

[电] 弹道

  • This paper introduces briefly the control principle of trajactory correction technique and analyzes the structures and application areas of several typical trajectory correction mechanisms such as paddle type ring and D ring etc.

    简要介绍了 弹道修正技术的控制原理;分析了桨式、D型环等几种典型弹道修正装置的结构特点和应用范围;

  • To overcome this difficulty the Gear algorithm which is especially suitable for solving rigid differential equations has been introduced in the calculating of stochastic trajactory model and achieves considerable success .

    为此,本文将适用于求解刚性方程组的Gear算法应用于随机 轨道模型的计算中,取得了良好的效果。

  • The application of gear algorithm in stochastic trajactory model

    GEAR算法在随机 轨道模型计算中的应用

  • The kinematic characteristics of the rearward separate-planting mechanism were theoretically analyzed and its kinetic process was simulated by monitoring the six selected points on the motion trajactory of the tip of seedling .

    通过秧针端点运动 轨迹上的6个特定点,对后插式分插机构的运动学特性作了理论分析和计算机模拟,并利用高速摄像对机构运动学分析进行了试验验证。

  • It can be seen from this article that the two methods have demonstrated the working capacity for calculation of frictional force and thermal load on surface of a hypersonic winged flight vehicle which moves in dense atmospheric layers on a trajactory with stationary values of velocity head .

    由文可见,对于在 稠密大气层 ,沿 轨道运行头速度恒定的高超声速有翼飞行器,能够用本文所采用的两种方法计算其表面摩阻和热载荷。