


  • To illustrate how this mingling of translatable resources with object structure can lead to problems consider the following example XML document .

    为了说明带有对象结构的 翻译资源的这种混合怎么会导致问题,考虑以下示例XML文档。

  • In the properties files translatable strings and untranslatable strings are separated into different files .

    而在属性文件中, 翻译字符串和不可翻译字符串分放在不同的文件中。

  • By reorganizing the document the translatable resources are clearly delineated from the object structure because they have been moved into separate files or subdocuments .

    通过重新组织该文档, 可以清晰地从对象结构描绘出 翻译资源,因为可 翻译资源已移入单独的文件或子文档。

  • Whether poetry is translatable or not ? This is a long-vexed question .

    诗是否 ,争论由来已久。

  • IllustrationMany projects are not able to fulfill globalization ( G11N ) requirements for language cultural or multilingual support and the product messages are not translatable for product delivery .

    图示许多项目在语言、文化以及多种语言支持方面不能实现全球化(Globalization, G11N)需求,产品信息也不能实现产品交付的

  • Translatable messages i.e.anything that you can change with the language editor ;


  • Sometimes it is hard to judge if a string is translatable .

    有时候,很难判断一个字符串是否是 翻译的。

  • Segmentation is the breaking down of a block of text into smaller translatable segments of text such as a sentence a paragraph or a phrase .

    分段就是将文本块分解成更小的 翻译文本段,比如句子、段落或短语。

  • Therefore you need to mark those strings as not translatable ; we call them Do Not Translate ( DNT ) strings .

    因此,需要将这些字符串标记为不 翻译。我们称之为DoNotTranslate(DNT)字符串。

  • In the first step you need to separate all the translatable strings from a Lotus Notes application .

    在第一步中,需要将所有 翻译字符串从LotusNotes应用程序中分离出来。

  • In Part 2 of this article series you will learn how to create governance policies and translatable messages and how to configure access controls .

    在本系列文章的第2部分,您将了解如何创建治理策略和 翻译的消息,以及如何配置访问控件。

  • The code and translatable strings of Lotus Notes applications are combined by their nature .

    LotusNotes应用程序中的代码和 翻译的字符串是合并在一起的。

  • My suggestion : Keep the content of translatable tags as flat as possible i.e.try to have translatable text that does not contain much HTML and TAL code .

    我的建议是:尽可能保持 转换标记简单化,尝试可转换文本不包含太多HTML和TAL代码。

  • To prevent confusion you need to review the strings carefully to make sure that no DNT strings are in translatable properties files and no translatable strings are in DNT files .

    为了避免混淆,需要仔细检查字符串,确保 翻译属性文件中没有DNT字符串,而且DNT文件中也没有可翻译字符串。

  • Filter programs use certain specifications as reference to distinguish between translatable text and formatting information .

    过滤程序引用特定的规范区分 翻译文本和格式化信息。

  • Isolate translatable text in resource bundles

    在资源包中分离出 翻译文本

  • All translatable sentences are replaced by special marks in the skeleton .

    所有 翻译的句子在提纲中被替换为特殊的记号。

  • In the new process DNT strings are kept in separate files and do not mix with translatable strings .

    在新的过程中,DNT字符串保存在单独的文件中,而没有与 翻译字符串混在一起。

  • Text extraction : Separation of translatable text from layout data .

    文本提取:从布局数据中分离出 可以 翻译的文本。

  • Remember the alias name is not translatable in the Lotus Notes application .

    记住,在LotusNotes应用程序中,别名是不能 翻译的。

  • This table keeps track of all the elements declared as translatable and is used after the main document is fully parsed .

    该表对所有声明 翻译的元素进行跟踪并在主文档完全进行语法分析后使用。

  • Extract all the translatable strings from the applications to be placed in properties files and put them into their respective folders .

    从应用程序中提取将放入到属性文件的所有 翻译字符串,并将它们放入到各自的文件夹中。

  • You should never use translatable strings as programming conditions .

    记住,永远不要将 翻译字符串用作编程条件。

  • Extract all translatable text from the original documents .

    从原始文档中抽取所有 可以 翻译的文本。

  • This page contains two translatable sentences and several tags that are irrelevant for a translator .

    该页面包含两个 翻译的句子和几个与翻译人员无关的标签。

  • Is lead really transmutable into gold ?; ideas translatable into reality .

    铅真的可以变成金子吗?; 可以变成现实的想法。

  • One solution is to heavily comment the source to specifically indicate the lines that are translatable .

    一种解决方案是大量地注释源码来特别指出 需要 翻译的行。

  • To aid the translator translatable text is separated from text layout information .

    为了帮助翻译人员,将 翻译的文本从文本布局信息中提取出来。

  • Keep in mind though that an element name which is the name displayed in the user interface is translatable .

    但是要记住,用户界面中显示的元素名称是 翻译的。

  • The translators then reproduce the document in other languages by copying the original and replacing each translatable element with the appropriate translations .

    接着翻译人员通过复制原始元素并用适当的翻译来替换每个 翻译元素来重新生成文档。