


  • Virus translocation was also reduced in the presence of HBV immunoglobulin .

    乙肝免疫球蛋白的存在也减少了病毒的 转运

  • The intestinal morphology permeability of intestinal mucosa bacterial translocation and gut immune barrier function were compared .

    观察肠道形态学、道黏膜通透性、道细菌 易位情况和血浆 内毒素 水平及肠道免疫功能检测。

  • Mutations can be a change in a single base of DNA ( point mutation ) or a loss of base pairs ( deletion ) affecting a single gene or a movement of chromosomal regions ( translocation ) affecting many genes .

    突变可以是DNA的单个碱基变化(点突变)或一个基因中的一对碱基对丢失(缺失突变),或染色体的一段 移位从而影响很多基因。

  • Karyotyping Analysis on A Family with Balanced Translocation of Chromosomes

    一个染色体平衡 易位家系的核型分析

  • Detective rate small accessory chromosome and balanced translocation are discussed .

    对染色体异常检出率、额外小染色体及平衡 易位 携带者进行了讨论。

  • Characteristics of Nitrogen Accumulation and Translocation in Plants of Wheat Varieties with Different Qualities

    不同品质类型小麦品种植株氮素积累和 运转特点

  • Observation of bacteria translocation and intestinal mucosa injury in pigment gallstone model in guinea pig

    肠黏膜损伤和细菌 易位对豚鼠胆色素结石形成的影响

  • The experimental study of bacterial translocation in rats with obstructive jaundice

    梗阻性黄疸大鼠肠道细菌 易位的实验研究

  • Effects of post-anthesis irrigations on carbon and nitrogen assimilate translocation in high-oil corn were investigated in field experiments .

    在大田条件下,研究了花后灌水对高油玉米碳氮积累和 运转的影响。

  • Soybeans have been the subject of extensive studies on Fe absorption and translocation .

    大豆一直是铁的吸收和 运转方面广泛研究的主题。

  • Methods Used Hydrocortisone to prepare immunosuppressive mice model in order to induce bacterial translocation .

    方法应用氢化可的松制备小鼠免疫功能抑制模型,造成肝脏细菌 易位

  • Relationship between Morphological Change and Bacteria Translocation in Intestinal Mucosa after Hemorrhagic Shock in Rats

    大鼠失血性休克肠黏膜形态学变化及与肠道菌 移位的关系

  • Comparative Analysis on Accumulation Translocation and Redistribution of Nitrogen in Different Wheat Varieties

    不同类型小麦植株氮素同化、 运转和分配比较分析

  • This study was aimed to explore the relationship of6 ; 9 chromosome translocation with DEK-CAN fusion gene expression in patients with acute myeloid leukemia ( AML ) and its clinical significance .

    本研究旨在探讨急性髓系白血病(AML)患者6;9染色体 易位与DEK-CAN融合基因表达之间的关系及临床意义。

  • The second process involves another type of genetic accident called a chromosomal translocation .

    第二种过程涉及到称为染色体 移位的另一类基因故障。

  • Translocation occurs when a fragment of one chromosome becomes attached to a non-homologous chromosome .

    一段染色体跟非同源染色体连在一起时就发生 易位

  • Potassium nutrition on dry matter and nutrients accumulation and translocation at reproductive stage of maize

    钾素营养对玉米生育后期干物质和养分积累与 转运的影响

  • Relationship between bcl-2 Gene Translocation 、 Amplification and Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma

    bcl-2基因 易位及扩增与弥漫性大B细胞淋巴瘤的关系研究

  • Effect of Cd Stress on Lipid Peroxidation and Cd Uptake and Translocation in Wheat Seedling

    镉胁迫对小麦幼苗膜脂过氧化作用及镉吸收 转运的影响

  • The effect of limited fluid resuscitation on bacterial translocation in pregnant rabbit with hemorrhagic shock

    限制性液体复苏孕兔失血性休克对肠道细菌 移位的影响

  • The transport of materials in plants is called translocation .

    植物中物质的输送称为 运输 作用

  • Effect of arginine enriched TPN and standard TPN on the bacterial translocation

    精氨酸增强TPN与常规TPN对大 肠道细菌 易位影响的比较 研究

  • Streaming is still the only hypothesis to account for translocation in fungus .

    流还仅仅是一种解释真菌中 转移的假说。

  • These translocation domains exist in bacterial toxin viral proteins transcriptional factors homodomain and synthetic peptides .

    这些 转运结构域广泛的存在于毒素蛋白、病毒蛋白、转录因子、同源结构域及合成肽当中。

  • He also performs a translocation of the wheel to prove there is no hidden axle drive .

    他还演奏了 易位的车轮证明并无隐轴传动。

  • Intestinal bacterial translocation is the prime source of pancreas infection .

    胰腺感染细菌的来源主要是肠道细菌的 移位

  • Effect of Different Irrigation Frequency and Amount on Nitrogen Uptake Translocation of Winter Wheat

    不同灌溉次数和灌溉量对冬小麦氮素吸收 转移的影响

  • Though the arrangement process is very complicated there are three basic operations : translocation reversal and transposition .

    虽然其生物过程非常复杂,但可归结为三种基本操作: 移位、反转和转位。