



  • Psychiatrists initially train as doctors

    精神病医生首先是作为医生接受 培训的。

  • Police cameras had been specifically trained on that area .

    警方摄像头已特别 对准那一区域。

  • In a moment the ceremony was in train

    仪式 马上就要开始了

  • We don 't train them only in bricklaying but also in other building techniques

    我们不仅仅 训练他们砌砖,而且教给他们其他建造技术。

  • I rang up to inquire about train times

    我打了电话查询 列车时刻。

  • She trained her binoculars on the horizon

    她将双筒望远镜 对准地平线。

  • Stavros was training to be a priest

    斯塔夫罗斯正 受训成为一名牧师。

  • We heard the train coming

    我们听见 火车来了。

  • Instead of training the shoots up the fence lay them flat in both directions alongside it

    不要让 嫩枝爬上篱笆,要令其沿着篱笆伏地向两边长。

  • He arrived in Shenyang by train yesterday .

    他昨天 火车到达沈阳。

  • I 'm a trained nurse

    我是一名 受过 专业 训练的护士。

  • I 've got the train ticket .

    我买上 火车票了。

  • We can catch the early morning train

    我们能赶上凌晨的 火车

  • In the old days this used to be done with a baggage train of camels .

    在过去,这往往由一队 驮载行李的骆驼完成。

  • I see my degree as something which will train my mind and improve my chances of getting a job

    我把学位视为可以 锻炼心智、增加就业机会的东西。

  • He has spent a year training crews for next month 's round the world race .

    他已花了一年时间为下个月的环球比赛 训练队伍。

  • The train is pulling in .


  • He lost his train of thought for a moment then recovered it


  • Giles set in motion a train of events which would culminate in tragedy .

    贾尔斯触发了随后的一 系列事件,这些事件最终将以悲剧收场。

  • The cars have brought in their train a host of other problems .

    汽车随之带来其他一 大堆问题。

  • Our workforce is highly trained and competitive .

    我们的员工队伍 训练有素,竞争意识强。

  • She had brought her trained sheepdog to help in the rescue .

    她带来了 经过 训练的牧羊犬帮助营救。

  • The train pulled into a station


  • After the second explosion all of London 's main train and subway stations were shut down

    第二次爆炸后,伦敦所有的主要 火车 和地铁站都关闭了。

  • Sniffer dogs could be trained to track them down .

    可以 训练嗅探犬追捕他们。

  • The train began to move .


  • Strachan is training for the new season

    斯特罗恩正为新的赛季进行 训练

  • The US was ready to train its troops to participate

    美国准备 训练军队参加。

  • He praised the economic reforms set in train by the government .

    他称赞政府 启动的经济改革。