x-ray therapy

[ˈɛksˌre ˈθɛrəpi][ˈeksrei ˈθerəpi]


  • Methods The data of 8 cases with Multi-Primary cancer of the upper digestive tract diagnosed accurately by X-ray gastroscopy pathological examination and therapy were analyzed retrospectively .

    方法对应用吞 造影及内镜检查、并经 手术和病理确诊的8例上消化道多原发癌的临床资料进行回顾性分析。

  • In 110 cases temporal lobectomy was performed in 17 patients and X-ray or γ knife therapy was performed in 69 cases .

    110例中17例行单侧颞叶切除术,69例行 X刀或伽玛刀 治疗

  • The X-ray comparative observation before and after therapy to lumbar intervertebral disk extrude

    腰椎间盘突出症 治疗前后 X线 对比观察

  • Conclusions : X-ray for confirming the site of foreign body familiar cervical anatomy and right incision or way for operation are the key for diagnosis and therapy .

    结论: X光对异物的定位、术者对颈部解剖的熟悉和合理的手术入路是 诊治关键。

  • Setup Error on X-Ray Universal Simulator in Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy for Head and Neck Tumor Using Radiopaque Fiducial Markers Embeded in Occlusal Splint to Measure Setup Error in Conformal Radiotherapy for Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma

    应用模拟定位机分析头颈部肿瘤调强 放疗的摆位误差(牙合)内置标记点法测量鼻咽癌 形放射治疗的摆位误差

  • Conclusion w_2422 Thorax X-ray check should be done to the thoracic trauma cases within 3 weeks in order to find the delayed hemopneumothorax . Therapy methods include symptomatic treatment and surgical treatment according to the condition of disease .

    结论胸部受创伤后3周内应定期行胸部 X线检查,警惕迟发性血气胸的发生,确诊 应根据病情予对症 观察 治疗或采取胸穿术、胸腔闭式引流术或剖胸术。

  • Objective : 3D-CT and X-ray oval foramen locations were performed in the radiofrequency therapy of intractable trigeminal neuralgia .

    目的:探讨三维CT及 X线卵圆孔定位在三叉神经痛射频热凝 治疗 应用及手术技巧。

  • 17 patients treated by temporal lobectomy and 69 patients by X-ray or γ knife therapy guided with PET all got satisfactory results .

    17例在PET显像引导下行颞叶切除术,69例在PET显像引导下行 X刀和伽玛刀 治疗治疗效果良好。

  • The X-Ray Diagnosis and Interventional Therapy of Arterio-portal Shunt in Patients with Hepatocellular Carcinoma

    肝癌动门脉短路的 X线诊断与介入 治疗

  • Methods : 8 cases were diagnosed with barium meal by X-ray therapy before operation by dilating gradually single balloon to double balloon .

    方法:本组8例病人, 前经 X线钡餐造影检查确诊,用从单球囊到双球囊逐渐扩张的方法连续多次扩张。

  • Conclusion : Root canal calcification of anterior teeth showed a canal sealed in X-ray . The most root canal therapy may be finished smoothly by finding root canal entrance to avoid periapical operation and teeth extraction .

    结论:完全钙化的前牙根管 X线 上显示为根管闭锁, 临床上可通过寻找根管口,逐步扩大根管完成根管 治疗术,以避免根尖手术或牙拔除术。

  • In the aspect of equipment failure the proportion of malfunctioning equipment in X-ray machines number is high with low severity degree and the handling result is good . No failure or accident occurs which indicates high security and stability in microwave therapy apparatus .

    故障方面: X 射线机出现故障设备数较多,严重程度较轻,故障处理结果良好,微波 治疗仪在调查期内均未出现故障或事故情况,安全性和稳定性较高。

  • Radiation reaction of the bladder and rectum in 1137 uterine cervical carcinoma patients treated by intracavitary deep X-ray therapy

    体腔管 治疗子宫颈癌 1137例膀胱和直肠反应的观察

  • Accelerator for x-ray therapy


  • X-ray diagnosis clinical nuclear medicine radiation therapy and interventional radiology became the important components of the modern medicine bringing great benefits to the prevention and curation of human disease .

    X 射线诊断、临床核医学、放射 治疗及介入放射学等放射学科已成为现代医学的重要组成部分,为人类防病治病带来了巨大的利益。

  • CONCLUSION : Image therapy is the X-ray diagnostic technology and the intervention therapy technology in the clinical psychology Therefore it is worthy studying by the psychological consultants and therapeutists .

    结论:意象疗法技术是临床心理的 X 射线诊断技术和介入 治疗技术,值得心理咨询与治疗同行研究。

  • Methods : Six cases 4 males and 2 females were examined . The ages were 4 to 12 with an average of 6.All cases underwent X-ray and spiral CT examination before therapy .

    方法 Klippel-Feil综合征患儿6例,男4例,女2例,年龄 4~12岁,平均6岁。

  • Soft x-ray therapy for cutaneous basal cell and squamous cell carcinomas

    X线 治疗皮肤基底细胞癌和鳞状细胞癌

  • Purpose : To evaluate the significance of X-ray therapy in the management of skin cancer .

    目的:评价 X线 放射 治疗在皮肤癌治疗中的意义。

  • Comparison of treatment plans between proton and X-ray therapy in pediatric craniopharyngioma

    儿童颅咽管瘤质子和 光子 治疗的剂量学比较

  • In clinic X-ray after operation and the knee joint recovery were analyzed consulting the criterion to evaluate therapy effect .

    术后 根据 X线 复查所见以及患者膝关节功能恢复情况,参照上述临床 疗效评价标准评定 疗效

  • X-Ray film showed the lesions of 21 hips were not further progressed and 12 hips of which revealed improvement improvementof local blood circulation 5 ~ 7 days after the first interventional therapy as demonstrates by DSA .

    X线 片显示21个流的病变无继续进展。其中12个髋第一次介入 治疗后5~7天DSA减影提示局部血液循环改善。

  • X-ray treatment ( see radiation therapy ) of structures in the chest may cause temporary lung inflammation .

    胸内组织经 X 射线 治疗 可导致暂时性肺炎。

  • Mice in the group treated with TSP plus irradiation of local tumor ( TSP + LI ) were irradiated with 5 Gy X-ray for 40 minutes on 3rd 5th and 7th day of TSP therapy .

    在第3、5和7天注 后40分钟干荷瘤局部照射 X 射线5Gy。

  • Methods Comprehensive analysis comes from monitoring patients ' growth and development biochemical examination of blood and urine x-ray changes of bone and patients ' reaction to therapy .

    方法以生长发育监测,血尿生化检查,骨骼 X线改变及 治疗反应综合判断。

  • Nursing of Patients with Intracranial Diseases by High-energy X-ray Therapy


  • Conclusion : X-ray barium meal signs and CT examination has each superiority . It 's important to guide clinical therapy and judge prognostic using both of them .

    结论: X线钡餐造影与CT检查各有优势,两者结合有利于食管癌的影像学诊断,对临床 治疗及预后有指导意义。

  • X-ray stray radiation dose levels in the therapy rooms of 6 medical electron linear accelerators working at 6 8 and 18 MV respectively have been measured using FARMER 2570 / 1A dosemeter and FJ 347A X γ dosemeter .

    用Farmer剂量仪测量了3种类型6台医用电子直线加速器在 放射 治疗室内的杂散 辐射剂量。结果可见,X射线能量在6、8、18MV时, 治疗室内杂散辐射剂量水平是不高的。

  • Objective : To summarize and analysis the X-ray changes before and after therapy to lumbar intervertebral disk extrude .

    前言:目的:总结分析腰椎间盘突出症 治疗前后的 X线改变。