trade current account

[treid ˈkɚrənt əˈkaʊnt][treid ˈkʌrənt əˈkaunt]

[经] 同业往来

  • That has also led to the expectation that the big exporters will regain their mojo adverse trade and current account numbers will reverse and the economy will finally rebound .

    这也使得人们纷纷预期,大型出口商将时来运转,不利的 贸易 经常 账户数字也将好转,经济终于将实现反弹。

  • After the Second World War Japanese economy made great development . On the basis of the surplus in trade account and current account Japan became the biggest Capital outflow country and abroad mortgage country also the second economic country lagging behind America .

    二战后,日本经济取得了突飞猛进的发展,以巨额的 贸易收支、 经常 收支黑字为后盾,日本先后成为世界上最大的资本输出国和海外债权大国,并成为仅次于美国的第二经济大国。

  • The problem for Japan in justifying intervention is that it has run large trade and current account surpluses for more than a generation so it has a thin case for a weaker currency and increased competitiveness of its exports .

    日本为外汇干预寻找理由时,面临一个问题,就是日本的巨额 贸易顺差和 经常 账户盈余已经持续了不止一代人的时间,因此支持日元走软、提升日本出口竞争力的理由并不充分。

  • On International Trade Structure of Benefits Distribution from Perspective of Chinese and American Current Account Balance

    从中美 经常 项目差额看国际 贸易利益分配格局

  • The paper summarizes and clearly proposed the transmission pathway of productivity to trade balance on theoretical level and discusses our trade balance problem on base of the framework of current account inter-temporal equilibrium analysis .

    本文从理论层面归纳和明确提出生产率对贸易收支的传导效应。在 经常 项目的跨期均衡分析框架基础上探讨我国 贸易收支问题。

  • India currently allows its currency to be convertible only on the trade or current account .

    印度目前仅允许其货币在 贸易经常 账户下可兑换。

  • The trade position usually dominates current account movements for most advanced economies .

    在最发达的经济体, 贸易状况通常是 经常 账户波动的主要原因。

  • Meanwhile Japan last week reported the largest monthly trade and current account deficits since at least 1985 .

    同时,日本上周公布的数据显示,该国最新月度 贸易 经常 账户逆差至少是1985年以来最高水平。

  • One popular method was to inflate export invoices on difficult-to-value goods such as electronic circuits in order to book speculative cash as trade receipts and convert dollars to renminbi under the current account .

    一个流行做法是虚开一些难以估值的商品(如电子电路)的出口发票,从而将投机性资金记为 贸易收入,然后在 经常 账户下将美元兑换成人民币。

  • The forth chapter depicts the trade effect of FDI and the channels of FDI influence on the current account .

    第四部分:对外国直接投资所产生的 贸易效应和影响 经常 项目的渠道建立了一般性的理论框架。

  • The resulting capital flow financed the US trade and current account deficits .

    由此带来的资金流动为美国 贸易逆差和 经常 账户赤字提供了融资。

  • As the degree of RMB internationalization is very high a sustainable structure of balance of payments is as follows : combining deficits in the trade account and surplus in the current account with deficits in the capital and financial account .

    当人民币国际化发展到一定程度,需要大力推进人民币国际化时,一个可维持的国际收支结构应该是: 贸易账户赤字、 经常 账户赢余和资本金融账户赤字相结合。

  • After 90 s century developing with trade freedom and release of current account restriction capital account convertibility problem has been put on policy-makers desk of developing country .

    90年代以来,随着 贸易自由化的深入发展和 经常 项目 支付限制的逐步解除,资本项目开放问题已摆到许多发展中国家经济决策者面前。

  • Foreign trade volume has increased largely while sustained current account surplus led to lots of trade frictions .

    对外 贸易额大幅度增加, 经常 项目持续顺差,由此也引发了许多贸易摩擦。

  • Turkey has been trying to boost trade with Moscow as it struggles with a current account deficit that 's growing as energy costs soar .

    能源支出的不断高涨使土耳其国际收支中的 经常 帐户出现逆差。为了扭转贸易赤字,土耳其一直争取增加跟俄罗斯的 贸易

  • Further the recovery of the global economy must be accompanied by a longer-term rebalancing of trade and capital flows so that current account surpluses and deficits are determined by fundamentals rather than artificial constraints thereby reducing the risk of financial and economic instability .

    此外,全球经济复苏必须伴之以更长期的 贸易和资本流动再平衡,使 经常 账户盈余和赤字由基本面因素(而非人为限制)决定,从而降低金融和经济不稳定的风险。

  • The report says higher oil prices impact Asian EMs in three ways : adversely affecting the terms of trade and so reducing current account surpluses boosting inflation and increasing the fiscal burden in countries that subsidise fuel .

    这份报告表示,油价上涨会以三种方式对亚洲新兴市场构成冲击:对 贸易条件造成负面影响,进而减少 经常 项目顺差;助长通货膨胀;增加实行燃料补贴制度国家的财政负担。

  • Finance minister Korn Chatikavanij seems to recognise though that with a trade surplus a current account surplus and economic growth at a 15-year high upward pressures will be hard to contain .

    不过,泰国财政部长乃功(kornchatikavanij)似乎意识到,由于 贸易顺差、 经常 账户盈余以及经济增长速度位于15年高点,泰铢的上行压力将难以遏制。

  • Chinese officials point to a 7 per cent decline in the dollar value of the trade surplus last year and the steep drop in the current account surplus from 11 per cent of GDP in 2007 to just short of 6 per cent last year .

    中国官员提到,去年,以美元计算的 贸易顺差减少了7%, 经常 账户盈余占GDP的比例,从2007年的11%大幅降至略低于6%。

  • To answer it Mr Subramaniam constructs a simple measure of economic power which consists of the size of economies the scale of their trade and whether countries run current account surpluses or deficits .

    为了回答这一问题,萨勃拉曼尼亚建立了一个衡量经济实力的简单指标,它包括经济规模、 贸易 以及国家 经常 账户是赤字还是盈余。

  • They will have to run a much larger trade surplus in the future to maintain a current account surplus .

    将来,为了保持 经常 账户盈余,他们将不得不要求更大的 贸易顺差。

  • Since there is so much intra-eurozone trade a current account surplus in one member naturally means there will be a deficit in another .

    由于欧元区区 内贸易量很大,一个成员国的 经常 项目顺差自然意味着另一个国家的逆差。

  • Surplus versus deficit countries : Countries that are running large trade and current account deficits want the G20 to discuss global economic imbalances .

    盈余国家与赤字国家:存在高额 贸易经常 项目逆差的国家,希望G20讨论全球经济失衡问题。

  • The trade disputes are fundamentally in response to Beijing 's swelling current account surplus which could reach $ 400bn this year equal to about 12 per cent of gross domestic product .

    从根本上来说,这些 贸易争端都是对中国日益扩大的 经常 账户盈余的回应。中国的 经常 账户盈余今年可能会达到4000亿美元,约占其国内生产总值(GDP)的12%。

  • China relying on cheap labor cost and government policy support actively expands foreign trade and keeps the current account always in surplus .

    而我国依赖本国廉价的劳动力以及国家政策的扶植,积极扩展本国的对外 贸易,使得国际收支账户中 经常 账户一直处于顺差状态。

  • But as Karel de Gucht EU trade commissioner says the renminbi remains less of a concern in Europe than in the US possibly because though the EU runs a large bilateral deficit with China its overall current account has been much closer to balance .

    但正如欧盟 贸易专员卡洛德古赫特(kareldegucht)所说,欧洲仍然不像美国那么担心人民币问题,这大概是因为,尽管欧盟对中国存在巨额贸易逆差,但欧盟的总体 经常 账户更趋于均衡。

  • Japan became the biggest creditor both in trade and current account in the world in 1985 while the USA was the largest debtor .

    1985年日本成为世界第一 贸易 经常 收支黑字大国以及最大的债权国,而美国成为世界最大的债务国。