trade disputes


  • But the WTO provides a mechanism for resolving trade disputes .

    但世贸组织提供了一种解决 贸易 争端的机制。

  • Clearly China and many of its trade partners are engaged in an escalating series of tit-for-tat trade disputes .

    显然,中国与其许多贸易伙伴正陷入一系列日益升级、针锋相对的 贸易 争端

  • This will then help to eliminate misunderstanding and appropriately solve trade disputes between countries .

    这样才有助于消除误解,妥善解决国与国之间的 贸易 争端

  • The Ponder of Improving China 's the Settlement Mechanism of Frontier Trade Disputes

    关于完善我国边境 贸易 争端解决机制的思考

  • WTO Grain International Trade Disputes : Cause and Benefit

    WTO粮食国际 贸易 争端的起因与利益影响

  • Chinese officials deny the charges and say the new tariffs show Washington has gone back on its word to solve trade disputes through dialogue .

    中国官员否认上述指称,并表示,新关税说明华盛顿违背了通过对话解决 贸易 争端的诺言。

  • They also agreed to create a permanent system to settle trade disputes .

    他们也同意建立一个永久的系统去解决 贸易 争议

  • We will make the mechanism for dealing with trade disputes more efficient and handle trade frictions properly .

    健全应对 贸易 争端的有效机制,妥善处理贸易摩擦。

  • The WTO organizes trade negotiations and settles trade disputes .

    世界贸易组织组织贸易谈判并解决 贸易 纠纷

  • If recent trade disputes are a guide the actual impact could be much less than the symbolism .

    如果最近的 贸易 争端能够提供一种指引的话,那么这些措施的实际影响可能远不及其象征意义。

  • Seeking to resolve trade disputes ;

    ·寻求解决 贸易 争端 途径

  • Trade Union and Trade Disputes ( Cancellation and Arbitration ) Ordinance 1947

    1947年工会和 劳资 纠纷(取消和公断)法

  • In all such cases foreign companies have come under pressure from the Chinese not to co-operate in the trade disputes .

    在所有这些案件中,外资公司都遇到了中国人的压力,要求它们在 贸易 纠纷中不予合作。

  • It would make it harder to bring trade disputes to the World Trade Organisation .

    这让中国更难以把 贸易 争端 诉诸世贸组织。

  • China has launched a trade investigation into imports of solar-grade polysilicon an ingredient in solar panels from the EU escalating the trade disputes between China and the West over renewable energy .

    中国启动了针对从欧盟进口的太阳能级多晶硅(太阳能电池板的组分之一)的贸易调查,此举进一步加剧了中国与西方在可再生能源方面的 贸易 争端

  • There is a growing list of trade disputes between the two although most have been over small issues .

    两国之间的 贸易 争端正在增多,虽然大部分 涉及的是小问题。

  • The WTO dispute settlement system is a new distinctive and organized system aiming to settle international trade disputes in a peaceful way .

    世贸组织争端解决机制是一种新的、独特的、组织化的和平解决国际 贸易 争端的制度。

  • The special bodies and procedures of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade ( GATT ) and the WTO can be fully used to better resolve trade disputes ;

    可利用关贸总协定和世界贸易组织的特设机构和程序,较好地解决 贸易 纠纷

  • Trade disputes capture the imagination only when they have a catchy name .

    只有当 贸易 争端拥有一个引人注目的名字的时候,才会激发人们的想象力。

  • If the West did it there would be trade disputes etc.

    如果西方也这样做,那么会产生 贸易 纠纷

  • Since China entered WTO the consultations and negotiations between the EU and China and the US and China have helped to solve plenty of trade disputes .

    中国加入WTO后,中欧、中美双方通过协商和谈判,已经解决了大量的 贸易 争端

  • WTO provides a panel of experts to hear and rule on trade disputes between members and unlike GATT issues binding decisions .

    世贸组织提供一个专家小组,审理和裁决成员之间的 贸易 争端,不像关贸总协定的问题有约束力的决定。

  • Trade disputes have been common among the four .

    在金砖四国之间, 贸易 争端普遍存在。

  • Beijing has built a reputation for rapid but controlled retaliation during trade disputes .

    北京在历次 贸易 争端中建立了报复快速而有节制的声誉。

  • This year however the international solar industry has been neither harmonious nor peaceful its tranquillity shattered by falling profits business failures political controversy and international trade disputes .

    不过,今年的国际太阳能行业既不和谐、也不和平。利润不断下滑、企业倒闭、政治争议和国际 贸易 争端等因素,打破了太阳能行业的宁静。

  • Seeing Vegetable Trade Disputes between China and Japan from Viewpoint of Vegetable Guilds Development

    从中日蔬菜 贸易 争端看我国蔬菜行业协会的发展

  • In its biennial review of Beijing 's trade policy the WTO 's criticism ventured on to the politically sensitive area of export curbs the subject of ongoing trade disputes with China 's largest trading partners .

    在两年一次的中国贸易政策评估中,WTO的批评延伸至出口限制这一政治上敏感的领域。在这一问题上,中国与其最大的贸易伙伴持续存在 贸易 纠纷

  • We intensified our work dealing with anti-dumping investigations made against China and settling trade disputes .

    加强了应对国外反倾销调查和解决 贸易 争端的工作。

  • This is a technical definition that would benefit Chinese companies involved in trade disputes and under World Trade Organisation rules China is expected to be granted it automatically by 2016 .

    这是一个技术性的定义,它将有利于涉及 贸易 纠纷的中国企业,根据世界贸易组织(WTO)规则,中国预期将在2016年自动获得完全市场经济地位。