traumatic asphyxia


  • Objective : To evaluate the efficacy of Huoxue Huayu Recipe ( HXHYR ) in treating traumatic asphyxia ( TA ) of cerebral impairment .

    目的:评价中药活血化瘀方对 创伤性 窒息脑损害的治疗效果。

  • Objective To investigate the change on monoamine neurotransmitter in cerebral cortex motor area of traumatic asphyxia canines and provide scientific basis for its therapy .

    目的探讨 损伤 窒息犬大脑皮质运动区单胺类递质的变化,为其治疗提供科学依据。

  • The injury of thoracolumbar vertebrae complicated with traumatic asphyxia mainly is Chance 's fracture and fracture dislocation . ( Original article on page 341 )

    合并 创伤性 窒息的胸腰段脊柱损伤,主要是Chance骨折和骨折脱位。

  • The purpose of the study is to research the mechanism of epilepsy after traumatic asphyxia .

    目的:研究 损伤 窒息致癫痫(EP) 发生 神经 细胞形态学 改变,以探索 EP 发生的机制。

  • Changes on monoamine neurotransmitter in cerebral cortex motor area of traumatic asphyxia canine

    损伤 窒息犬大脑皮质运动区单胺类递质的变化

  • Results This study showed that the LTP of hippocampal system was substantially suppressed after traumatic asphyxia a so called delayed inhibition of LTP induction existed in the hippocampal neurons .

    以上结果表明海马系统的 LTP在TA后明显受到 损害,海马神经元存在一个可称之为迟发性LTP抑制的现象。