trace pulse

[tres pʌls][treis pʌls]

[计] 跟踪脉冲

  • Determination of trace uranium by differential pulse polarography

    微分 脉冲极谱法测定 痕量

  • A Study of Trace Nickel in Urine by Pulse Polarography

    氢化 脉冲极谱法测定尿中 微量

  • The researchers stimulated these subjects ' brains with a magnetic field and used EEG to trace the pulse 's path .

    研究人员采用磁场来刺激受试者们的大脑,并使用脑电图(EEG) 跟踪了脑电 脉冲的路径。

  • 2 ( 3 ) - 1 modified carbon paste electrode for the determination of trace Pb (ⅱ) by differential pulse anodic voltammetry

    2三(3二甲基吡唑) -1三嗪碳糊修饰电极阳极溶出伏安法测定铅

  • A Method for Determining the Trace Cobalt in Human Body by Differential Pulse Absorption Voltammetry

    应用微分 脉冲吸附伏安法测定人体中 痕量

  • A method for determining trace Nickel and Cobalt in human body by differential pulse adsorption voltammetry is reported in this paper .

    本文研究了应用微分 脉冲吸附伏安法连续测定人体中 痕量镍和钴的方法。

  • A new method was developed to determine trace polyethoxylated nonionic surfactants ( PENS ) in water by differential pulse voltammetry ( DPV ) with polyvinyl chloride ( PVC ) membrane modified electrode .

    研究了一种新的PVC膜修饰电极微分 脉冲伏安法直接测定 痕量聚氧乙烯类非离子表面活性剂(PENS)的方法。

  • Determination of Trace Oxygen in Silicon by Pulse Heating Technigue / Gas Chromatography Using Helium as Carrier

    氦载 气脉 加热色谱法测定硅中 微量

  • Study on the Determination of Trace Amounts of Thallium by Differential Pulse Anodic Stripping Voltammetry

    差示 脉冲阳极溶出伏安法测定 痕量铊的研究

  • Determination of trace oxygen in wheel axle steel by pulse infrared method after pretreatment with oxalic acid-hydrogen peroxide

    过氧化氢-草酸预处理 脉冲红外法测定轮轴钢中 痕量

  • The coordination number is 1 and the number of transfer electron involved in the reaction is 2.This methode was successfully applied to the determination of trace amounts of cefazolin sodium by differential pulse adsorption cathodic stripping voltammetry ( DPAdCSV ) .

    并建立了示差 脉冲吸附阴极溶出伏安法(DPAdCSV)测定 痕量头孢唑啉钠的灵敏方法。

  • Simultaneous determination of the four species of trace elements in cancer tissue with differential pulse anodic stripping voltammetry

    微分 脉冲阳极溶出法同时测定癌组织中的四种 微量元素

  • Determination of Trace Lead in Tea by Differential Pulse Stripping Voltammetry

    差分 脉冲溶出伏安法测定茶叶中的 痕量

  • Simultaneous determination of trace of bismuth lead cadmium and zinc in nickel and nickel-base alloys by differential pulse anodic stripping voltammetry

    微分 脉冲阳极溶出伏安法同时测定镍和镍基合金中 微量铋、铅、镉、锌

  • Determination of trace amounts of formaldehyde and methanol in air by differential pulse polarography

    微分 脉冲极谱法测定大气中 痕量甲醛与甲醇

  • The article describes the method of determination of trace lead and cop - per in commercial sugar with high speed pulse polarograph which costs only RMB (?)

    本文描述了用高速 脉冲极谱仪测定成品糖中 微量的Pb、Cu的方法。

  • Determination of Trace Selenium in Human Body By Using the Method of High Pressure Wet Digestion and Differential Pulse Polarography

    高压湿法消化,微分 脉冲阴极溶出伏安法测定人体 痕量

  • Measuring the trace Zinc of nature water by difference pulse method

    脉冲 伏安法测定天然水中 痕量

  • Determination the Trace Element Lead and Cadmium in Cosmetics Using Difference Pulse Stripping Voltammetry

    化妆品中 微量 毒害元素铅、镉的差分 脉冲溶出伏安法分析

  • Direct FAAS Determination of trace amounts of chromium in soil by pulse slurry sampling

    脉冲悬浮体进样火焰原子吸收 光谱法直接测定土壤中铬