润及其它的财务指标产生较大的影响。

  • After the Second World War Japanese economy made great development . On the basis of the surplus in trade account and current account Japan became the biggest Capital outflow country and abroad mortgage country also the second economic country lagging behind America .

    二战后,日本经济取得了突飞猛进的发展,以巨额的 贸易 收支、经常收支黑字为后盾,日本先后成为世界上最大的资本输出国和海外债权大国,并成为仅次于美国的第二经济大国。

  • In the previous trading scenario it 's a safe assumption that only one trader will be working on the particular trade and account at any given time .

    在之前的交易场景中,我做了一个安全的假设,即只有一个交易者会在特定的时间操作特定的 交易 帐户

  • Modern factoring is a comprehensive financial services integrate function of trade financing account management bad debt security and collection of receivable accounts .

    现代保理业务是一种集 贸易融资、 账务管理、坏账担保、收取应收账款等功能于一身的综合性金融服务方式。

  • India currently allows its currency to be convertible only on the trade or current account .

    印度目前仅允许其货币在 贸易及经常 账户下可兑换。

  • Meanwhile the deterioration of trade conditions and the improvement of income trade conditions also account for the continual upgrading of the trade abrasions .

    贸易条件恶化而收入 贸易条件改善也是 导致贸易摩擦不断升级的原因之一。