transaction queue

[trænˈsækʃən kju][trænˈzækʃən kju:]

[计] 事务排队,事项队列

  • All transactions that modified tables being altered must be scanned from the transaction log into the stable queue before the schema is altered .

    修改发生变更的表的所有事务都必须在变更模式前从 事务日志扫描到稳定 队列中。

  • FM-Que model support transaction mobility and frequent disconnect through adopt transaction queue mechanism an idea of fixed subtransaction and mobile subtransaction and adopt multi-edition and pre-commit mode to maintain data consistency .

    FM-Que模型通过采用 事务 队列机制,固定子事务和移动子事务思想来支持事务移动性和频繁断接性,采用多版本预提交方式来维护数据一致性。

  • In our simple example since the server process is a CICS transaction simply having multiple copies of the server transaction running in multiple CICS regions would keep the queue depth very low .

    在我们给出的简单示例中,由于服务器进程是一个CICS事务,直接在多个CICS区域中运行多个服务器 事务副本就可能将 队列深度保持在很低的水平。

  • Similarly the repository can compete with applications for transactions under syncpoint transaction log space MAXDEPTH of the cluster transmit queue and many other resources .

    类似地,储存库可能与应用程序争用同步事务、 事务日志空间、集群传输 队列的MAXDEPTH和许多其他资源。

  • The messages with this transaction association are those messages that are in the process of being placed on the queue or being removed from the queue and for which the transaction is in flight .

    与此 事务关联的消息是正在放入 队列或从队列删除的消息以及事务正在处理的消息。

  • If a failure occurs before the transaction commits the entire transaction rolls back and the message returns to the queue .

    如果在事务提交前发生故障,则整个 事务都将回滚,并且消息将返回到 队列中。

  • If the first message is put under a transaction then all of the other messages must be put under a transaction if they use the same queue handle .

    如果第一个消息放置在事务下,则必须将所有使用相同 队列句柄的所有其他消息都放置于 事务下。

  • If the interface is request-response get the client to create a receiver in another transaction and then receive the response message from the reply queue .

    如果界面是请求-响应型,让客户在另一个 事务创建一个接收端,然后从响应 队列接收响应消息。

  • This paper introduces the principle for transaction middleware analyses the algorithm for Queue and Queue Manager and presents a simple model for flow control .

    介绍了一种 交易中间件的原理,分析了主要数据结构 队列,队列管理器的设计与实现算法,并给出了一个简单的流控策略模型。

  • This means that if the failed flag has been set because a message has not been received we can roll back the transaction and return all of the other messages in the group back to the queue .

    这意味着,如果由于尚未接收到某条消息而已经设置了failed标志,则可以回滚 事务,并将组中的所有其他消息返回给 队列

  • The transaction is rolled back and the poison message goes to the top of the queue .

    事务被回滚,该有害消息被置于 队列的顶端。

  • For the MQ service when the transaction was rolled back the message was not committed to the queue .

    对于MQ服务,当这个 事务回滚时,这条消息就不会写入 队列中。

  • The source data which system to monitor is only the scope of data all flow through the system . The system copys the data from transaction storage media the message queue . The data here is a deep copy of the real data .

    系统监控的源数据仅是所有流经系统监控范围的数据,系统通过拷贝 交易的存放介质&消息 队列来获取数据,这里的数据是真实数据的完全拷贝。

  • QCTL is the transaction that receives the trigger message it finds the name of the queue that has messages waiting to be processed and it gets the messages and processes them .

    QCTL是接收该触发消息的 事务,它找到含有待处理消息的 队列的名称,然后获得这些消息并进行处理。

  • Transactional processing allows you to ensure that the messages in a transaction are delivered in order are delivered only once and are successfully retrieved from the destination queue .

    利用事务性处理,您可以确保 事务中的消息按照顺序传送,只传送一次,并且从目的 队列成功地被检索。

  • Transaction scheduling model based on the priority queue and the ordered shared locking protocol are designed .

    设计了基于事件优先级 队列 事务调度模型和有序共享的并发控制协议。

  • Additionally it allows polling of application metrics such as transaction rates and times MQ queue manager status message counters or SLM metrics .

    另外,它允许对应用程序指标轮询,如 事务率和时间、MQ 队列管理器状态、消息计数器或SLM指标。

  • In case of errors the transaction can be rolled back leaving the database unchanged and the MQ message is sent back to the input queue .

    在发生错误的情况下,该 事务可以通过回滚使数据库恢复到更改前的状态,并将MQ消息发送回输入 队列中。

  • This delay is the amount of overhead incurred while the principal server instance waits for the mirror server instance to write the transaction 's log record into the redo queue .

    此延迟是主体服务器实例等待镜像服务器实例将 事务日志记录写入重做 队列时,所发生的开销量。

  • Property identifying the transaction status queue on the source computer .

    识别源计算机上 事务状态 队列的属性。

  • Remove the transaction from the payment queue .

    是用上面这句 队列里删除 交易

  • If the transaction fails all work rolls back and the received message is returned to the queue so that another attempt can be made to process it .

    如果 事务失败,所有工作都回滚,并且收到的消息会返回到 队列中,以便可以尝试再次处理它。

  • This model support mobile computing environment effectively through adopt transaction queue mechanism in server agent layer and multi-granularity lock concurrency control mechanism on the basic of lock form in server layer .

    此模型通过在移动代理层采用 事务 队列机制,及在服务器层采用基于锁表的多粒度锁并发控制机制来有效地支持移动计算环境。

  • Previously assured delivery relied on a transaction store kept on the broker 's queue manager in order to keep track of incoming requests in case a broker crashed .

    此前,确定交付依赖一个保存在代理的 队列管理器上的 事务存储,以便跟踪入站请求,以防发生代理崩溃。

  • For example a transaction could wrap the fetch from a JMS queue that is then sent to a BPEL engine and persisted as a variable in a flow .

    例如, 事务将从JMS 队列中获取的内容打包,之后发送给BEPL引擎,同时作为一个流程变量被持久化。

  • This describes a message created and sent in one transaction which is then picked up from the queue and processed in a separate transaction .

    这描述了这样一条消息―它在一个 事务中被创建、发送,然后从 队列中被取出,并在一个独立的事务中被处理。

  • This thesis will use the database transaction logs and message queue technology to maintain data consistency in Distributed Procurement Sales and Inventory management system . First use merge replication to partition and allocate data .

    本文将结合使用数据库 事务日志和消息 队列技术,维护分布式进销存管理系统的数据一致性。首先,使用合并复制技术对数据进行分片和分配。