transition fit

[trænˈzɪʃən fɪt][trænˈziʃən fit]


  • China is in a political and economic transition period in the transition process for a variety of systems and policies do not fit . Makes the society generated a lot of rent-seeking behavior .

    中国正处在一个政治、经济转轨的时期,在这个 转轨的过程之中由于各种制度、政策的不 配合使得社会中产生了大量的寻租行为。

  • The threads for transition fit

    GB/T1167-1996 过渡 配合螺纹

  • In their process of transition from non-standard enterprise system to modern corporate system the small and medium-sized private enterprises ( SMEs ) in China are commonly faced with the problem of how to construct a set of corporate governance systems that best fit themselves .

    我国中小民营企业在从非规范企业制度向现代公司制度的 转型过程中,普遍面临着如何建立起 适合本公司的法人治理结构问题。

  • At the same time it had good friction-reducing performance with a smooth transition from fluid film lubrication at low temperature to solid film lubrication at elevated temperature which could fit the need of lubrication in a wide temperature range .

    实验结果表明,纳米硫代钼酸镍颗粒作为润滑油添加剂具有良好的分散稳定性和抗磨性,可以实现从室温的流体润滑形式平稳 过渡到高温时的固体润滑形式, 满足宽温度范围减摩的需要。

  • The theoretical calculation value of some common transition fit is compared with practical statistical Value which is of practically reference to the accuracy selection in mechanical design .

    并对几种常用 过渡 配合的理论计算值及实际统计值作比较,这对于机械设计中的精度选择有实际参考意义。

  • This chapter introduces a way by which interference fit or clearance fit probability needed in transition fit can be exactly designed when selecting transition fit and applying probability statistic theory .

    介绍设计过程中选用过渡配合时,应用概率统计理论,精确设计 过渡 配合中需要出现过盈、间隙配合概率的方法。

  • Probability Analysis and Control of Hole and Axle Dimension Error In Transition Fit

    过渡 配合中孔轴尺寸误差的概率分析与控制

  • Therefore it is necessary for us to quicken our steps in government function transition and establish a system fit for international rules .

    因此,我们还需加大政府职能 转变的力度,尽早建立起一个 符合国际规范的外经贸管理体制。