


  • This assumes that the underlying transcoder that is integrated with the parser supports the encoding you 've specified .

    此处假定与解析器集成在 一起 转码 支持您所指定的底层编码。

  • Automobile Ignition Lock Matched with Transcoder Key

    汽车 数码钥匙点火锁

  • A 60 Channel PCM / ADPCM Transcoder

    60路 PCM/ADPCM 转换器

  • The testing method for 60-Channel ADPCM Transcoder Equipment has been discussed in detail . The testing results of a prototype equipment are reported as well .

    文章详细地介绍了60路 ADPCM编码 转换设备模拟口和数字口特性的测试方法。

  • Taking the transistor ignition coned device of the SANTANA CAR as an example the paper describes the construction working principle and operational process of the ignition lock matched with transcoder key .

    以普通桑塔纳轿车的晶体管点火控制装置为例,阐述了 数码钥匙点火锁的结构、工作原理及工作过程。

  • Overall Design of the 60-Channel ADPCM Transcoder Equipment

    60路 ADPCM编码 转换设备总体设计

  • We then present a simple but effective rate-distortion model for video transcoder .

    接下来,本文提出了一种初步但有效的 转码率失真模型。

  • CCITT G.721 ADPCM Transcoder Software Realization

    CCITT G.721ADPCM编解码器软件实现

  • A DCT Domain MPEG - 2 bit Rate Transcoder

    一种DCT域 MPEG-2码率变换 技术

  • Motion Vector Composition for Frame - Skipping Transcoder

    跳帧 转码的运动矢量合成研究

  • 60-Channel ADPCM Transcoder Prototype Equipment Testing and Results Analysis

    60路 ADPCM编码 转换设备性能测试与结果分析

  • Transcoder Based on the Model of Adaptive Motion Vector

    基于自适应运动矢量模式的 代码 转换 研究

  • It is used to design the quality control strategy of transcoder .

    模型 同时被用于 指导设计 转码 的质量控制策略。

  • While recoding predict frames whose reference frame is dropped in the transcoder to realize fast broadcasting a motion vector composition algorithm by reusing motion vectors from the compressed video stream is used to reduce the computational complexity .

    为提高抽取后重编码效率,可利用码流中的 原始运动矢量对 跳帧后新参考帧条件下的运动矢量进行预测。

  • Motion Estimation and Refinement in Video Frame-skipping Transcoder

    跳帧视频 转换编码中的运动估值与修正

  • A transcoder for transcoding digital video signals includes a decoder and an encoder .

    一种 转换 编码器,用以转换编码数位视讯,并包含一个解码器及一个编码器。

  • For different applications transcoding speed and transcoding quality are different the key techniques of a non real-time and a real-time transcoder are discussed .

    在不同应用领域,对码流转换速度和转换质量的要求也不同,因此分别讨论了非实时和实时 码流 转换的关键技术。

  • A video transcoder is a device that converts video from one compressed format into another compressed format with different bitrate resolution or syntax .

    视频 转码 可以 满足上述 需求,将一种压缩格式的视频 码流转换为另一种压缩格式,如不同码率、不同分辨率、不同语法格式等。

  • In this paper a novel MPEG 2 transcoder based on DCT domain is proposed .

    提出了一种新的基于DCT域的MPEG-2 码流 转换 算法

  • Research on AVS to MPEG-2 Transcoder

    从AVS到MPEG-2的 转码 算法研究

  • Implementing real-time MPEG-2 to AVS-M transcoder on DSP

    基于DSP的MPEG-2到AVS-M实时 转码的优化实现

  • Research and Implementation for Video Bitstream Transcoder between H.263 and MPEG-4

    H.263/MPEG-4视频流 转码的研究与实现

  • Architectures and Analysis about Video Transcoder

    视频 码流 转换 编码器结构及其分析

  • A Frequency Domain MPEG-2 Drift-Free Transcoder and Its Rate Control Strategy

    基于频域的MPEG-2码率 转换 技术及其码率控制策略

  • The video transcoder can just meet the demand .

    视频 转码 恰好可以满足上述需求。

  • Conversion of frame types and mapping of correspond motion vectors must be done in MPEG-2 MP to MPEG-4 SP real-time video transcoder because of IVOP and PVOP only supported by MPEG-4 SP.

    MPEG-4SP仅支持IVOP和PVOP两种视频对象平面,因而在MPEG-2MP到MPEG-4SP的实时视频 转码 中,必须将MPEG-2MP中的B帧进行类型转换以及相应的运动矢量映射。

  • The transcoder design aims at reducing encoding complexity of AVS .

    转码 的设计主要是为了降低AVS的编码复杂度。

  • This paper analyzed in detail the transcoder structures of bitrate spatial definition and temporal definition downconversion in homogeneous video transcoding and the production and compensation of drift error .

    本文详细分析了同类视频转换编码技术,给出了码率、空间分辨率和时间分辨率下变换 转换 编码器结构,着重研究了其间漂移误差的产生与补偿。