


  • In the formal dining room ( originally the home 's living room ) they installed a light fixture and trestle table and added wainscotting and coffering on the ceiling and walls .

    在正餐厅(原家的客厅),他们安装的灯具和 壁炉以及壁板和格子平顶在餐厅的墙壁和天花板。

  • Design of Waterproofing for Trestle Bridge Decks of Overpassing Zhengzhou Airport Highway

    郑州市跨机场路 高架桥桥面防水设计

  • According to the features of the bridge site and the technology requirements the trestle in the south bank of Hangzhou bay bridge is designed .

    根据桥址特点和主要技术标准要求,对杭州湾跨海大桥 南岸 栈桥进行了方案设计,主要介绍了 竞标 栈桥 组成构造 施工方法。

  • Strength and Rigidity Checking of Sheet-type Invert Trestle of Tunnel under Dynamic Load Numerical simulation study on wheel loader tube-fin radiator air flow and heat transfer character

    隧道片式仰拱 栈桥动载作用下强度及刚度校核装载机管片式散热器流动与传热特性数值分析

  • As the train rumbled by the trestle shook and swayed until I thought we should be dashed to the chasm below .

    当火车从我们身边隆隆驶过时, 铁桥也被震得晃动起来,我想我们很可能会掉进脚下的深谷里。

  • Successful Practice on Digging out Large and Deep Foundation Pit Earthwork by Pit Trestle Built by Concrete Props

    利用混凝土支撑修筑下坑 栈桥解决大型深基坑深层土方挖运的成功实践

  • HeLong Trestle was constructed by steel tube pile bracket after comparing some schemes .

    和龙 高架 现浇箱梁经过方案比较选用钢管桩支架施工。

  • A single-rail inspection robot is developed according to the work condition of bridge and trestle cranes rail .

    文章根据 桥门式起重机轨道的工作状况及 环境,开发了一种适于轨道检测的单轨机器人。

  • Feasibility study is necessary to be carried out for reform of the fire-fighting equipment of a trestle in Dalian New Port which had been used for30 years .

    大连新港 栈桥已使用30年,目前要进行消防设施改造,需要开展可行性研究。

  • About a mile distant there was a trestle spanning a deep gorge . It was very difficult to walk over the ties were wide apart and so narrow that one felt as if one were walking on knives .

    铁路 沿线大约一英里之外的深谷中,横跨着一 高架 。你很难从那里通过,峡谷很宽, 桥梁极窄,走在上面就像行走在刀刃上。

  • The yacht dock project includes four parts such as yacht club trestle viewing platform and dock .

    游艇码头含游艇俱乐部、 栈桥、观景平台、游艇码头四部分。

  • Study on Mechanism of High Thrust Fixing Trestle in Heating Hidden-excavated Tunnel

    热力暗挖隧道内大推力固定 支架作用机理研究

  • Application of Trestle Bridge Support System in Super-large and Super-deep Foundation Excavation Engineering


  • Study on treatment of esophagus benign and malignant narrow by sacculus expand and inner trestle and it 's nursing

    食管狭窄球囊扩张及内 支架治疗的护理研究

  • Many small articles for daily use are displayed on a trestle counter .

    上摆着 各色日用小百货。

  • In accordance with the specialities of the train ferry the paper explores in detail the longitudinal section design of its trestle bridge .

    本文针对铁路轮渡的特点,对其 栈桥的纵断面设计作了详细的探讨。

  • The structure and construction technique of the Jiangyin Ferry Trestle Bridge on Xin-Chang Railway Lines were introduced .

    对新长铁路江阴铁路轮渡 栈桥的结构和施工情况做了简要介绍。

  • Nineteenth century the eighties the Qing Dynasty built this northern port of Dalian Bay trestle built forts mines set up camp the incident became the town .

    十九世纪八十年代,清朝于今大连湾 北岸建海港 栈桥、筑炮台、设水雷营,一时成为小镇。

  • The Collecting Method of Remaining Oil in Loading Crane at Oil Depot Railway Trestle

    油库铁路 栈桥装卸油鹤 余油的收集方法

  • This paper is about the design and calculation of ground heating pipeline trestle .

    本论文对热力管道 架空 支架的设计方法进行了研究。

  • The guests were sitting at long trestle tables under a ceiling of vines or dancing in a clearing of beaten earth .

    宾客们 要不围坐在有藤顶遮盖的长 折叠桌旁,要不就在一块土质 夯实的空地上跳舞。

  • The structure of reinforced concrete truss having been applied to the fixed approach trestle of the pier of Sheshan Vessel Base and the application effect are discussed in the paper .

    简述南京摄山船舶基地码头工程中固定 引桥采用钢筋混凝土桁架结构的设计及其应用效果。

  • Rows of trestle tables are stacked with books maps and old hand-coloured lithographs and wood engravings from all over Britain .

    成排的 桌上堆满了来自英国各地的书籍、地图以及古老的手绘平版画和木刻版画。

  • A junk shop may have four walls and a roof or it may be no more than a trestle table in an open air market ;

    一家旧货店有可能有 东南西北墙加一个屋顶,或者它有可能只是在一个坦荡的市场里放了一张 搁板桌。

  • The discussion includes the reinforcement design of newly built pipeline trestle and the transformation of the pipeline trestle .

    包括新建管道 支架设计和改造管道支架的加固处理。

  • Adjacent to the trestle scenic small Qingdao the Catholic Church the former German Government Building and other famous scenic spots scattered around the unique location warm and comfortable .

    毗邻 栈桥风景区,小青岛,天主教堂,原德国总督大楼等著名景点散布四周,位置独特,温馨舒适。

  • Development of High-speed Trestle Bridge Gantry Machining Center of Direct Drive

    基于直接驱动的高速 高架桥龙门加工中心研制