trailing white

[电] 拖曳向

  • Any of various trailing or twining often weedy plants of the genera Calystegia and Convolvulus having white pink or purple bell-shaped or funnel-shaped flowers . You ( or One ) cannot make a silk purse out of a sow 's ear

    旋花一种 蔓生或缠绕的打碗花属和旋花属的蔓延植物,开 白色、粉色或紫色钟状或漏斗形的花

  • Any leading or trailing white space characters will be removed from each field element or attribute .

    任何前导或 后继 空格字符将会从每个字段、元素和属性中删除。

  • This is particularly useful when small differences have to be investigated ( for example is the trailing white space part of the annotation ?) .

    在必须研究细微的差异时(例如,注释的 末尾是否有 空格),这个特性尤其有用。

  • An aeroplane flew across the sky trailing white vapor .

    一架飞机从空中飞过, 尾部 拖着一条水汽 形成 白线

  • Using normalize-space () sets this right : It removes leading and trailing white space and turns all other sequences of white space into a single space .

    使用normalize-space()可将此设置正确:它将删除开头和 结尾处的 空格,并将所有其他空格序列转为单独一个空格。

  • Mostly trailing cacti having nocturnal white flowers ; tropical America and Caribbean region .

    一个主要为 蔓延的仙人掌属,夜间开 白花;产于热带美洲和加勒比海地区。