tradition says that...


  • Words such as choice diversity and incentives do not sit easily with a political tradition that says that uniformity of provision is the route to equity .

    工党 素来将同一性视为通向公平之路 选择、多元化和激励措施等词语,很难与这种政治 传统 融合

  • A local tradition which evidently exaggerates matters says that two thousand horses and fifteen hundred men were buried in the hollow road of Ohain .

    当地有一种 传说,当然言过其实, 在奥安的那条凹路里坑了二千匹马和一千五百人。

  • Tradition says that on the night before Christmas Santa Claus travels from the North Pole through the air in a sleigh pulled by eight reindeer .

    传说 在圣诞前夜,圣诞老人坐着由八只驯鹿拉着的雪橇从北极的上空飞来。

  • Hindu tradition says that the dead woman becomes a goddess and her family will be blessed for seven generations .

    印度教 传统 认为撒提而死的妇女将会成为女7神,并且她家代人都会受到她的保佑。

  • Tradition says he led the wife of a Greek king to Christ but that king was so enraged that he ordered Andrew 's crucifixion .

    按照 教会 传统 说法,他带领了一位希腊王后归向基督,因此 王大怒,命人将他钉十架。

  • Tradition says that it is unlucky to kill a spider .

    根据 传统 观念 弄死蜘蛛是不吉利的。

  • One tradition says that putting a little pepper under the chair of a guest will keep him from visiting too long .

    有种 传统 观念 认为 如果在客人椅子下面撒一些胡椒,就可以避免她在家中久留。

  • Later the bride throws her bouquet of flowers to a group of single girls . Tradition says that the one who catches the bouquet will be the next to marry .

    之后新娘将捧花投向一群单身女孩, 传统 接到捧花的女孩会成为下一位新娘。

  • Tradition says that the one who catches the bouquet will be the next to marry .
