transport protocol

[trænsˈpɔrt ˈprotəˌkɔl][trænsˈpɔ:t ˈprəʊtəˌkɔ:l]


  • The conceptual nature of SOA leaves the networking transport protocol and security details to the specific implementation .

    从概念上来说,SOA本质上是将网络、 传输 协议、安全细节留给特定的实现来处理。

  • Each service uses a Web service binding with SOAP / HTTP as the transport protocol .

    每个服务都使用与SOAP/HTTP绑定的Web服务作为 传输 协议

  • Research on Transport Protocol in Video Surveillance System based on NS-2

    基于NS-2的视频监控系统 传输 协议研究

  • This paper analyzes a key transport protocol based on prepositioned secret sharing .

    分析了一种基于前置秘密共享的密钥 传输 方案

  • Descriptive name for the combination of session layer and transport protocol .

    会话层和 传输 协议组合的描述名。

  • Axis supports HTTP as transport protocol by default but an extension for JMS can also be built with it .

    Axis缺省情况下支持HTTP作为 传输 协议,但也内置了一个JMS扩展。

  • You can also use SSH as an underlying transport protocol .

    您还可以将SSH用作基础 传输 协议

  • This XML is transmitted between client and server using HTTP as the transport protocol with strong data typing used to guarantee data integrity .

    这个XML通过HTTP 传输 协议在客户端和服务器之间进行传输,它具有强数据类型,可以保证数据完整性。

  • The binding transport protocol is HTTP .

    绑定 传输 协议是HTTP。

  • Select a transport protocol for the service gateway .

    为该服务网关选择 传输 协议

  • The SAP system does not need to be configured for the transport protocol !

    SAP系统不需要为这种 传输 协议进行配置!

  • Performance Analysis of High Speed Transport Protocol XCP and Its Internetworking with Traditional TCP

    高速 传输 协议XCP性能分析及其与传统TCP协议互联的研究

  • HTTP can be seen in two ways & as a real interaction protocol and as a transport protocol .

    可以以两种不同的方式&来看待HTTP,将其视为实际的交互协议,或视为 传输 协议

  • An input or output mechanism specifies a message type and a transport protocol .

    输入或输出机制指定消息类型和 传输 协议

  • It also specifies the wire format and transport protocol that the Web service uses to expose this functionality .

    它还指定Web服务用来公开这种功能的有线格式(wireformat)和 传输 协议

  • The transport protocol during synchronization can be either HTTP or HTTPS .

    同步期间使用的 传输 协议可以是HTTP或HTTPS。

  • Choose HTTP from the transport protocol pop-up menu .

    从“ 传输 协议”弹出式菜单中选取“http”。

  • How do I insert SAML assertions into an underlying communication and transport protocol like SOAP ?

    如何向SOAP这样的底层通信 传输 协议中插入SAML断言?

  • Not only does it provide a secure alternative to common tools like Telnet FTP and RCP it can also act as a transport protocol for other services like Subversion X Windows System and rsync .

    它不仅是常规工具(如Telnet、FTP和RCP)的安全替代方法,而且还可以充当其他服务(如Subversion、XWindowsSystem和rsync)的 传输 协议

  • This section describes the newly added data bindings and the new HTTP transport protocol binding .

    此部分将描述新添加的数据绑定和新HTTP 传输 协议绑定。

  • Thus a message can be transmitted via the transport protocol that suits the application .

    这样就可以通过适合应用程序的 传输 协议来传送消息。

  • TCP is a transport protocol providing transmission of data over IP networks and IP is a network protocol containing addressing and control information that allow for data to be routed .

    TCP是通过IP网络提供数据 传输 协议,IP是一个包含寻址和控制信息,允许数据路由的协议。

  • SOAP is a transport protocol for carrying XML payloads over lower level Internet protocols .

    SOAP是用来在较低层的因特网协议之上运载XML有效负载的 传输 协议

  • Binding : Binds the abstract port type along with its messages and operations to a transport protocol and message format .

    binding:将抽象的端口类型与其消息和操作绑定到 传输 协议和消息格式。

  • The key is the use of the UDP which is the parter transport protocol to TCP .

    关键是UDP的使用,它是TCP的缔约方 传输 协议

  • Various network variables such as transport protocol bandwidth and traffic

    不同的网络变量,比如 传输 协议、带宽和流量

  • Implementation of Real-time Transport Protocol in Design of VoIP Equipment

    VoIP设备设计中 RTP 协议的实现

  • A dialog prompts you to select the Transport Protocol for the web service binding .

    对话框提示您为web服务绑定选择 传输 协议

  • For example one SPL member may select SOAP as a transport protocol whereas another member selects FTP .

    例如,一个SPL成员可以选择SOAP作为 传输 协议,而另一个成员可以选择FTP。

  • You can configure custom and predefined data bindings for some of the messaging import and export transport protocol bindings .

    对于某些消息传递导入和导出 传输 协议绑定,您可以为其配置自定义数据绑定和预定义数据绑定。