



  • More than 100 transsexual people applied for the first round of jobs .

    在首轮招聘中,100多名 变性 提交了申请。

  • I 'm doing a benefit tonight for the homeless transsexual veterans .

    今晚我要替无家可归老兵 募款

  • Its owner said Jenny s transsexual situation happened after a foxes attack and all the hens were eaten .

    主介绍詹尼的“ 变性”发生于场里所有的母鸡被狐狸偷吃掉之后。

  • Imagine that one of the women portrays the world 's first post-op male-to-female transsexual .

    想像一下,一个女人描绘了世界上第一个由男变女的 变性

  • She 's passing as a transsexual she 's passing or whatever .

    对于一个 变性 是及格,他 几个,或者什么其他的。

  • The history and advances of the studies about the transsexual phenomenon and the surgical treatment of male to female transsexuals are reviewed .

    本文对 性癖现象及男&女易性癖病外科治疗的研究和进展进行了较全面的综述。

  • Perioperative nursing of vagina reconstruction for transsexual patients


  • This could be due to the fact that these respondents might not have realised or totally accepted their transsexual identity at that time .

    产生这样情况的原因可能是因为这样的事实:这些被调查者可能没有认识到,或者没有完全接受自己在当时的 变性 倾向

  • Furthermore if males do mate with transsexual individuals they deliver relatively few sperm to them .

    即使雄性与 变性个体交配了,射出的精子数量也比较少。

  • There are three major centers for transsexual surgery .

    有三 主要 变性手术的中心。

  • Thomas who is a transsexual man said that he is excited about the upcoming birth of his miracle child .

    托马斯是一名 变性男子,他说对于自己将出生的奇迹般的孩子感到兴奋。

  • Tell Emma about the transsexual you tongued .

    告诉艾玛有关 你舌吻的 变性

  • Saving humanity from homosexual or transsexual behaviour was as important as preserving the rainforests from destruction .

    拯救人类免于同性恋和 变性行为(的 损害)与保护热带雨林免受摧毁同样重要。

  • Thomas Beatie the transsexual man who made headlines after becoming pregnant has given birth to a baby girl today .

    因怀孕而轰动全球的美国 变性男子托马斯•比提于昨日顺利产下一名女婴。

  • I am the man who died when the paramedics stopped treating me as soon as they realized I was transsexual .

    我的医生停止给我治疗,于是我很快去死了。在他们发现我是一个有 倾向的男人 之后

  • What 's wrong of being a boy ? Why are so many men receiving the transsexual operation ?

    做一个男人怎么了?为什么这么多男人接受 变性手术呢?

  • However the change comes as the State contests a landmark case in which a transsexual is trying to have her birth certificate changed from male to female .

    不过,这次改变是政府对一个里程碑式的案件 提出质疑 之后而实现的,在这个案件里,一个 变性 想把她出生证里的 性别从男性改成女性。

  • I 'm so proud of my preoperative transsexual iesbian son .

    我为我的 变性女同性恋儿子而骄傲。