



    我与他一度同在一艘 拖网船上工作。

  • The heroic sergeant risked his life to rescue 29 fishermen from their blazing trawler

    英勇的中士冒着生命危险从熊熊燃烧着的 拖网 渔船 救出了29名渔民。

  • This is the very first trawler ever to fish those waters .

    这是第一艘在那些水域捕鱼的 拖网 渔船

  • A Chinese trawler captain has stabbed two South Korean coastguards killing one in an encounter that highlights the bitter battles for fishing grounds and offshore energy resources between China and its neighbours .

    一名中国 渔船船长用玻璃碎片刺中两名韩国海警,造成其中一人身亡,这一事件突显了中国及其邻国对渔场和海上能源资源的激烈争夺。

  • The crew of the trawler were gathered below decks .


  • Study of the Applicability of Supercharged High Speed Diesel Engine to Trawler

    增压高速柴油机对 渔船适用性的探讨

  • Resistance Computation of a Trawler Based on CFD and Model Test Verification

    基于CFD的 拖网 渔船阻力计算及试验验证

  • The next day the U-boat was towed by a trawler to Iceland .

    于是在第二天,那艘潜艇被一 渔船 拖曳到冰岛。

  • Photographing everyone who boarded that Lebanese trawler .

    拍下每个上了那 黎巴嫩 的人。

  • Cantona 1995 : When the seagulls follow the trawler it 's because they think sardines will be thrown into the sea .

    第八名,坎通纳,1995年语录:“如果海鸥跟着 拖网 渔船,那是因为它们认为沙丁鱼会被扔进海里。”

  • Propeller design analysis of trawler


  • A trawler fishing off the coast of portugal .

    在葡萄牙海面上的一次 拖网捕鱼。

  • Zhan and his crew were detained by Japan on Sept.8 after his trawler collided with two Japan Coast Guard patrol ships in waters off the Diaoyu Islands .

    詹其雄 渔船与日本两艘海上保安巡逻船在钓鱼岛附近的水域相撞,之后,他同其他船员于9月8日被日方非法扣留。

  • The fourth aircraft was forced to land alongside a Dutch trawler .

    第四架飞机在一 荷兰 拖网 渔船 迫降

  • Zhan Qixiong was arrested earlier this month after his trawler collided with two Japanese patrol vessels near disputed islands in the East China Sea .

    本月初,詹其雄因其 渔船在中国东海有争端的岛屿附近与两艘日本巡逻船相撞而获捕。

  • There was no report of a trawler lost or any boat lost .

    没有人报告 渔船或任何船只失踪。

  • Add a Chinese trawler captain determined to fish in what he regards as Chinese waters .

    安排一位中国 拖网 渔船船长 &此人认为这片水域属于中国领海,决心在这里捕鱼。

  • The Chinese trawler captain Zhan Qixiong arrived safely in Fuzhou Fujian Province early Saturday morning by a chartered plane Xinhua reported .

    据新华社报道,中国 渔船船长詹其雄于周六凌晨乘包机安全抵达福建省福州市。

  • One man was still missing last night after the Belgian trawler Lucky capsized off the Dutch coast . Three other men were saved

    昨晚比利时 拖网 渔船“幸运 ”在荷兰海岸附近沉没后,仍有1人失踪,其余3人被救起。

  • A shrimp trawler with nets hanging outboard .

    捕虾 拖网 渔船和挂在舷外的渔网。

  • The very first trawler ever to fish those waters The boat were out trawling the bay .

    第一 在那些水域捕渔的拖网船渔船已出海,在海湾用 拖网捕鱼。

  • Application of ducted propeller for wooden trawler

    导管螺旋桨在木质 拖网 渔船 的应用

  • A study on propeller design in various working conditions of the trawler

    拖网 渔船螺旋桨设计工况研究

  • The trawler had concluded its fishing trip .

    拖网 渔船已结束了捕鱼航行。

  • A practical case of technological and economical collaborative evaluation for FPR trawler vessels demonstrates that the proposed method is of better efficiency and robust .

    采用混合神经网络调度法对玻璃钢拖网 渔船进行技术经济论证,结果表明,该方法能够提高优化结果的效率和鲁棒性。

  • We found ourselves aboard a superannuated trawler .

    我们发现我们是在一 废弃的 拖网渔轮

  • A big rescue operation has been launched for a trawler missing in the English Channel .

    为寻找在英吉利海峡失踪的一 拖网 渔船,人们展开了一场大规模的搜救行动。

  • The trawler had sailed from the port of Zeebrugge

    拖网 渔船已经驶离了泽布吕赫港。

  • And when in the same year Tokyo detained the captain of a Chinese trawler that had collided with two Japanese military vessels in Japanese-controlled waters Beijing imposed an embargo on the export of rare earths to Japan .

    同一年,在东京方面扣留在日控海域与两艘日本巡逻船相撞的中国 拖网 渔船的船长后,北京方面实施了禁止向日本出口稀土的禁令。