transmitting tube


  • In order to ensure long transmitting pipeline gas supplying it is necessary to understand the operation condition of pipelines and its pressure and temperature along tube .

    为保证长 管线末端用户的用气,必须了解管线的运行工况, 沿 各点的压力、温度。

  • Constant Power Supply for the Filament of High-power Transmitting Tube

    大功率 发射 电子 灯丝电源的恒定功率供电

  • The huge integrated traditional process by optimization and techno-revamping possesses the potentiality to lower cost manufacture high added value products as high quality heavy rail steel cold rolling galvanized steel sheet and gas transmitting tube steel etc.

    新流程具有以下特点:①作为大型传统流程,通过工艺优化和技术改造后具备规模生产、生产高质量重轨、冷轧镀锌板、 管线钢等高附加值产品的能力;

  • The combusting and blasting mechanism and transmitting mechanism of the methane-air mixture that is ignited by the electrical thermal wire are studied in this paper by using the combusting tube designed and made by ourselves .

    利用自行设计的燃烧 ,用电热丝点火方式对不同浓度的甲烷&空气混和气体的燃爆和 传播机理进行了研究。

  • For type A the transmitting speed and average ignition peak pressure of explosion network flash tube are about 40 times and 2 times higher than that of normal flash tube respectively .

    其中爆炸网络A型传火 火速度是普通A型的近40倍,平均点火压力峰值是普通A型的2倍;

  • The Development and its Application of the Digital HDTV Transmitting Tube

    数字HDTV 发射 的发展及其应用

  • A Corporation is a listed Corporation which deals in broadcasting and communication transmitting tube vacuum interrupter and the likes of electro-vacuum device . Copper is one of the most important materials which A Corporation uses .

    A公司是电子元器件类上市公司,其主营产品为广播电视 发射 、真空开关管等电真空器件,铜是公司产品所使用的主要原材料之一。

  • Its limiting performance is also discussed . Computer simulation shows that the improvement factor of MTI radar system with magnetron as transmitting tube can be increased from 20 dB to 50 dB or so by this method .

    计算机模拟结果证实,该方法可使以 磁控管发射机的MTI雷达的改善因子由目前的20dB左右提高到50dB左右。

  • Cathode Deformation Control for High Power TV Transmitting Grid Controled Tube

    大功率电视 发射控管阴极变形的人为控制