transit time

[ˈtrænsɪt taɪm][ˈtrænsit taim]


  • a transit time of about 42 minutes .

    大约42分钟的 运送 时间

  • Researching on transit time chain is the basic theory of traffic assignment which has important value .

    公交 出行 时间链的研究是公交网络配流及网络优化的理论基础,其权重值的分析计算具有重要的实用意义。

  • Analysis of pulse transit time variability based on LZ complexity

    基于LZ复杂度的脉搏 传播 时间变异性分析

  • Based on this model the electron transit time the current gain and the cutoff frequency are calculated .

    并在此模型基础上对电子在基区中的 时间、HBT的电流增益和截止频率等进行了计算。

  • Breath hydrogen test after a bean meal demonstrates delayed oro-cecal transit time in children with chronic constipation .

    儿童便秘患者豆类饮食后呼氢试验显示口盲 传输 时间的延长。

  • Preprocessing methods for spectrum analysis of pulse transit time variability

    脉搏 传播 时间变异性谱分析的预处理方法研究

  • The inulin hydrogen breath test accurately reflects orocaecal transit time .

    菊粉氢呼气试验精确反映口盲 传输 时间

  • If less time could be spent accelerating the shuttle and the transit time of the shuttle through the shed could be reduced higher loom speeds could be obtained .

    如果减少给梭子加速用的时间,而且 梭子穿过梭口的 时间也能减少,织机便可以以较高的速度运转。

  • Colonic fermentation bacterial growth fecal bulking transit time and the energy value of foods are all affected by the presence of resistant starch .

    结肠发酵、细菌生长、粪便体积、 排空 时间和饲粮能量值等都受到抗性淀粉的影响。

  • The slurry has good rheology and short transit time ;

    具有良好的流变性,较短的稠化 过渡 时间

  • They increase intestinal and fecal bulk which lowers intestinal transit time and helps prevent constipation .

    它们增加肠和盲肠的填充量,降低肠 转送 时间,防止便秘。

  • Certain commodities and high-value shipments may require additional transit time for customs clearance .

    特定物品和高价值货件可能会因为海关通关而需要额外的 运输 时间

  • Objective This study examined the colonic transit time and anorectal motor in children with constipation .

    目的小儿便秘的病理生理基础目前尚不清楚,该文对结肠 传输 时间和直肠肛管测压在儿童便秘中应用的意义进行初步探讨。

  • Transit time information for multiple commodities is not supported in this application at this time .

    目前暂不能提供多货品货件的 运送 时间信息。

  • Through extracting pure mudstone interval transit time we conduct mudstone undercompaction study .

    提取纯泥岩段声波 时差,进行泥岩欠压实研究。

  • The article introduces the principle and method to carry out bit moulding and model selection applying interval transit time .

    本文介绍应用声波 时差进行钻头选型的原理和方法。

  • Good . Can I get lower transportation charges through slow irregular transit time ?

    好。我能否承租不定期 运输船来降低我的运输费用呢?

  • Qualitative identification and quantitative evaluation of fracture and pore have been conducted by use of interval acoustic transit time litho-density logging combined with core analysis .

    还利用声波 时差、岩性密度等测井技术,结合岩心分析,开展裂缝、孔隙的定性识别和定量评价;

  • For example we don 't buy or sell checks for the same rate as cash because of the transit time involved .

    比如,我们买进或卖出支票与买进或卖出现金使用不同的兑换率,因为这里涉及到 转寄 时间的问题。

  • If the transit time is less than the pulse build-up time it can hardly influence the pulse width .

    研究结果表明 时间小于脉冲建立时间时,对脉冲的建立不产生明显的影响。

  • Avalanche transit time diode

    雪崩 时间二极管

  • This paper analyzed the factors influence interval transit time data and introduced the method of pretreatment . According to the effective stress theorem the physical model for stress-strain relationship of formation rock and the mechanics model for pressure calculation were set up by using interval transit time data .

    分析了声波 时差资料的影响因素,介绍了进行预处理的方法,并根据有效应力定理,利用声波时差资料建立了地层岩石应力&应变关系的物理模型和压力计算的力学模型。

  • Some experts believed that the reason might be that the transit time of the colon was delayed .

    有专家认为其原因可能与结肠 通过 时间延长有关。

  • Calculations Concerning the Electron Transit Time for an Ideal Cylindrical and an Ideal Spherical Vacuum Microelectronics Diode

    圆柱面和球面真空微电子二极管内电子 时间的计算

  • By use of interval transit time data the characteristics of displacement pressure and overpressure of mudstone cap rocks in lower cycle of K1d1 was studied .

    通过泥岩盖层单层厚度、累计厚度、泥地比、排替压力和超压的分布特征研究得到,大一 下旋 泥岩盖层综合封闭能力以好和中等为主。

  • But instrument installation and protection needs to be considered when acoustic transit time flowmeter being used .

    但应用 时差法流量计时,要注意考虑安装和防护问题。

  • Effects of Electron Temperature Distribution on Base Transit Time of SiGe HBT

    电子温度对SiGeHBT基区 时间的影响

  • She rates Emirates highly and says the transit time is very short .

    霍德对阿航给予很高评价,她称 转机 时间很短。

  • Three perfusion CT parameters of hepatic perfusion index ( HPI ) mean transit time ( MTT ) and permeability-surface area product ( PS ) were compared among controls patients and subgroups .

    通过包括肝灌注指数,造影剂平均 通过 时间和渗透表面积乘积等三个灌注CT的参数在对照组,研究组及其亚组进行了比较。