
[ˈtræmpəˌlin, -lɪn][ˈtræmpəli:n]


  • Get an indoor trampoline and jump gently on it for 15 minutes .

    那就搞一张室内 蹦床在上面轻轻地跳上15分钟。

  • Besides my party and the trampoline in Vegas other than that overall the2007 experience for me was a D.

    除了我的派对和 在拉斯维加斯做的 蹦床表演,我在2007年所有的经历都是D。

  • Rhythmic Gymnastics and Trampoline Individual for men and women . a center of authority ( as a city from which authority is exercised ) .

    男女体操和 蹦床 比赛。权力中心,比如一个操纵着权利的城市。

  • Earth 's gravity warps spacetime the same way a bowling ball weighs down the middle of a trampoline .

    地球的重力包裹着时空,就如同碗状球体把 蹦床的中部压得下沉了一般。

  • The utility model provides an objective measurement device for training and matches of trampoline athletes .

    本实用新型为 蹦床运动员的训练和比赛提供了客观的测量设备。

  • The inaugural trampoline ( women 's ) gold was won by China 's He Weina .

    女子 蹦床金牌被中国的何雯娜获得。

  • It is trampoline . I 'm also up to it .

    不就是 蹦床 。这个我也会啊。

  • He Wenna a trampoline athlete is my favorite sportswoman .

    何雯娜, 蹦床运动员,是我最喜欢的女运动员。

  • The Exercise Technique Research on Bouble Back Somersault Pike Position in Trampoline


  • I got a small indoor trampoline which he still loves to this day .

    我给 儿子买了个小型 蹦床,这个蹦床直到今天还让他 爱不释手

  • Annie : I want gift-cards for bookstores and a trampoline .

    安妮:我想要书店的礼品卡和一个 蹦床

  • Get a vaulting horse and a trampoline .

    摆上一个鞍马和 蹦床

  • Features of pre-competition training load of National Men Trampoline Team for Beijing Olympic Games

    中国男子 蹦床队备战北京奥运会赛前训练负荷特征分析

  • However it actually uses a simple technique called a trampoline .

    不过,它实际使用一种称为 trampoline的简单技术。

  • China won four golds yesterday two in gymnastics one in men 's table tennis team and the fourth in women 's trampoline .

    中国在本周一共获得四枚金牌,两枚在体操项目上,一枚在乒乓球男子团体,还有一枚是 女子 蹦床

  • Gymnasts require extreme levels of strength and agility be it in artistic gymnastics where apparatus is required or in the lesser-known rhythmic and trampoline events .

    体操对力量与灵巧都有极高的要求,特别是在艺术体操,要使用一些器材,或者是少数人知道的韵律操和 蹦床项目中都需要这样的要求。

  • This paper discusses and analyzes two names of Compulsory and the First Routine of trampoline by the methods of documentation of three times and expert interview .

    采用三次文献法和专家访谈法,对 蹦床的两个称谓“规定 动作”和“第一套动作”进行探讨和分析。

  • Rhythmic Gymnastics and Trampoline Individual for men and women .

    男女体操和 蹦床 比赛

  • Even of our sixth formers are still happy to put on a leotard and jump on a trampoline .

    甚至我们前面的六个学校都仍很乐意让学生们穿上高领紧身衣在 蹦蹦 上跳跃。

  • Space-time is like a stiff trampoline one that only sinks when you put something very heavy on it .

    时空结构就像一张僵硬的 蹦床,你只有将相当重的物体放在上面 蹦床才会下陷。

  • Thoughts about stamina training for trampoline athletes from the perspective of core stability training

    核心稳定性训练视角下的 蹦床运动员体能训练思路

  • Monitoring and evaluation of physical capacity of Chinese Men 's Trampoline Team Pre-competition training for Beijing Olympic Games

    中国男子 蹦床队运动员备战奥运会赛前训练身体机能监测与评定

  • Picture what it would be like to roll a bowling ball onto the two-dimensional surface of a trampoline .

    想像下将一个保龄球在一个二维的 弹簧垫子表面滚动的 情形

  • She also had fun jumping up and down on the trampoline .

    完泡泡,她又去跳蹦 蹦床直到跳得 满头 大汗 下来。

  • In 2005 he started a trampoline sales business Atlantic Trampolines .

    2005年,他创建了一家 蹦床销售企业AtlanticTrampolines。

  • China 's He Wenna won the gold medal in the women 's trampoline this is the first gold for China in trampoline at Olympic Games .

    北京奥运会上,中国小将何雯娜赢得了中国 蹦床项目上的第一枚奥运金牌。

  • The sinking of the trampoline represents how heavy objects curve spacetime .


  • Research on the Characteristics of Skin Vein About Young Athletes of Net Project of Trampoline in China

    我国 优秀青少年 蹦床网上运动员的皮纹特征研究

  • An old trampoline that has lost some of its spring .

    失去一些弹性的旧 蹦床

  • Gym mats must cover the floor around the trampoline .

    运动用的 软垫必须放置在 四周的地板上。