transient distortion

[ˈtrænʃənt dɪˈstɔrʃən][ˈtrænziənt dɪˈstɔ:ʃən]


  • Results show that the predicted current control and transient current control can reach the control aims such as voltage stabilization of DC-link low harmonic distortion of the line current and unity power factor .

    仿真结果表明,预测电流控制和 瞬态电流控制可以达到直流侧电压稳定、网侧电流 谐波小、网侧单位功率因数等控制目标。

  • During the arc transient process the high frequency content makes the line voltage distortion which influences the precision of voltage obtaining and correct operation .

    电弧 暂态过程中存在的高频分量使得线路电压 发生 畸变,影响了线路电压量的获取精度,对继电保护设备的正确动作产生一定的影响。

  • The transient thermal-optical distortion in the Nd : YAG laser rod repeat pulse-pumped by high power ring-LD array has been simulated in detail by using ray tracing method and finite element method .

    从高功率环形LD阵列的发光特性出发,用光线追迹法和有限元方法计算得到高功率激光二极管阵列重复脉冲抽运棒状激光器在线偏振状态工作下的 瞬态畸变

  • The main contents of power energy include frequency deviation voltage deviation voltage fluctuation and flicker voltage unbalance temporary or transient over-voltage wave distortion voltage dips and interruption power supply reliability and so on .

    电能质量的内容包括频率偏差、电压偏差、电压波动与闪变、三相不平衡、暂时或 瞬时过电压、波形 畸变、电压暂降与短时中断以及供电连续性等。

  • A three-dimensional transient finite element model is established to solve the temperature and thermal stress distribution in laser medium . Thermal wavefront distortion is also solved with the measured pump profile after that the impact of pump uniformity is discussed .

    建立了三维、 瞬态的有限元模型求解介质的温度场、热应力分布,并提出了一种基于实测泵浦光斑求解热致波前 畸变的方法,讨论了泵浦不均匀性的影响。

  • Design Rule for Eliminating Transient Intermodulation Distortion of Audio Power Amplifier

    消除音频功率放大器 互调 失真的设计准则

  • The advantage of class A2 AB2 or B2 is the complete lack of blocking distortion or transient intermodulation distortion .

    的优势,一流的素A2,AB2型,或B2是完全没有“阻断失真”,或 瞬态互调 失真

  • It 's hard to measure the transient pulsed laser wavefront in inertial confinement fusion ( ICF ) system by the conventional methods for its short pulse width large energy high power and large distortion .

    惯性约束聚变(ICF)系统中高能 瞬态脉冲激光由于脉冲时间短、能量高、波前 畸变大,通常的检测方法难于检测脉冲激光波前。

  • Joint time-frequency analysis of the transient signal distortion in MMIC microstrip lines

    MMIC的微带线中 瞬态信号 失真的联合时频分析

  • Objective To evaluate the validity of transient evoked otoacoustic emissions ( TEOAE ) and distortion product otoacoustic emissions ( DPOAE ) in newborn hearing screening and to establish the feasible pass / fail criteria of screening .

    目的研究 瞬态诱发耳声发射(transientevokedotoacousticemisions,TEOAE)和 畸变产物耳声发射(distortionproductotoacousticemisions,DPOAE)应用于新生儿听力筛选的可行性,探讨听力筛选的标准。

  • The measured distortion parameters included : duration of initial transient duration of final transient harmonic distortion and frequency response .

    其中可测量失真参数包括:前沿瞬态时间、后 沿 瞬态时间、谐波 失真和频率响应。

  • Conclusion For infants and young children who failed the behavioral hearing test it is a good way to adapted ABR and middle ear impedance measure transient evoked otoacoustic emission ( TEOAE ) distortion product otoacoustic emission ( DPOAE ) to estimate their thresholds .

    结论采用有频率特异性的 纯音刺激的ABR,结合耳声发射、中耳声导抗能较好地评估5岁以下无法配合行为测听的儿童的听阈。

  • Simulation of Transient Thermal-optical Distortion in Rod Laser Pulse-Pumped by Ring-Laser-Diode Array

    环形激光二极管阵列脉冲抽运激光棒中 瞬态畸变分析

  • To study the clinical significance of transient evoked otoacoustic emissions ( TEOAE ) and distortion product otoacoustic emissions ( DPOAE ) method in neonatal hearing screening .

    通过 瞬态诱发耳声发射(TEOAE)和 畸变产物耳声发射(DPOAE),探讨其在黄疸新生儿听力筛选中的临床意义。

  • The results showed that the elliptic beam shape was caused by the azimuthal magnetic field of transient currents which past through the parallel charging capacitor and the method for solving beam shape distortion in transmission was also presented .

    结果表明椭圆形轰击束斑是由通过旁路电容的 瞬态电流产生的方位角磁场所引起的,并且提出了解决束斑 变形的有效方法。

  • The transient temperature distribution and thermal distortion of optical coating components under an annular high-power continuous wave laser radiation

    环状连续强激光下光学薄膜的 温和热 畸变

  • Transient Temperature Distribution of Slab Gain Media Self-Corrected Thermal Distortion of Wavefront

    波面热 畸变自校正型板条增益介质的 瞬态温度分布

  • Kirchhoff balance equation and transient dynamics balance equation of sucker rod are set up by using momentum theorem and dynamics principle in the scope of finite distortion .

    运用动量定理和动力学原理建立了抽油杆柱在有限 变形范围内的Kirchhoff平衡方程和 瞬态动力学平衡方程。

  • Data compressions for power consumption signal voltage interruption signal and transient harmonic distortion signal are simulated and the compression results with different decomposition levels and threshold coefficients are compared . Results prove its feasibility and effectiveness .

    对用电消耗信号、电压间断信号及 暂态谐波 失真信号进行了压缩仿真,并比较了这些信号在不同分解层次和门限限定系数取值时的压缩效果,结果验证了该方法的可行性和有效性。

  • Class A discrete transformerless preamplifier for transparency extremely fast transient response and no crossover distortion .

    A类,离散的,变压器的前置放大器的透明度,极快的 瞬时反应,并没有交越 失真

  • This paper introduces a middle and high frequency current sensor . The sensor uses Fe-based super microcrystalline soft magnetic alloy as core and can measure 20 kHz transient current Its linearity reaches up to 0 6 % without frequency distortion .

    介绍了一种中高频暂态电流传感器,这种电流传感器采用非晶态合金作为导磁材料,能测量20kHz的 暂态电流,线性度达0.6%,无频率 失真