transition section

[trænˈzɪʃən ˈsɛkʃən][trænˈziʃən ˈsekʃən]


  • Judged from the current expressway operation there is bumping phenomenon widespread at the roadbed-bridge transition section .

    从目前已投入使用的高等级公路营运情况来看,在路桥 过渡 普遍存在跳车现象。

  • The problems of free surface and bubble simulation of the transition section should be studied .

    过渡 内水流的气泡及自由水面模拟等问题有待进一步研究。

  • Dynamic response properties of two-way subgrade in bridge-subgrade transition section under moving load

    动荷载下路桥 过渡 双线路基动力响应特性

  • The transition section is one of the must key technologies .

    过渡 问题是高速铁路必须解决的关键技术之一。

  • The Welding Quality Control of Lower Stand for Three Gorge Right Shore Project Construction Technology for Transition Section of Diversion Tunnel at Left Bank of Guandi Hydropower Station

    长江三峡电站右岸下机架焊接装配质量控制官地水电站右岸导流洞进口 渐变 施工技术

  • Gaoqiao new channel is the first transition section of shoals in Huangpu River .

    高桥新航道是黄浦江第一个 过渡 浅滩航道。

  • The article introduces the interrelation between superelevation transition section and transition curve and proposed the specific calculating method .

    结合《公路工程技术标准》、《公路路线设计规范》等平面线形设计中设置缓和曲线的目的,介绍了超高 过渡 和缓和曲线之间的相互关系,并提出进行超高设计的具体计算方法。

  • Rigorous coupled-wave method for diffraction efficiency calculation of blazed gratings Investigation on the influence of transition section on diffraction of detonation

    严格耦合波法计算闪耀光栅衍射效率 过渡 对爆震波衍射过程的影响分析

  • Research and design for the transition section of the flood discharge tunnel with pressure

    溪洛渡水电站左岸泄洪洞开挖施工技术有压泄洪隧洞出口 渐变 设计与研究

  • In the transition section radius should not less than the specified value on the pattern .

    过渡 内半径不得小于图样规定值。

  • Dynamic Analysis of Subgrade and Bridge-Subgrade Transition Section of High Speed Railway under the Vehicle-Subgrade Coupling Condition

    车&路耦合条件下高速铁路路基及桥路 过渡 结构系统动力分析

  • The water state of the transition section is studied and analyzed by the way of velocity vector and velocity contour .

    以速度矢量图和速度云图的形式对 过渡 内水流流态进行了研究分析,讨论了 过渡 内流速分布的特点。

  • Numerical Study of Flow and Heat Transfer in the Transition Section Combining the Gasifier with the Radiant Syngas Cooler conduction loss bolometer


  • Finite element analysis of thermal stress in transition section of coke tower

    焦炭塔 过渡 区域的热应力有限元分析

  • High-grade highway pipe-pile processing foundation transition section design defection case

    高等级公路管桩处理路基 过渡 设计缺陷案例

  • The water state of the transition section has direct effects to operational safety and stability of pressure flow section .

    过渡 内的水流流态直接影响有压流段的运行安全与稳定。

  • Applying for MARC software three-dimensional numerical model of differential settlement at bridge-subgrade transition section was built .

    应用MARC软件,建立路桥 过渡 差异沉降的三维计算模型。

  • Design on Flow Separation and Control in Transition Section of a Large Meridional Expansion Turbine

    大子午扩张涡轮的 过渡 分离控制设计

  • In this paper a transition structure from cut to fill of roadbed on permafrost regions is presented : a thermal-isolation layer is paved before the warm season in the transition section ;

    提出了多年冻土地区路堤、路堑过渡段的结构形式:为保护路基下面多年冻土,在整个 过渡 在暖季到来之前铺设保温材料;

  • The method of connecting a parallel resistance to transition section is proposed .

    理论分析结果表明,通过在 过渡 加上一个并联电阻的方法可以很好地解决二极管的预脉冲问题。

  • Vibration characteristics of high speed railway 's bridge-subgrade transition section Segmental bridges when properly designed will prove to be practically free of maintenance for many years .

    高速铁路路桥 过渡 振动特性试验研究分段桥梁经过适当设计可以多年不需要养护。

  • Test Study on the Dynamic Performance of the Track Structure at the Transition Section between Bridge and Plain Track

    路桥 过渡 轨道结构的动力性能试验研究

  • Investigation on the influence of transition section on diffraction of detonation

    过渡 对爆震波衍射过程的影响分析

  • Getting the tension distribution in belt width through analysis the belt in transition section and turnover section can provide certain theoretical reference for the design and research of the conveyor belt joint .

    对输送带 过渡 和翻转段进行分析,得到输送带在宽度方向张力的分布情况,进而为输送带接头的设计研究提供一定的理论参考。

  • Research on the Deformation and Strengthening Measures of Subgrade in Bridge-Subgrade Transition Section of Existing Heavy Haul Railway

    既有线重载铁路路桥 过渡 路基变形与加强措施研究

  • Through multiple simulation analysis and comparison to sure the geometry size of buffer segment and transition section theoretically .

    通过多次模拟分析比较,即而从理论上确定缓冲段和 过渡 的几何尺寸。

  • Research on Transition Section between the Ballasted Track and Ballastless Track on Subgrade of High-speed Railway

    高速铁路路基上有砟轨道与无砟轨道 过渡 研究

  • There happened to Be a telephone Booth near the Bus-stop . Construction Technology for Transition Section of Diversion Tunnel at Left Bank of Guandi Hydropower Station

    离公共汽车站不远正巧有一个电话亭。官地水电站右岸导流洞进口 渐变 施工技术

  • An Analysis of the Bumping Phenomenon at the Roadbed-bridge Transition Section of Expressways

    高速公路路桥 过渡 桥头跳车现象研究的分析