transnational law

[trænsˈnæʃənəl lɔ][trænsˈnæʃənəl lɔ:]

[法] 跨国法

  • Research on Transnational Bankruptcy from the Perspective of Private International Law

    跨国破产国际 私法问题探究

  • Reflection on and Reconstruction of International Economic Law Textbook System & A Public Transnational Economic Law Approach

    国际经济法教科书体系的反思与重构&一种 跨国经济 公法的思路

  • Here transnational factor and application of choice of law is the basis for determining the object of regulation of international private law .

    跨国因素”和“ 法律选择适用”是确定国际私法调整对象的依据,两者缺一不可,前者是前提,后者是关键。

  • Secondly the unifying movement of the transnational bankruptcy law .

    第二, 国际破产 的统一化运动。

  • The Effect of International Relevance for Transnational Corporation on Law Strife

    跨国公司的国际关联对 法律冲突的影响

  • And that is why I hope that some of you will decide that you would like to apply for admission to the first entering class of the School of Transnational Law .

    这就为什么我希望你们中间有人愿意申请成为 跨国 学院的第一批新生。

  • Hence it is of great necessity for us to carry on a deep and extensive study on the regulations on the laws of transnational MA in different countries so as to complete and perfect our domestic regulation system on the transnational MA law .

    这些都决定了我们有必要对世界各国规制跨国并购的法律措施进行广泛而深入的研究,并进一步健全和完善我国的 跨国并购 法律规制体系。

  • This paper studies the treatment of several important transnational environmental pollution events on the basis of international environmental law and international acts and suggests how to deal with the Songhua River contamination and how to compensate .

    本文介绍了与环境 保护相关的国际 和国际公约的法律,并对影响较大的几起 跨境污染案例作了分析,就处理此次松花江事故污染事件以及 跨国污染赔偿等提出相关建议。

  • On the System of Transnational Contract Law

    国际合同 体系

  • Chapter two probes into the investments of transnational corporation and the control with host country 's law in detail .

    非法住房、违章住房建筑第二章详细探讨了 跨国公司投资与东道国 法律管制。

  • On the System of Transnational Contract Law So the theory of insurable interest is very important on insurance law .

    国际合同 体系通过上述问题的分析,梳理保险合同 之制度,建立清晰、完整的保险合同法体系,并与整个民商法体系相衔接。

  • Therefore the theoretical foundation of new transnational procedural administrative law should be built with the concept of jus commune but not the traditional paradigm .

    因此,面对新的 跨国行政程序 ,必须摒弃传统的单一主权观念和权力分立观念,而以“共同法”的观念来重构其理论基础。

  • In order to regulate transnational monopoly sovereignty state expands the effect of antitrust law to overseas based on effect principle .

    只能依据效果原则扩大内国反垄断 的域外适用,来规制 跨国垄断行为。

  • The transnational merger and acquisition is the economic domain to which Antimonopoly Law pays special attention .

    跨国并购是反垄断 所重点关注的经济领域。

  • The history of the formation and development of transnational commercial bribery law in a sense is the formation and its internationalization of the FCPA .

    跨国商业贿赂 法律的形成与发展史在某种意义上可以说是美国《反海外腐败法》及其国际化的历史。

  • We have no transnational law for cyberspace .

    我们还没有一 规范网络空间的 跨国 法律

  • Second we need to strengthen exchange and cooperation in the security field . We need to improve the mechanism of ASEAN-China defense ministers meeting and deepen cooperation in disaster prevention and relief cyber security combating transnational crimes joint law enforcement and other non-traditional security fields .

    二是加强安全领域交流与合作,完善中国-东盟防长会议机制,在防灾救灾、网络安全、打击 跨国犯罪、联合 执法等非传统安全领域深化合作。

  • Transnational Organized Crime and the Consolidation of International Criminal Law

    全球化 视角下控制 跨国有组织犯罪的对策

  • A student from China from Australia from Japan or from Korea who wanted to study transnational law would usually go to the United States or to Canada .

    来自中国、澳大利亚、日本或韩国的学生通常会去美国或加拿大学习 跨国

  • Research on China and Russia Transnational Intellectual Property Rights Crime from the Criminal Law Framework

    刑事 法律框架下中俄 跨国知识产权犯罪研究

  • Therefore it has the practical and theoretical significance in studying how to regulate Transnational M & A in the Anti-monopoly Law .

    因此,将 跨国并购纳入我国的反垄断 法律 体系己成为我国立法的重要任务之一,研究如何对 跨国并购进行反垄断 法律规制具有重要的理论和现实意义。

  • Next year Peking University will open a new School of Transnational Law on its campus in Shenzhen .

    明年,北京大学将会在其深圳校区开设全新的 跨国 学院。

  • Transnational Mergers Acquisitions ( M A ) is the core of Antitrust Law whose destination is to protect workable competition of the market which is due to the native possibility impairing competition of the mergers that is lying on the economic fundamentals .

    经济学基础决定其天然存在着损害有效竞争可能性的企业 跨国并购,一直以来是以维护有效竞争为目的的反垄断 的核心内容。

  • This article analyze a number of legal issues involved in transnational bank insolvency from the private international law standpoint in hope to provide some helpful suggestions for China to build a specific legal framework to carry out the judicial practice of transnational bank insolvency .

    本文从国际 私法角度对 跨国银行破产若干法律问题进行分析和思考,希望能对我国构建跨国银行破产的具体法律框架、开展跨国银行破产的司法实践提出有益的建议。

  • The paper makes the penetrating analysis of the pros and cons effects which the transnational corporation 's investments lead to the development of the host country and explains the developed host country and developing host country control the transnational corporation investments with law .

    文章通过对跨国公司投资对东道国经济发展正反两方面的作用的深刻分析,阐释了发达东道国和发展中东道国对 跨国公司投资的 法律管制。

  • Motivated by the U.S. a political and economic interest transnational commercial bribery law is pushed to apply strongly by it at the multilateral level .

    美国在其政治经济利益的驱动下,极力在多边层面推行 跨国商业贿赂 法律

  • A Further Study on Cornerstone Categories of International Economic Law Science : a Public Transnational Economic Law Perspective

    再论国际经济法学的基石范畴&一个 跨国经济(公) 的视角

  • This paper makes an analysis on the law basis contents procedure and ways of the transnational law aids among China and the ASEAN countries .

    文章就中国与东盟各国的 商事 司法协助的法律依据、范围、程序及方法实现进行探讨。

  • The author insists that New Law Merchant ought to be defined as New Law Merchant which originates from the European medieval law merchant rather than the transnational commercial law or lex mercatoria .

    笔者认为将NewLawMerchant界定为欧洲中世纪商人法基础上的新商人法,而不是 跨国 商法或商人习惯法。

  • Part four : the insufficiency and suggestion of Chinese transnational merger and acquisition law regulations .

    第四部分:我国 跨国并购 法律规制之不足与建议。