transition frequency

[trænˈzɪʃən ˈfrikwənsi][trænˈziʃən ˈfri:kwənsi]


  • The Majorana transition frequency shift in cesium beam atomic frequency standards is theoretically investigated in this paper .

    本文对铯原子频标中的Majorana 跃迁 移进行理论上的探讨。

  • The relationship of switching transition losses and switching frequency and switching conduction losses and duty cycle are discussed by modeling the mathematical model of the switching losses . The simulation results verify the legitimacy of the mathematical model .

    通过对开关损耗数学模型的建立,探讨了开关 过程损耗与开关 频率和开关传导损耗与占空比的关系,仿真结果验证了数学模型的正确性。

  • Matching design of encoder and frequency transition function in different frequency hopping system

    差分 跳频系统编码器与频率 转移函数的匹配设计

  • Moreover the process by which detuning between the atomic transition frequency and the field frequency affects the evolution of the Bell-nonlocality of two macroscopic fields is studied .

    探讨原子 跃迁 频率和腔场频率之间的失谐量对两个宏观腔场贝尔非定域性的演化的影响。

  • This paper presents some experiment results based on the theoretical analyses given in the paper The Majorana transition frequency shift in cesium beam atomic frequency standards published in 1983 .

    本文介绍根据《铯原子束频标中的Majorana 跃迁 移》一文的理论分析结果进行的一些实验。

  • And in light of credit risk there are accounting-based ratio measurement method and volatility - based measurement method as well as the related concepts such as Credit Rating Z-score Transition Matrix Expected Default Frequency .

    针对信用风险度量的方法包括基于财务比率的风险测量方法和基于波动性的风险测量方法,与之相关的风险度量概念有信用评级、Z分数、 转换矩阵、违约 频率

  • These rules are based on the extraction of all parasitic parameters of the layout and device modeling including transition behavior high frequency characteristics of the different materials and electrostatic couplings to printed circuit board ( PCB ) conductors and to the ground .

    这些规则是基于抽取PCB的敷线和器件模型的所有寄生参数而建立的,寄生参数的抽取考虑到了 瞬态行为,不同材料的 高频特性,PCB不同导体和各导体对地间的静电耦合。

  • When phase-locking to the clock transition line the frequency of the LO is calibrated by the neutral atoms or single ion .

    当本振激光被精密锁定到 钟跃迁谱线后,其 频率由中性原子或单离子来校准,此时它是光钟的输出信号。

  • The system employs the combined 0.618 optimizing method with one-dimensional searching method to search the optimum arc voltage and to achieve the target of highest transition frequency with changeable steps .

    同时,系统采用优选法(0.618法)和变步长法相结合的分段寻优控制器,实现以最高短路 过渡 频率为目标的电弧电压自寻优。

  • The proposed low pass filter is based on the prototype of Chebyshev filter and with a notch added in the transition band for better frequency selectivity .

    所设计的滤波器以切比雪夫滤波器为原型,在滤波器 过渡带加入一个陷波,使得滤波器具有良好的 频率选择性。

  • When a chipped divergent atomic beam interacts with a chipped divergent laser beam in space atoms will be excited to upper state and then emit fluorescence if Doppler frequency shift equals the difference between the atomic transition frequency and the laser frequency .

    发散的片状原子束和发散的片状激光束在空间相互作用,当多普勒频移等于原子 跃迁 频率和激光器频率之差时,原子被激发并在空间发光。

  • The clock transition frequency and linewidth of the clock transition line were obtained by scanning the microwave frequency in a narrow region .

    通过减小微波扫描的频率范围,得到 钟跃迁 频率和谱线线宽。

  • When the laser intensity and pulse duration are fixed with the increase of vibrational quantum number the multi-photon resonance transition frequency becomes smaller which is consistent with the energy level distribution of non-harmonic oscillator .

    当激光的强度和脉冲持续时间一定时,随着振动能级的升高,各级多光子共振 跃迁 频率越来越小,说明了能级间隔越来越密,这与非谐振子的能级分布相吻合。

  • This paper mainly introduces a solution about the last frequency transition circuit of Rb atomy frequency standard which is based on FPGA + DDS technology .

    对铷 标电路部分最终的频率变换级提出了一种基于 FPGA+DDS的解决方案。

  • It is also indicated that the notable ISO is an important auspice for the occurrence and the development of El Nino . The process of low frequency transition to the lower frequency fluctuation energy is an important mechanism associated with the occurrence of El Nino .

    分析表明,近赤道季风区显著低频振荡是ELNino发生发展的一个重要前兆, 低频振荡能量向甚低频 转移和输送可能是ELNino发生的一个重要机理。

  • In the early 1970s saturated absorption was invented and it can eliminate the Doppler effect . So the atomic transition frequency can be measured precisely .

    70年代发明的饱和吸收光谱技术可以消除原子的多普勒频率展宽,精密测量原子的共振 跃迁 频率

  • Our calculated results show that the most important factor that impacts the optical transition frequency is the width of well .

    计算结果表明:影响光 跃迁 频率的最大因素是阱宽,随着阱宽的增加,光 跃迁 频率 逐渐减小;

  • Laser frequency standard is high precision laser whose frequency is locked on the transition frequency between hyperfine energy levels of atom or molecule .

    激光频率标准是将激光频率锁定于原子或分子的超精细能级间的 跃迁 频率,从而获得高精密度的激光 频率输出。

  • The mid-frequency is a transition frequency band between low frequencies and high frequencies in which the structure response exhibits both low-frequency and high-frequency vibration features .

    中频是从低频向高频的 过渡 频段,结构振动在此频段内兼具两个频段的振动特征。

  • The result showed that the peak of tg δ has been appeared after the reference temperature . With the increasing of the pressure the glass transition temperature moved towards higher frequency of about 1.5 orders of magnitude .

    结果表明,丁腈橡胶的tgδ测试段在高于参考温度以后出现,因而随着压力的增加,玻璃 温度相应升高,峰值往 高频移动达大约1.5个数量级。

  • Protocol Anomaly Detection Based on Transition and Frequency of Attribute

    基于 转移 频率特征的协议异常检测

  • Results show that interband transition onset frequency linearly increases with the increase of metallic particle diameter approximately .

    研究发现带间 跃迁起始 频率随纳米金属直径(25-100nm)的减小近似线性的减小。

  • Frequency Transition Function Construction Algorithm of Differential Frequency Hopping System

    一种差分 跳频系统频率 转移函数构造算法零功率反应堆 响应函数

  • We show that the luminescence has mainly two emission peaks : one peak corresponds to the red shift relative to the central transition frequency and the other to the blue shift .

    理论结果表明:非定域激子复合发光具有双峰特征,两峰相对于中心 跃迁 频率的红移和蓝移量与电子和空穴的 振荡 频率密切相关。

  • The transfer of populations is controlled by the detuning of the pump laser from the transition frequency and the delay between Stark-shifting pulse and pump pulse .

    如图1-1所示,通过选择两脉冲之间的不同延迟时间量和泵浦场 跃迁的不同净失谐 Δ0,将在能级之间产生不同的布居转移情况。皆无转移。