


  • First the anthropologists not like the psychoanalysts don 't see transvestism as an inappropriate behavior but a kind of custom .

    首先,不像精神心理分析学者,人类学家并未 扮装为不当的行为,而是 当成一种民俗来研究。

  • Thirdly the works to show the normal sexual relations between men and women the works about transvestism .

    表现正常的男女之间的性关系的作品、表现性 的作品。

  • The only word was ' transvestism nothing was known of this at all said Bobbi Swan 84 of Clinton Mich. just north of Detroit .

    唯一的一个词就是‘ ’了,人们对此 的是一无所知,84岁的 ·斯万(BobbiSwan)说。斯万来自位于密歇根州紧邻底特律南边的科林顿。