transition function

[trænˈzɪʃən ˈfʌŋkʃən][trænˈziʃən ˈfʌŋkʃən]


  • Study of DFH Frequency Transition Function Based on the Principle of Affine Cipher

    基于仿射密码原理的差分跳频频率 转移 函数研究

  • This paper presents a new HF hopping system which is called Differential Frequency Hopping ( DFH ) system . The frequency transition function and the method of signal detection are the key technologies in this system .

    本文介绍了一种新型的短波跳频通信技术&差分跳频,频率 转移 函数设计和信号的检测方法是差分跳频中的关键技术。

  • State transition function observation function and reward function are compressed by using dynamic Bayesian network to reduce the solving dimension and realize real-time decision .

    将信念状态空间的高维压缩到低维,利用动态贝叶斯网络对状态 转移 函数、观察函数和报酬函数进行压缩,降低求解规模,达到实时决策的目的。

  • Taking the double-frequency observation scheme as an example we have made spectral analysis about several responses of complex impedance system discussed the multi-solution and equivalency of the complex impedance system 's structure and worked out the four-terminal networks and impedance transition function of varied responses .

    以双频观测方案为例,对复阻抗系统的几种响应进行了频谱分析,讨论了复阻抗系统结构的多解性和等效性,并给出了各种响应所对应的四端网络及其阻抗 转移 函数

  • Frequency transition function of DFH system based on cloud model

    一种基于云模型的短波差分跳频频率 转移 函数

  • Transition function equation method for the simulation of wet steam flow is also developed and analyzed .

    对湿蒸汽流动计算的 过渡 函数方程方法也进行了发展和分析。

  • Then we also formulate the model of computing with values via lattice-valued finite state automata as well as the state transition function of the model of computing with words via lattice-valued finite state automata and the language accepted by lattice-valued finite automata .

    然后,给出了基于格值有限状态自动机的数值计算的形式模型。同时,建立了输入是词的格值有限状态自动机的 转移 函数以及格值有限状态自动机所接收的语言的定义。

  • For all the four models I derive either transition function or conditional characteristic function of spot VIX .

    对于这四个模型,本文推导了它们的 转移概率密度 函数或者条件特征函数。

  • Matching design of encoder and frequency transition function in different frequency hopping system

    差分跳频系统编码器与频率 转移 函数的匹配设计

  • You can represent the transition function as a two dimensional matrix dtran that returns the next state given an XML node .

    可以将 转换 函数表示为两维矩阵dtran,它会返回给定XML节点的下一个状态。

  • Discussion on the transition function of fixed quota pricing in engineering quantity list quotation mode

    定额计价在工程量清单计价模式下的 过渡 作用

  • The Differentiability of Three Point Transition Function for Two Parameter Jump Processes (ⅱ)

    两参数跳过程三点 转移 函数的可微性(Ⅱ)

  • According to the data of some plant seed dispersal showed by Howard ( 1991 ) 1 w_2673 the neighborhood function with 25 neighborhood cells and transition function were derived in this article .

    根据Howard(1991)提供的某一年生杂草种子的扩散数据,本文导出了一个25邻的邻域细胞函数和相关的 转移 函数

  • The fifth one introduces computer-aided energy transition function conceptual design prototype system including the global structure of prototype system every functional module operation interface and application .

    第五章研制了一个支持能量 转换 系统概念设计的原型系统ECACDES,详细介绍了系统的总体结构、各个功能模块、操作界面和应用实例。

  • The Continuity of Transition Function in Hilbert Space

    Hilbert空间上 转移 函数的连续性

  • Based on the encryption principle of affine cipher a frequency transition function of DFH is designed .

    基于仿射密码的加密原理,构造了一种差分跳频的频 转移 函数

  • In the attack model design the essential states and state transition function for the cyber attack modeling is defined the model behavior is made out the attack strategy is set down and the best strategy and the attack method are illuminated .

    在攻击模型的设计中,定义了它的基本状态和状态 跃迁 函数,说明了模型的行为,以及攻击策略的制定,最佳策略的选择,攻击选择原则等问题。

  • Zhang Lin and Hou ( 1999 ) made a study to the property of transition function and obtained the conditions of transition function is stochastically monotone strongly ergodic polynomial uniformly convergent . exponentially and Feller transition function .

    Zhang,Lin和Hou(1999)对 转移 函数的性质进行了讨论,得到了转移函数是随机单调的,强遍历,多项式一致收敛,指数遍历和Feller转移函数的条件。

  • In this paper the characteristics of the DFH technologies are described and the frequency transition function based on the recursive shift register is proposed .

    介绍了差分跳频技术的特点,构造了一类基于回归移位寄存器的频率 转移 函数

  • Frequency Transition Function Construction Algorithm of Differential Frequency Hopping System

    一种差分跳频系统频率 转移 函数构造算法零功率反应堆响应 函数

  • The relative saturation wetness ( transition function ) is defined and the approach by distinguishing different thermal property zones is developed .

    提出了蒸汽相对饱和湿度( 过渡 函数)的定义并采用了分区计算的方法。

  • Cellular automata is a new fast and effect theory tool for realizing image processing algorithm whose emphasis is on how to determine its state transition function .

    元胞自动机是一种新的快速、有效的实现各种图像处理算法的理论工具,其核心是状态 转移 函数的确定。

  • Each event is in the domain of the transition function belonging to the current node where the function 's range is a subset of the nodes .

    每个事件都在属于“当前”节点的 转移 函数的控制范围内,其中函数的范围是节点的一个子集。

  • A fast and accurate method of numerical simulation of nonequilibrium steam condensation flow is developed based on analytical derivation of parameters of Wilson point and transition function method .

    发展了一种非平衡态湿蒸气流动的快速准确数值模拟方法,该方法以解析化Wilson点参数及 过渡 函数算法为基础。

  • In generalizing marketization in the rural social changes exist a transition function integration and differentiation assimilation and urbanization functions .

    概而言之,市场化在农村社会变迁中存在 转型 功能、整合与分化功能、同化功能以及城镇化功能。

  • The method includes selection of transition function for Fourier filter algorithm of character picking-up of single object and algorithm of the data fusion .

    该方法包括用傅里叶变换对数据滤波的 转移 函数的选取、单目标特征提取算法以及数据融合的算法。

  • The differentiability of the probability transition function of a purely discontinuous stationary Markoff process on the Euclidean space

    欧氏空间上纯间断的时齐马可夫过程的概率 转移 函数的可微性

  • The distribution function of crack length at given time can be calculated by integration of the initial crack length distribution and the transition function of Markoff process .

    文中导出了用初始裂纹长度的分布及马尔可夫 转移概率密度 函数计算给定时刻裂纹长度分布的积分公式。

  • In other words to build the DFA you need to allocate as many states as there are possible stack configurations and compute the transition function between all these states .

    换句话说,要构建DFA,需要分配的状态数量与可能的堆栈配置数量相同,并且需要计算所有这些状态间的 转换 函数

  • As not only to detect the particular attack we get states which are related to events according to state transition function before detection which can make up the shortage of combining several state machines when the finite state machines are directly used .

    由于并不只是针对某个特定的攻击行为进行检测,所以在检测前根据状态 转移 函数得到与攻击事件关联的状态,避免了直接使用有限状态机时将多个状态机合并的不足。