trace interval

[tres ˈɪntəvəl][treis ˈintəvəl]


  • At present the simulation geophones can not be substituted by digital ones in the hinterland of Junggar Basin certain array for receiving small trace interval of seismic data is kept in the field .

    野外保持一定垂向组合基距小道 采集,室内进行合适的 组合,可以较好改善资料品质。

  • The experiment to get the motion parameters of missile model such as moving trace attitude interval and velocity has been done .

    进行了求取炮弹模型在运动过程中的运行 轨迹、运行姿态角、运动 距离以及运动速度等运动参数的实验。

  • When the useful anisotropic parameter η is taken as less than 0.1 the characters of weak anisotropic layer can be better reflected which the errors of trace correction in near and middle offset are only 1 sample interval .

    当取有效各向异性参数η<0.1时,可以较好地反映弱各向异性层的特征,在中、近炮检距附近 的校正误差仅为一个采样 间隔

  • But if we change the shot interval the trace interval the group interval and the interval of receiving lines and make the geophone and source to be superposition after each or group points then the number of CMP in each normal surface will increase multiply .

    如果我们只要稍微改变炮间距、 、接收线距和炮线距,使检波器和震源在每隔一个或多个点处重合,这样在每个标准面元里的中心点的数量会成倍增加。

  • Nonlinear mapping between the characteristic parameters of borehole side seismic trace and acoustic interval transit times is made by using neural network then acoustic logging curve under borehole bottom may be obtained through extrapolation to predict formation pressure under borehole bottom by using seismic and logging data .

    通过提取井旁地震 的特征参数,利用神经网络建立其与测井 声波时差的非线性映射,进而外推井底以下声波曲线,从而实现地震、测井联合预测井底以下的地层压力。

  • According to the analysis on the uncertainty of urban rail trains in operation the article proposes that the trace train interval time consists of the minimum interval time and average necessary buffer time .

    通过对城市轨道交通列车实际运行不确定性的分析,提出城市轨道交通 追踪列车 间隔时间是由最小列车间隔时间和平均必要缓冲时间两部分组成。

  • Moving the window forward along the seismic trace with step-length of one sample interval and computing fractal dimension at each window then resulted in one variance track of fractal dimension ;

    2使窗口沿地震 以一个采样 间隔步长向前移动,并计算每个窗口的分形维,从而得到一条分形维变化轨线;

  • Trace integration value represents relative wave impedance . it reflects the variation of relative interval velocity in a seismic section .

    积分值代表相对波阻抗值,它反映了地震剖面上相对 速度的变化。

  • According to a SIRT method by discussing tomographic results of different cross-well observation system this article presents some useful criteria of selecting a cross-well observation system in order to obtain some approximate relations among shot interval trace interval and maximum array length .

    本文将根据直射线的SIRT方法,通过不同井间观测系统对成像质量的影响,提出了选择井间观测系统应遵循的某些原则,进而获得炮间距、 间距和最大排列长度间的估算关系。

  • A hydride generation atomic fluorescence spectrometry method was developed for the determination of trace lead in traditional chinese medicines . Samples were pretreated with a high pressure digestion using HNO 3-H 2O 2 system following the interval flow precedure .

    采用HNO3-H2O2体系和高压釜消解中药样品,以 AFS-2202a型双 原子荧光分光光度计和断续流动的 氢化物发生法,测定了中药葶苈子和黄连中的铅。

  • Interval averaged : The trace ( long value String w_1425 name ) and trace ( int value String w_1436 name ) methods issue traces for interval averaged values ( see the Intervals sidebar ) .

    平均时间间隔:trace(longvalue,String]name)和 trace(intvalue,String]name)方法将发出 时间 间隔平均值的跟踪(请参阅时间间隔侧栏)。

  • A hydride generation atomic fluorescence spectrometry method has been developed for the determination of trace lead in traditional Chinese medicines . A high pressure digestion using HNO 3 H 2O 2 system was applied for the pretreatment of traditional Chinese medicine samples and the interval flow precedure was used .

    应用 AFS2202a型双 原子荧光分光光度计和断续流动的氢化物发生技术,采用HNO3H2O2体系和高压釜消解中药样品 测定了中药党参、黄芪、巴戟天中的铅。

  • TOTAL TICKS is the number of times that the system-clock interrupt occurred during the trace interval .

    TOTALTICKS是 追踪 时间 间隔过程中发生系统时钟中断的次数。